Testing your published Google Cloud Marketplace products

After your products are published on Google Cloud Marketplace, you can test them without being charged for your usage of the products. This page describes how to set up your products for testing.

Set up your products for testing

To set up your published Cloud Marketplace products for testing, you must:

  1. Create one or more Test Billing Accounts for your testing. For detailed steps, see Create a Test Billing Account.

  2. Have a Pricing review approved for at least one Cloud Marketplace product.

Receive invoices for test usage

After you've added your Cloud Billing account as a Test Billing Account for your published Cloud Marketplace products, you still receive invoices for usage of your products. However, the charges you would otherwise incur for using your products are canceled out by matching discounts.

The invoice includes the following details:

  • For each of your published Cloud Marketplace products, your usage of that product, included in the invoice just as your customers' usage is included in their invoices.

  • A discount representing 100% of your testing usage of your published Cloud Marketplace products, with the description Marketplace Partner Testing.

  • Charges for any Google Cloud infrastructure that you used to test the product. For more information about billing for Cloud Marketplace, visit Understanding billing for Cloud Marketplace. For standard usage fees for Google Cloud infrastructure, see the Google Cloud Pricing Overview.