Analyze data on GKE using BigQuery, Cloud Run, and Gemma

This tutorial demonstrates how to derive insights from big datasets by using BigQuery, Cloud Run, and the Gemma LLM. In this tutorial, you deploy a sample application to Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). The sample app leverages BigQuery for data storage and processing, Cloud Run for request handling, and the Gemma LLM for analyzing data and generating predictions based on incoming prompts.

This tutorial is intended for cloud platform administrators and architects, Data and AI specialists, ML engineers, and MLOps (DevOps) professionals. Before reading this page, ensure that you're familiar with Kubernetes and a notebook environment like Jupyter.

As a prerequisite to this tutorial, you must complete the tutorial Serve Gemma open models using GPUs on GKE with Hugging Face TGI. The TGI framework facilitates the model serving process.

Why GKE and BigQuery

BigQuery is a Platform as a Service (PaaS), fully managed, serverless data warehouse that enables scalable analysis over petabytes of data. BigQuery lets you focus on analyzing data to find meaningful insights while using familiar SQL and built-in machine learning.

Using GPUs on GKE with TGI, you can deploy a Gemma language model to analyze and summarize user interactions in natural language. Subsequently, by integrating BigQuery with GKE, you can use BigQuery to efficiently handle massive datasets (like Google Analytics) and the model's natural language understanding capabilities to generate meaningful insights.

For example, as a data scientist or analyst, or a business decision-maker in an ecommerce company, you might want to understand user behavior on your website or app. This insight can help you optimize and personalize user journeys and make informed business decisions to boost sales.

In this scenario, you could take raw Google Analytics data from BigQuery, feed it to the Gemma model, and receive page visit summaries and insights in natural language. The Gemma model, which runs on scalable infrastructure with GPU acceleration from GKE, rapidly processes user journey data, identifying patterns and trends. You could gain insights to pinpoint popular product combinations, reveal common drop-off points in the checkout process, and highlight successful marketing campaigns driving traffic to specific landing pages.


This solution offers a streamlined workflow with the following advantages:

  • BigQuery integration: use BigQuery to store and process large datasets (like the Google Analytics data in this tutorial). This lets you query and aggregate the data needed for the model's analysis.
  • GPU acceleration: run the Gemma model on a GKE cluster with GPU support to speed up the inference process, generating predictions much faster than with the CPU-based processors.
  • Reduced cost and time: save time and resources by using the open source, pre-trained Gemma language model, eliminating the need to build a custom model from scratch.


In this tutorial, you learn how to:

  1. Deploy the model and expose it: create a service YAML file to define an internal load balancer to access the Gemma model.
  2. Create a BigQuery remote function: run Python code to define a remote function that takes Google Analytics data, constructs prompts for the model, sends requests to the model's endpoint using the load balancer, and returns the model's response.
  3. Configure the Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) network: set up a VPC network and a VPC connector to enable secure communication between BigQuery and the GKE cluster. This is crucial for the remote function to access the model endpoint.
  4. Analyze data: analyze the data using BigQuery DataFrames, or directly in SQL by using the bq command-line tool. Run provided code snippets in a Colab Enterprise Notebook to:
    • Query Google Analytics data from BigQuery by using SQL.
    • Apply the remote function to the data to generate insights from the Gemma model.
    • Display the results.


The following architecture diagram shows the components involved and how they interact:

Data analysis architecture

  • Use a Colab Enterprise notebook to execute your Python code. With Python, you can use the bigframes library to simplify your SQL interactions.
  • BigQuery serves as your big data processing engine, empowering the use of SQL to interact with the data.
  • The remote function invokes a Cloud Run function. The data is automatically routed to the remote function where it's prepared and sent over to GKE for inference.
  • The results are sent back to BigQuery and displayed in a table.


In this document, you use the following billable components of Google Cloud:

To generate a cost estimate based on your projected usage, use the pricing calculator. New Google Cloud users might be eligible for a free trial.

When you finish the tasks that are described in this document, you can avoid continued billing by deleting the resources that you created. For more information, see Clean up.

Before you begin

Make sure to complete the following prerequisites:

Select or create a project

You can use an existing project, or create a new one for this tutorial.

  1. Sign in to your Google Cloud account. If you're new to Google Cloud, create an account to evaluate how our products perform in real-world scenarios. New customers also get $300 in free credits to run, test, and deploy workloads.
  2. In the Google Cloud console, on the project selector page, select or create a Google Cloud project.

    Go to project selector

  3. Make sure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud project.

Enable the APIs

Enable the Artifact Registry, Compute Engine, GKE, IAM Service Account Credentials, Cloud Functions, Cloud Build, Cloud Run Admin, Cloud Logging, Serverless VPC Access, BigQuery, Dataform, Vertex AI APIs.

Enable the APIs

Set up Cloud Shell

In this tutorial, you use Cloud Shell to run gcloud and kubectl commands. Cloud Shell is a shell environment for managing resources hosted on Google Cloud. It comes preinstalled with the Google Cloud CLI and kubectl command-line tool.

In the Google Cloud console, activate Cloud Shell.

Activate Cloud Shell

A Cloud Shell session opens inside a frame lower on the console.

Before you run commands in this tutorial, make sure that your default project is set to the project ID where you want to deploy the sample app. If it's not already set, run the following command in the Cloud Shell:

gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID

Replace PROJECT_ID with your project ID.

Grant IAM roles

Ensure that your user account and the Compute Engine default service account in your project have the required Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles for this tutorial.

Grant roles to your user account. Run the following command once for each of the following IAM roles: roles/aiplatform.colabEnterpriseAdmin, roles/run.invoker, roles/container.admin, roles/iam.serviceAccountAdmin, roles/logging.logWriter

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding PROJECT_ID --member="user:USER_IDENTIFIER" --role=ROLE
  • Replace PROJECT_ID with your project ID.
  • Replace USER_IDENTIFIER with the identifier for your user account. For example,

  • Replace ROLE with each individual role.

Grant roles to your Compute Engine default service account. Run the following command once for each of the following IAM roles: roles/logging.logWriter, roles/artifactregistry.writer, roles/storage.objectViewer

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding PROJECT_ID --member="" --role=ROLE
  • Replace PROJECT_ID with your project ID.
  • Replace PROJECT_NUMBER with your project number to construct the Compute Engine default service account domain for your project. For example,
  • Replace ROLE with each individual role.

Serve a Gemma model

Go to the tutorial Serve Gemma open models using GPUs on GKE with Hugging Face TGI and follow the instructions starting from Before you begin through Interact with the model using curl to ensure that your Gemma model is deployed successfully and you can interact with it.

For the purpose of this tutorial, deploy the Gemma 2B-it model.

Set up VPC network

Create or use the VPC network in the us-central1 region so that your remote function can connect to the GKE cluster. In this tutorial, use the Default VPC.

To ensure that your BigQuery dataset, remote function, and the underlying Cloud Run functions are deployed in compatible locations, the VPC network must be in the same region as your BigQuery remote function. In this tutorial, when you set BigQuery DataFrames options while creating a remote function, you specify US as a location for your dataset, which defaults to the us-central1 region for your Cloud Run functions. Therefore, create or use the VPC in the us-central1 region.

Create a load balancer

Follow these instructions to create an internal load balancer in your GKE cluster:

  1. Create the following tgi-2b-lb-service.yaml manifest:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
    name: llm-lb-service
    annotations: "Internal"
      app: gemma-server
    type: LoadBalancer
    - protocol: TCP
      port: 8000
      targetPort: 8000
  2. Open a new Cloud Shell terminal and run the following command to apply the manifest:

    kubectl apply -f tgi-2b-lb-service.yaml
  3. Get the load balancer IP address. You might need to wait for 1-2 minutes before this IP address can be fetched:

    kubectl get service llm-lb-service --output yaml | grep ip:

You'll use this IP address to communicate with your gemma-server application that's running behind the load balancer.

Create a connector

You use a Serverless VPC Access connector to send and receive requests through your VPC network without using the public internet. For more information, see Serverless VPC Access.

In this tutorial you create a connector with a new, dedicated subnet to avoid any IP address conflicts with existing resources in the VPC. For instructions, see the Create a connector section and follow the gcloud instructions for the Create a connector and a new subnet section.

Alternatively, if you want to use an existing subnet, follow the instructions for the Create a connector using an existing subnet section.

For more information, see Connector subnet requirements.

Create a notebook

In this tutorial, you use a Colab Enterprise notebook to run all your code for defining the BigQuery remote function and performing the analysis.

To create a Colab Enterprise notebook by using Google Cloud console:

  1. In Google Cloud console, go to the Colab Enterprise Notebooks page:

    Go to Notebooks

  2. In the Region menu, select us-central1. This is the same region where you create all your services in this tutorial.

  3. Next to Files, click Create a notebook.

Your new notebook appears on the My notebooks tab.

To run code in your new notebook, insert a new code cell in your notebook for every command or a code snippet you want to run.

Create a BigQuery remote function

One of the ways you can define a BigQuery remote function is by using the bigframes library. In this section, use bigframes to create a remote function called process_incoming. This remote function takes Google Analytics data as an input, constructs a prompt, and sends it to your Gemma model for analysis.

In the Colab Enterprise notebook you created:

  1. Click + Code to insert a new code cell.
  2. Copy the following code in the new code cell:

    # Install the necessary packages on the notebook runtime
    %pip install --upgrade bigframes --quiet
    import bigframes.pandas as bpd
    import os
    import ast
    import requests
    # Replace the following  variables
    # Use the format ip:port
    # For example, "10.128.05:8000"
    lb_url = "LOADBALANCER_IP_ADDRESS:8000"
    # Set BigQuery DataFrames options
    bpd.options.bigquery.project = "PROJECT_ID"
    bpd.options.bigquery.location = "US"
    # Update the VPC connector name with the one you created
    vpc_connector_name = "VPC_CONNECTOR_NAME"
    # Create a remote function using bigframes
    def process_incoming(data):
      ga_data = ast.literal_eval(data)
      USER_PROMPT = """
          'The following are the results from Google Analytics.
          They are reverse ranked.
          reverse_event_number 1 is the last page visited.
          reverse_event_number 2 is the second last page visited.
          You are given the following data.
          Can you summarize what was the most popular page people landed on and what page they came from?
      url = 'http://{}/generate'.format(lb_url)
      myobj = {
          "inputs": USER_PROMPT,
          "temperature": 0.90,
          "top_p": 0.95,
          "max_tokens": 2048
      x =, json=myobj)
      result = x.text
      return (result)
    function_name = process_incoming.bigframes_remote_function
    print (f"The function name is: {function_name}")

    Replace the following:

    In this tutorial, the location of your BigQuery dataset is set to US, which defaults to us-central1 region.

  3. Click Run cell.

The output displays the name of the function similar to the following:

The function name is: PROJECT_ID.ga_demo.ga_explain_example

Analyze user behavior

In this section, you analyze user behavior on your website using the process_incoming remote function in either of the following two ways:

  • using BigQuery DataFrames
  • using the bq command-line tool to run a query directly in SQL.

Use BigQuery DataFrames

To run the remote function using BigQuery DataFrames in the Colab Enterprise notebook you created:

  1. Click + Code to insert a new code cell.
  2. Copy the following code in the new code cell, and click Run cell.
# Generate a list of all matchups and their histories as a JSON

grouping_sql = """
data_table as (
   rank() over (partition by user_pseudo_id order by event_timestamp desc) as reverse_event_number
   `bigquery-public-data.ga4_obfuscated_sample_ecommerce.events_20210131` as events20210131,
   unnest (events20210131.event_params) as events
 where events.key = 'page_location'
 qualify reverse_event_number < 3
*,TO_JSON_STRING (data_table) as ga_history
from data_table
limit 10;


ga_df = bpd.read_gbq(grouping_sql)
post_processed = ga_df.assign(results=ga_df['ga_history'].apply(process_incoming),axis=1)

The following output shows the sample results of the query:

user_pseudo_id string_value event_timestamp reverse_event_number ga_history results axis
0 2342103247.0307162928 1612096237169825 2 {"user_pseudo_id":"2342103247.0307162928","str... {"generated_text":"\n 'The following are...
1 48976087.6959390698 1612056537823270 2 {"user_pseudo_id":"48976087.6959390698","strin... {"generated_text":"\n \n ```python\n imp...

Use bq command-line tool

Alternatively, you can use the bq command-line tool to perform analysis directly using SQL.

To run the remote function using bq command-line tool in the Colab Enterprise notebook you created:

  1. Click + Code to insert a new code cell.
  2. Copy the following code in the new code cell, and replace PROJECT_ID with your project ID.

    # Update with your PROJECT_ID
    function_name = 'PROJECT_ID.ga_demo.ga_explain_example'
    new_sql = """'with \
    data_table as ( \
    SELECT \
    distinct \
      user_pseudo_id, \
      events.value.string_value, \
      event_timestamp, \
      rank() over (partition by user_pseudo_id order by event_timestamp desc) as reverse_event_number \
    FROM \
      `bigquery-public-data.ga4_obfuscated_sample_ecommerce.events_20210131` as events20210131, \
      unnest (events20210131.event_params) as events \
    where events.key = "page_location" \
    qualify reverse_event_number < 3 \
    ) \
    select \
    *, `{}`(TO_JSON_STRING (data_table)) as result \
    from data_table \
    limit 10;' \
    # Run query using bq cli directly in a notebook cell
    !bq query --use_legacy_sql=false \
  3. Click Run cell.

The following output shows the sample results of the query:

user_pseudo_id string_value event_timestamp reverse_event_number result
86037838.0267811614 1612128627715585 1 {"generated_text":"Answer:\n The most popular page was\n The next most popular page was the page they came from.\n\n Explanation:\n\nThe provided data shows that the current user visited Google's merchandise store specifically for the product "Google Dino Game Tee." \n \nImportant Considerations:\n\n* Data Interpretation: You can't definitively say the"}
4024190.3037653934 1612085948486438 1 {"generated_text":"\n ```python\n import pandas as pd\n\n data = {'user_pseudo_id': ['4024190.3037653934', '4024190.3037653934', '4024190.3037653934'],\n 'string_value': ['"}

Clean up

To avoid incurring charges to your Google Cloud account for the resources used in this tutorial, either delete the project that contains the resources, or keep the project and delete the individual resources.

To avoid incurring charges to your Google Cloud account for the resources used in this tutorial, delete the individual resources.

  1. Delete your Colab Enterprise notebook.
  2. Delete your Colab Enterprise runtime.
  3. Delete your BigQuery function. Make sure your Service Account has the bigquery.routines.delete permission. For more information, see BigQuery permissions.
  4. Delete your BigQuery external connection.
  5. Delete your Cloud Run functions.
  6. Delete your GKE cluster.
  7. Delete your VPC connector.

What's next