Backup and recovery job logs

This page explains how to view the job logs created in Cloud Logging for backup/recovery appliances. These logs provide insight into the jobs of your backup/recovery appliance, for example, job successes, failures, or other statuses.

Permissions and roles

You need the IAM permission roles/logging.viewer to view the job logs. The Logs Viewer role gives you read-only access to view job logs of all backup/recovery appliances in the specified project. For more information about the IAM permissions and roles that apply to job logs data, see Access control with IAM.

View job logs

You can view Backup and DR Service job logs in Cloud Logging by using the Google Cloud console and the Google Cloud CLI.

In the Google Cloud console, you can use the Logs Explorer to retrieve the Backup and DR Service job log entries for your backup/recovery appliances:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Logging > Logs Explorer.

    Logs Explorer

  2. Select an existing Google Cloud project.

  3. In the Query builder pane, select gcb_backup_recovery_jobs from the Select Log name drop-down.

The Google Cloud CLI provides a command-line interface to the Logging API. Read your job log entries of backup/recovery appliances in a project:

 gCloud Logging read "logName : projects/PROJECT_ID/logs/gcb_backup_recovery_jobs"\--project=PROJECT_ID

Job log format

Backup and DR Service job log entries include the following fields:



Appliance name

The name of the appliance associated with the job.

Resource name

The name of the resource associated with the job.

Backup consistency

This displays if the backup is crash consistent or application consistent.

Backup data copied (GB)

The size of backup data copied.

Backup plan

The name of the backup plan used for backup jobs.

Backup rule

The name of the backup policy used for backup jobs.

Backup rule ID

The backup policy ID used for backup jobs.

Backup type

The type of the backup performed. It can be either full copy or incremental. For log backups, it is shown as Log.

Compression ratio

The compression ratio achieved before sending the data to object storage. This is valid for both OnVault and direct to OnVault jobs.

Data change rate

The percentage that data copied is of resource size (used data).

Data sent (GB)

The total amount of data sent to the remote site for this job. This is valid only for streamsnap jobs.

Data written (GB)

The amount of data written into the relevant pool at the remote site. This is valid only for streamsnap jobs.

Error code

The error ID assigned to the unsuccessful job.

Error message

The error message for a job.

Host ID

The host ID associated with a job.


The hostname associated with the job.

Job category

This displays if the job is for backup or recovery.

Job duration

The duration taken to complete the job.

Job end time

The end time of the job.

Job ID

The ID associated with a job.

Job initiation failure reason

The reason for not initiating or starting a job.

Job name

The name of the job.

Job type

The actual job type, for example, snapshot, OnVault, streamsnap, or restore.

Job start time

The start time of the job.

Job status

The status of the job. The status can be Succeeded, Failed, Canceled, Retry, or Not run.

Job queued time

The timestamp of the job queue for queued jobs.

Log backup

This field is displayed for database applications with the log backup types DB and Log. When a DB backup is taken, this field displays the DB backup type. When only a Log backup is taken for the DB, this field displays the log backup type.

OnVault Pool Storage Consumed (GB)

The size of the OnVault pool consumed.

Pre compress (GB)

The size of the resource precompression for OnVault jobs.

Resource data size (GB)

The size of the protected resource.

Resource ID

The resource ID associated with a job.

Resource type

The type of resource, for example, Compute Engine instance, VMware Compute Engine, or a database.

Recovery point

The date of when the last successful backup was taken.

Snapshot disk size (GB)

The snapshot size of the recovered application.

Target appliance ID

The ID of the target appliance associated with a job.

Target hostname

The name of the target host.

Target host ID

The ID of the target host.

Target appliance name

The name of the target appliance associated with the job.

Target pool ID

The ID of the target OnVault pool used for backup jobs.

Target pool name

The name of the target OnVault pool used for backup jobs.

The following sample is an example log entry logged on a backup/recovery appliance appliance-test5-64573 for a snapshot job.

        "insertId": "1717974_145859162970",
        "jsonPayload": {
        "target_host_name": "appliance-test6-8299",
        "hostname": "uistress-sql19stdm",
        "target_pool_name": "act_per_pool000",
        "error_code": 0,
        "data_sent_in_gib": 0,
        "compression_ratio": 0,
        "job_status": "succeeded",
        "job_duration_in_hours": 0.02,
        "job_initiation_failure_reason": "",
        "log_backup": "",
        "recovery_point": "2024-01-18T05:03:04Z",
        "resource_name": "DB02",
        "pre_compress_in_gib": 0,
        "job_name": "Job_1717931",
        "backup_consistency": "Application Consistent",
        "onvault_pool_storage_consumed_in_gib": 0,
        "job_id": "1717973",
        "job_queued_time": "2024-01-18T05:05:01Z",
        "host_id": "4677",
        "job_type": "Log Replicate",
        "resource_data_size_in_gib": 0.02,
        "target_appliance_id": "145240780891",
        "appliance_name": "appliance-test5-64573",
        "snapshot_disk_size_in_gib": 10,
        "target_pool_id": "73",
        "data_change_rate": 11.33,
        "backup_type": "Incremental",
        "target_host_id": "4677",
        "data_copied_in_gib": 0,
        "data_written_in_gib": 0,
        "resource_id": "57587",
        "resource_type": "SqlServerWriter",
        "error_message": "",
        "backup_rule_policy_id": "72954",
        "backup_plan_policy_template": "Copy of _a_logsmart_2023_11_23_15_44_8",
        "job_end_time": "2024-01-18T05:06:17Z",
        "job_category": "Backup Job",
        "backup_rule_policy_name": "logsmart_snap",
        "target_appliance_name": "appliance-test6-8299",
        "job_start_time": "2024-01-18T05:05:04.377Z"
        "resource": {
        "type": "",
        "labels": {
              "management_server_id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
              "location": "us-central1",
              "resource_container": "projects/xxxxxxxxxxxx"
        "timestamp": "2024-01-18T05:07:04.697Z",
        "logName": "projects/project_ID/logs/",
        "receiveTimestamp": "2024-01-18T05:08:12.139517321Z"

Sample queries

You can write custom job queries in the query section to view selected logs.

Use the following query to view all the job logs associated with backup/recovery appliances for a given PROJECT_ID:


Use the following query for specific appliance backup recovery job details.


Use the following query for specific backup recovery job details that run for a specific resource.


Use the following query for specific jobs that ran for a given resource name and backup template.


Use the following query for backup recovery jobs that run for applications for a specific host.


Use the following query if you are searching logs related to specific job types. Make sure to use uppercase OR operators in the query.

    jsonPayload.job_type=("Snapshot" OR "Mount")

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