You can discover and manage applications and databases on a Linux host that weren't automatically discovered by the Backup and DR agent. Once you've discovered one or more applications, you can protect them all at once by applying a backup template and profile or you can simply add them to the applications list as unmanaged or ignored VMs.
Use Linux Change Block Tracking to protect your generic applications
This option leverages the Linux Change Block Tracking (CBT) driver and tracks block level changes to logical volumes for incremental backups. Databases and applications that run on Linux can be discovered and managed using this option.
During the management console configuration, you may have already added the hosts that have the applications to your appliances. See Add a Host for more information.
Linux Change Block Tracking requirements
Linux CBT requires the following:
Linux application volumes managed by Linux logical volume manager (LVM)
At least 20% free space for the Linux application's LVM volume group, not including the boot volume when protecting the application
A Linux host with a Backup and DR agent installed
A Linux host running a supported version of the Linux operating system, refer to the Backup and DR support matrix).
Successful operation normally requires some scripting work, which is often minimal, but may be extensive. If you need assistance, contact Support for help.
Protect your generic applications
Use the following instructions to discover and protect generic applications:
In the management console, click the App Manager drop-down menu and click Applications.
Click Add Application.
Select Generic App (volume based) and then follow the steps in the wizard.