Conversational AI documentation
Google Cloud Conversational AI is a collection of conversational AI tools, solutions and APIs, both designers and developers can use:
Conversational AI Platforms (CAIP)
- Dialogflow ES for building small to medium, and simple to moderately complex virtual agents. (Console)
- Dialogflow CX for building large and complex virtual agents. (Console)
Contact Center Solutions
- Contact Center AI (CCAI) for automating conversations in contact centers. (Console)
- CCAI Platform a Contact Center as a Service (CCaaS).
- CCAI Insights for processing and identifying call drivers and sentiment. (Console)
- Agent Assist for supporting human agents during calls and chats by providing real-time assistance. (Console)
- Dialogflow CX for building virtual agents in contact centers. (Console)
There are many different ways to get started with Contact Center AI. Different products and tools are better suited for different technical requirements and types of users. The flowchart below is deigned to guide you to the right product to solve a given problem in CCAI, whether you're just getting started or trying to determine where to go next in your journey to improve your customer experience.
Language and Voice processing APIs
- Speech-to-Text (STT) for transcribing spoken voice to text. (Console)
- Text-to-Speech (TTS) for synthesizing written text to human voice.
- Text-to-Speech Custom Voice allows you to train a custom voice model using your own studio-quality audio recordings to create a unique voice.
- Natural Language for understanding text.
- Translation for translating text.
Related Products
- Business Messages Delight customers and drive results right from Google Search, Maps, and brand-owned channels. (Console)
- Google Assistant Actions on Google is a development platform for the Google Assistant. It allows the third-party development. (Console)
- Looker Dialogflow Analytics Parser Block
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Documentation resources
Get Started
Create a project in Google Cloud
Setup Billing
Enabling Services
Cloud SDK
Setup IAM
Create a Dialogflow CX agent
CX reusable resources: flows
CX reusable resources: intents
CX reusable resources: entities
CX controls: pages
CX controls: state handlers
Create a Dialogflow ES agent
Integrate Speech to Text in your app
Integrate Text to Speech in your app
Text to Speech Preview Gallery
Blogs & Research Articles
Contact Center AI reimagines the customer experience through full end-to-end platform expansion
Reaching more customers with Contact Center AI
Monitor your conversations, get started with CCAI Insights
Taking customer conversations to the next level with AI-powered Business Messages
Google Cloud expands CCAI and DocAI solutions to accelerate time to value
Six new features in Dialogflow CX
HSBC deploys Dialogflow, easing call burden on policy experts
Albertsons Companies helps customers find COVID-19 vaccines with Business Messages
Gartner names Google a leader in 2021 Magic Quadrant for Cloud AI Developer Services report
Conversational AI drives better customer experiences
Google Duplex: An AI System for Accomplishing Real-World Tasks Over the Phone
BERT: Understanding searches better than ever before
LaMDA: Towards Safe, Grounded, and High-Quality Dialog Models for Everything
Introduction to MUM
Introduction to Meena
BERT & MUM: How AI powers great Search Results
Dialogflow CX components created by the open-source community
Tech with Sachin Dialogflow GDE (Youtube Channel)
Dialogflow Blogs by Developer Advocate Lee Boonstra
Dialogflow Facebook Group
Google Developer Experts Programma (Machine Learning / Dialogflow)
Google Cloud Innovators Champions Program
Dialogflow CX Stack Overflow
Dialogflow ES Stack Overflow
Business Messages Office Hours & Newsletters
Business Messages Community
Related resources
Related videos
7 best practices for Dialogflow CX
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IVR platform & 1 click integrations
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Creating a multi-flow agent with Dialogflow CX
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Creating a single-flow conversational agent
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Introducing pages and transitions in Dialogflow CX
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What is Dialogflow CX?
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Integrate Dialogflow with Google Chat
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Production ready chatbots with SpringML
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Conversation design best practices
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How to integrate Dialogflow with Google cloud ML APIs
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Create Frontend Django client for Dialogflow
In this episode of Deconstructing Chatbots, Priyanka Vergadia will show how to create a frontend Django Client for Dialogflow. You will learn how to use Dialogflow APIs in your own custom app Get started with DialogFlow →
Create FAQ Chatbot with Dialogflow
In this episode of Deconstructing Chatbots, +Priyanka Vergadia will show how to create a FAQ chatbot using Dialogflow’s Knowledge connector in less than two minutes. Knowledge Connectors → Dialogflow →
Fulfillment: Integrating Dialogflow with BigQuery
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Fulfillment: How to Integrate Dialogflow with Google Calendar
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Integrating Dialogflow with Twilio Messaging Service
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Understanding Entities in Dialogflow
In this episode of Deconstructing Chatbots, Priyanka Vergadia shows you the 3 types of system entities: system, developer, and session. You will cover Dialogflow's mechanism for identifying and extracting useful data from user input. Get started with
Integrate Dialogflow with Telephony Gateway
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Integrate Dialogflow with Actions on Google
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How to Build an Appointment Scheduler with Dialogflow
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Getting Started with Dialogflow
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Deconstructing Chatbots - An Overview
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