Dataflow 是一种用于执行各种数据处理模式的托管式服务。本网站上提供的文档介绍如何使用 Dataflow 部署批量数据处理流水线和流式数据处理流水线,其中包括各项服务功能的使用说明。

Apache Beam SDK 是一个开源编程模型,既可用于开发批处理流水线,又可用于开发流处理流水线。您可以使用 Apache Beam 程序创建流水线,然后在 Dataflow 服务上运行这些流水线。Apache Beam 文档提供了有关 Apache Beam 编程模型、SDK 和其他运行程序的深入概念性信息和参考资料。

如需了解 Apache Apache 基本概念,请参阅 Beam 导览Beam PlaygroundDataflow 实战宝典代码库还提供了即时可用且独立的流水线以及最常见的 Dataflow 应用场景。

Apache、Apache Beam、Beam、Beam 徽标和 Beam 萤火虫吉祥物是 Apache Software Foundation 在美国和/或其他国家/地区的注册商标。

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Get familiar with RAG → What is RAG? → What is Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) and how does it enhance generative AI capabilities in apps? Watch along as Googlers Aja Hammerly and Jason Davenport

What if you could harness your IoT data to instantly predict anomalies, optimize performance, and make split second business decisions. Dataflow provides the speed and scale you need to turn raw sensor data into actionable intelligence. Watch more

Deploy sample code → One-pager with use cases & case studies → Unlock the power of real-time insights from Internet of Things (IoT) devices with Dataflow. Discover how Dataflow can process high