Protected resource logs

This page explains how to view the protected resource logs created in Cloud Logging for backup/recovery appliances. These logs provide information about the number of applications and virtual machines (VMs) protected in an appliance. These logs are generated once every eight hours.

Permissions and roles

You need the IAM permission roles/logging.viewer to view the protected resource logs. The Logs Viewer role gives you read-only access to view protected resource logs of all backup/recovery appliances in the specified project. For more information about the IAM permissions and roles that apply to protected resource logs data, see Access control with IAM.

View protected resource logs

You can view Backup and DR protected resource logs in Cloud Logging by using the Google Cloud console and the Google Cloud CLI.

In the Google Cloud console, you can use the Logs Explorer to retrieve the Backup and DR protected resource log entries for your backup/recovery appliances:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Logging > Logs Explorer.
  2. Select an existing Cloud project.
  3. In the Query builder pane, select gcb_protected_resource from the Select Log name drop-down.

The Google Cloud CLI provides a command-line interface to the Cloud Logging API. To read your protected resource log entries of backup/recovery appliances in a project, run the following command:

gcloud logging read "logName : projects/PROJECT_ID/logs/" --project=PROJECT_ID

Protected resource log format

Backup and DR protected resource log entries include the following fields:



Appliance name

The name of the appliance associated with the resource.

Resource name

The name of the resource.

Host ID

The host ID associated with the resource.


The hostname associated with the resource.

Resource ID

The resource ID.

Resource type

The type of resource, for example, Compute Engine instance, Google Cloud VMware Engine, file system, or database.

Protected on

The date when the resource was protected.

Source appliance

The source appliance where the backup is taken.

Remote appliance

The remote appliance where the backup is replicated.

Backup plan restrictions

The restrictions applied to a backup plan. The restrictions can be scheduler disabled, expiration disabled, snapshots disabled, streamsnap disabled, OnVault disabled, or process latest snapshot.

Backup inclusion or exclusion

The volumes or databases that are included or excluded for virtual machines or database instances.

Appliance ID

The appliance ID associated with the protected resource.

Source appliance ID

The source appliance ID associated with the protected resource.

Remote appliance ID

The remote appliance ID associated with the protected resource.

Protected data (GiB)

The size of the protected data.

Backup template

The name of the backup template used to protect the application.

Backup template ID

The template ID associated with the protected application.

OnVault (GiB)

The size of data protected using OnVault pool.

Recovery point

The timestamp when the last successful backup was taken.

Policy overrides

The policy overrides that are set at the backup template level.


The protection ID associated with the resource.

The following sample is an example log entry logged on a backup/recovery appliance baname-417-ba-12092 for a Compute Engine instance.

      "insertId": "5614471_142862358970",
      "jsonPayload": {
        "protected_on": "2024-02-27T01:16:28.357675",
        "host_id": "11072",
        "sla_id": "12241",
        "onvault_in_gib": 0,
        "appliance_id": "142862358970",
        "protected_data_in_gib": 20,
        "remote_appliance": "ironman-417-ba-12092",
        "source_appliance": "ironman-417-ba-12092",
        "recovery_point": "2024-03-12T11:13:45.574",
        "backup_plan_policy_template_id": "11892",
        "resource_type": "GCPInstance",
        "backup_inclusion_or_exclusion": "NA",
        "resource_name": "test-instance-129",
        "resource_id": "11073",
        "backup_plan_restrictions": "NA",
        "policy_overrides": "NA",
        "host_name": "test-instance-129",
        "source_appliance_id": "142862358970",
        "backup_plan_policy_template": "30-min-schedule-continuous",
        "remote_appliance_id": "142862358970",
        "appliance_name": "ironman-417-ba-12092"
      "resource": {
        "type": "",
        "labels": {
          "resource_container": "projects/xxxxxxxxxxxx",
          "location": "us-central1",
          "management_server_id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
      "timestamp": "2024-03-12T11:15:42.138Z",
      "logName": "projects/project_ID/logs/",
      "receiveTimestamp": "2024-03-12T11:17:56.894501906Z"

Sample queries

To view selected logs, you can write custom queries in the query section.

Use the following query to view all the protected resource logs for a given PROJECT_ID:


If you are looking for protected resource logs with a backup policy template name.


If you are looking for protected resource logs associated with a backup/recovery appliance.


If you are looking for the protected resource logs associated with a particular resource.


If you are looking for protected resource logs associated with a specific host.


What's next