Track your spend-based milestone credits (contract pricing)

This page describes spend-based milestone credit programs, which are promotional credits that you might get as part of a custom pricing contract.

For information on custom pricing contracts, contact Google Cloud sales, or your Google Cloud Technical Account Manager.

Depending on the terms of your contract, you might be enrolled in multiple spend-based milestone programs, where you earn credits by spending specific amounts on Google Cloud resources. Example programs include the following:

  • A program that gives you 25% in credit for every dollar you spend, after you reach the milestone of spending $100 on BigQuery in a month.

  • A program that gives you $30 in credit every time you spend $200 on Compute Engine resources.

The promotional credits that you receive act as a payment method, and are automatically applied to your costs.

Learn more about types of credits that you can see in your Cloud Billing tools.

Track your spend-based milestone credit programs in the Google Cloud console

If you have a contract that includes spend-based milestone credits, use the Spend-based milestones tab in the Credits page of the Google Cloud console to view a summary of each program and credit milestones associated with the program.

  1. Open the Credits page in the Google Cloud console.

    Go to Credits

  2. Select your Cloud Billing account from the list, then select Spend-based milestones.

    If you don't see the Spend-based milestones tab, you might not have a custom pricing contract, or you might not be enrolled in any spend-based milestone credit programs.

  3. To view information about an active spend-based milestone program, such as upcoming milestones, and how much you've earned in credits, click Jump to program, and select the program.

    In the program's summary, the descriptive name of the credit milestone program is below the heading.

Track credits that have been applied to your costs

When you receive promotional credits, they're automatically applied to your eligible costs. You can use the cost table report or the Cloud Billing export to BigQuery to analyze your usage costs, and see the detailed breakdown of how your credits are applied to reduce your costs.

View credits for a specific invoice in the cost table report

The cost table report helps you reconcile the costs and credits on a specific invoice or statement. To view your spend-based milestone credits in the cost table, use the following configuration:

  1. Open the cost table in the Google Cloud console.

    Go to Cost table

  2. Click Table configuration , and from the Group by menu, select No grouping.

  3. Click Column display options, and enable the Credit type, Credit name, and Credit ID columns.

  4. In the Filters section, select the following options:

    • Select an Invoice month.
    • Optionally, if you know the services that your credits are applied to, select them from the Services menu.
    • Under Credits, select Promotions, and clear all Discounts options.
  5. In the cost table, click the Credit type column header to sort the rows by the type of credit.

    Your spend-based milestone credits are shown with the credit type PROMOTION, broken down by each SKU they apply to. Use the Credit name column to identify the credits that are part of the same milestone.

  6. To download your report as a comma-separated value (CSV) file, click Download to CSV.

Learn more about using the cost table report to analyze your costs.

View credits in the billing export to BigQuery

You can use the Cloud Billing export to BigQuery to export detailed billing data to a BigQuery dataset, and use the data for detailed analysis of your costs.

In your exported data, the name of the credit is in the credits.full_name column. The following queries show examples of data that you can get about credits from your BigQuery export.

Example: get all promotional credits for usage before a specific date

This example gets all the line items for credits that were applied before March 1, 2024:

c.full_name AS CreditName, c.type AS CreditType,
 usage_start_time as UsageStart, cost AS Cost
FROM `project_name.dataset_name.gcp_billing_export_resource_v1_XXXXXX_XXXXXX_XXXXXX`,
 UNNEST(credits) AS c
 c.type = "PROMOTION"
 DATE(TIMESTAMP_TRUNC(usage_start_time, Day, 'US/Pacific')) < '2024-03-01';

Example: get information about specific promotional credits

This example uses the name of the credit to get all the usage that the credit was applied to.

c.full_name AS CreditName, c.type AS CreditType,
 usage_start_time AS UsageStart, cost AS Cost
FROM `project_name.dataset_name.gcp_billing_export_resource_v1_XXXXXX_XXXXXX_XXXXXX`,
 UNNEST(credits) AS c
 c.full_name like "%example%"

Learn more about the Cloud Billing data export to BigQuery.