Access historical reports

This page provides instructions on how to access the report manager's built-in historical reports in a CSV format that are exported to a Cloud Storage bucket. It also provides instructions on how to modify the data retention period of the reporting data.

Modify data retention period

By default, the reporting data for your reports is retained as per the existing retention period defined in the report manager. By default, the retention period is set to one year. With Modify data retention period, you can extend the retention period up to 10 years and modify the retention period between 1 day and 10 years.

If you reduce the data retention period, you won't be able to retrieve the data for the period that has been reduced. For example, changing the data retention period from 10 years to eight years results in the loss of reporting data for the oldest 2 years.

Use the following instructions to modify data retention period:

  1. Click the Reports tab and select Export historical reports from the drop-down menu.
  2. Click Modify data retention period.
  3. In the Retain data for the field, enter the retention period and select Year, Month, Week, or Day from the drop-down.
  4. Select the Select to confirm that you would like to modify the data retention period checkbox.
  5. Click Save.

    It can take one day for the modified retention period to take effect.

Export historical reports

To export historical reports, you need the following:

  • A Cloud Storage bucket. This bucket serves as the destination for the exported report. You can Create a new Cloud Storage bucket or use an existing bucket.
  • Assign the Storage Object Creator (roles/storage.objectCreator) IAM role to the bucket. This role provides permissions to access to the Cloud Storage bucket where the report is to be exported. Assigning the role to the bucket is a one-time activity.
  • Be assigned with the Backup and DR Backup User (roles/backupdr.backupUser) IAM role to export reports.

Use the following instructions to export historical reports to a Cloud Storage bucket:

  1. Click the Reports tab and select Export historical reports from the drop-down menu.
  2. Click the icon and select From and To dates.
  3. From the Report to export section, select reports from one of the following categories that you want to export.

    • Audit
    • Jobs
    • Protection
    • Backup plan compliance
    • Summary
    • Utilization
  4. In the Bucket name field, enter the bucket name that you created to export the built-in reports.

  5. To assign the permissions to the Cloud Storage bucket, do the following. This role provides access to the Cloud Storage bucket where the report is to be exported.

    1. Go to the Google Cloud console and click Activate cloud shell.
    2. Copy and paste the command that is displayed in the management console. This role provides permissions to access the Cloud Storage bucket where the report to be exported.

      gcloud storage buckets add-iam-policy-binding gs://BUCKET_NAME --member=SERVICE_ACCOUNT --role=roles/storage.objectCreator

      Replace the following:

      • BUCKET_NAME: the name that is given to storage bucket.
      • SERVICE_ACCOUNT: the service account associated with storage bucket. For example,
  6. After assigning the permissions, go to the management console, and select the Prerequisites checkbox.

  7. Click Export.

  8. Optional: Click View details to view the detailed export status of reports.

    The reports are exported to a Cloud Storage Buckets in a CSV format.

Access the exported reports in Cloud Storage bucket

Use the following instructions to access the exported reports in a Cloud Storage bucket:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Cloud Storage Buckets page.

    Go to Buckets

  2. Select the bucket that you have used to export reports.
  3. Select a report and click Download.