Examples of automated cost control responses

Example reference architecture

Diagram of an example using budget alert programmatic notifications
            to automate a cost control response.
Figure 1: Illustrates an example of using budget alerts to automate cost control responses using Pub/Sub for programmatic notifications and Cloud Run functions to automate a response.

If you're cost conscious and need to control your environment relative to your budget, then you can use programmatic budget notifications to automate your cost control response based on the budget notification.

Budget notifications use Pub/Sub topics to provide a real-time status of the Cloud Billing budget, using the scalability, flexibility, and reliability of enterprise message-oriented middleware for the cloud.

This document has examples and step-by-step instructions on how to use budget notifications with Cloud Run functions to automate cost management.

Set up budget notifications

The first step is to enable a Pub/Sub topic for your budget. This is described in detail at Manage programmatic budget alert notifications.

After enabling budget notifications, note the following:

  • Pub/Sub Topic: This is the configured notifications endpoint for the budget.
  • Budget ID: This is a unique ID for your budget that's included in all notifications. You can locate the budget's ID in your budget under Manage notifications. The ID is displayed after you select Connect a Pub/Sub topic to this budget.

The Manage notifications section in the Google Cloud console, where you can
         connect a Pub/Sub topic to a budget. It includes the
         Budget ID, project name, and Pub/Sub topic.

Listen to your notifications

The next step is to listen to your notifications by subscribing to your Pub/Sub topic. If you don't have a subscriber, then Pub/Sub will drop published messages and you can't retrieve them later.

Although there are many ways you can subscribe to your topic, these examples use Cloud Run function triggers.

Create a Cloud Run function

To create a new Cloud Run function:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Cloud Run functions page.

    Go to Cloud Run functions page

  2. Click CREATE FUNCTION and give the function a name that's meaningful to your budget.

  3. Under Trigger, select Pub/Sub topic.

  4. Select the topic that you configured on your budget.

  5. Provide source code and dependencies for the function to run.

  6. Ensure you set the Function to execute to the correct function name.

The Create function page in the Cloud Run functions section in the
         Google Cloud console. It includes the function name, amount of memory
         allocated, the type of trigger, and the Pub/Sub topic
         that you configured on your budget.

Describe your Cloud Run function

To tell your Cloud Run function what you want it to do with the notification, you can either write code using the inline editor or you can upload a file. For details about the notifications your code will receive, see Notification Format.

For example, a function might log received Pub/Sub notifications, attributes, and data when triggered by a budget notification. To learn more, see Pub/Sub Triggers.

View your Cloud Run function events

After you save the Cloud Run function, you can click VIEW LOGS to view your logged budget notifications. This shows the logs from your function invocations.

Shows where you can find view logs on the screen and the list of
         Cloud Run function events in the Google Cloud console.

Test your Cloud Run function

Notifications are sent to Pub/Sub and subscribers receive the messages. To test a sample notification to make sure your function is working as expected, publish a message in Pub/Sub using this object as the message body:

    "budgetDisplayName": "name-of-budget",
    "alertThresholdExceeded": 1.0,
    "costAmount": 100.01,
    "costIntervalStart": "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
    "budgetAmount": 100.00,
    "budgetAmountType": "SPECIFIED_AMOUNT",
    "currencyCode": "USD"

You can also add message attributes such as the billing account ID. See the full notification format documentation for more information.

Send notifications to Slack

Email isn't always the best way to stay up-to-date on your cloud costs, particularly if your budget is critical and time sensitive. With notifications, you can forward your budget messages to other mediums.

In this example we describe how to forward budget notifications to Slack. This way, every time Cloud Billing publishes a budget notification, a Cloud Run function uses a bot to post a message to a Slack channel of the bot's workspace.

Set up a Slack channel and permissions

The first step is to create your Slack workspace and the bot user tokens that are used to call the Slack API. API tokens can be managed at https://api.slack.com/apps. For detailed instructions, see Bot Users on the Slack site.

Configure Slack notifications.

Write a Cloud Run function

  1. Create a new function following the steps in Create a Cloud Run function. Ensure that the trigger is set to the same Pub/Sub topic that your budget is set to use.

  2. Add dependencies:


    Copy the following to your package.json:

      "name": "cloud-functions-billing",
      "private": "true",
      "version": "0.0.1",
      "description": "Examples of integrating Cloud Functions with billing",
      "main": "index.js",
      "engines": {
        "node": ">=16.0.0"
      "scripts": {
        "compute-test": "c8 mocha -p -j 2 test/periodic.test.js --timeout=600000",
        "test": "c8 mocha -p -j 2 test/index.test.js --timeout=5000 --exit"
      "author": "Ace Nassri <anassri@google.com>",
      "license": "Apache-2.0",
      "dependencies": {
        "@google-cloud/billing": "^4.0.0",
        "@google-cloud/compute": "^4.0.0",
        "google-auth-library": "^9.0.0",
        "googleapis": "^143.0.0",
        "slack": "^11.0.1"
      "devDependencies": {
        "@google-cloud/functions-framework": "^3.0.0",
        "c8": "^10.0.0",
        "gaxios": "^6.0.0",
        "mocha": "^10.0.0",
        "promise-retry": "^2.0.0",
        "proxyquire": "^2.1.0",
        "sinon": "^18.0.0",
        "wait-port": "^1.0.4"


    Copy the following to your requirements.txt:


  3. Write code or use the following example to post budget notifications to a Slack chat channel using the Slack API.

  4. Ensure the following Slack API postMessage parameters are set correctly:

    • Bot User OAuth access token
    • Channel name

Example code:


const slack = require('slack');

// TODO(developer) replace these with your own values
  process.env.BOT_ACCESS_TOKEN || 'xxxx-111111111111-abcdefghidklmnopq';
const CHANNEL = process.env.SLACK_CHANNEL || 'general';

exports.notifySlack = async pubsubEvent => {
  const pubsubAttrs = pubsubEvent.attributes;
  const pubsubData = Buffer.from(pubsubEvent.data, 'base64').toString();
  const budgetNotificationText = `${JSON.stringify(
  )}, ${pubsubData}`;

  await slack.chat.postMessage({
    token: BOT_ACCESS_TOKEN,
    channel: CHANNEL,
    text: budgetNotificationText,

  return 'Slack notification sent successfully';


import base64
import json
import os

import slack
from slack.errors import SlackApiError

# See https://api.slack.com/docs/token-types#bot for more info
BOT_ACCESS_TOKEN = "xxxx-111111111111-abcdefghidklmnopq"

slack_client = slack.WebClient(token=BOT_ACCESS_TOKEN)

def notify_slack(data, context):
    pubsub_message = data

    # For more information, see
    # https://cloud.google.com/billing/docs/how-to/budgets-programmatic-notifications#notification_format
        notification_attr = json.dumps(pubsub_message["attributes"])
    except KeyError:
        notification_attr = "No attributes passed in"

        notification_data = base64.b64decode(data["data"]).decode("utf-8")
    except KeyError:
        notification_data = "No data passed in"

    # This is just a quick dump of the budget data (or an empty string)
    # You can modify and format the message to meet your needs
    budget_notification_text = f"{notification_attr}, {notification_data}"

            json={"channel": CHANNEL, "text": budget_notification_text},
    except SlackApiError:
        print("Error posting to Slack")

Now you can Test your Cloud Run function to see a message show up in Slack.

Cap (disable) billing to stop usage

This example shows you how to cap costs and stop usage for a project by disabling Cloud Billing. Disabling billing on a project causes all Google Cloud services in the project to terminate, including free-tier services.

Why disable billing?

You might cap costs because you have a hard limit on how much money you can spend on Google Cloud. This is typical for students, researchers, or developers working in sandbox environments. In these cases you want to stop the spending and might be willing to shutdown all your Google Cloud services and usage when your budget limit is reached.

For our example, we use acme-backend-dev as a non-production project for which Cloud Billing can be safely disabled.

Configure the budget cap in the Google Cloud console.

Before you start working with this example, ensure you've done the following:

Shows the list of Cloud Billing alerts in the
         Google Cloud console.

Write a Cloud Run function

Next, you need to configure your Cloud Run function to call the Cloud Billing API. This enables the Cloud Run function to disable Cloud Billing for our example project acme-backend-dev.

  1. Create a new function following the steps in Create a Cloud Run function. Ensure that the trigger is set to the same Pub/Sub topic that your budget is set to use.

  2. Add the following dependencies:


    Copy the following to your package.json:

      "name": "cloud-functions-billing",
      "private": "true",
      "version": "0.0.1",
      "description": "Examples of integrating Cloud Functions with billing",
      "main": "index.js",
      "engines": {
        "node": ">=16.0.0"
      "scripts": {
        "compute-test": "c8 mocha -p -j 2 test/periodic.test.js --timeout=600000",
        "test": "c8 mocha -p -j 2 test/index.test.js --timeout=5000 --exit"
      "author": "Ace Nassri <anassri@google.com>",
      "license": "Apache-2.0",
      "dependencies": {
        "@google-cloud/billing": "^4.0.0",
        "@google-cloud/compute": "^4.0.0",
        "google-auth-library": "^9.0.0",
        "googleapis": "^143.0.0",
        "slack": "^11.0.1"
      "devDependencies": {
        "@google-cloud/functions-framework": "^3.0.0",
        "c8": "^10.0.0",
        "gaxios": "^6.0.0",
        "mocha": "^10.0.0",
        "promise-retry": "^2.0.0",
        "proxyquire": "^2.1.0",
        "sinon": "^18.0.0",
        "wait-port": "^1.0.4"


    Copy the following to your requirements.txt:


  3. Copy the following code into the Cloud Run function.

  4. Set the function to execute to stopBilling (Node) or stop_billing (Python).

  5. Depending on your runtime, the GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT environment variable might be set automatically. Review the list of environment variables set automatically and determine if you need to manually set the GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT variable to the project for which you want to cap (disable) Cloud Billing.


const {CloudBillingClient} = require('@google-cloud/billing');
const {InstancesClient} = require('@google-cloud/compute');

const PROJECT_NAME = `projects/${PROJECT_ID}`;
const billing = new CloudBillingClient();

exports.stopBilling = async pubsubEvent => {
  const pubsubData = JSON.parse(
    Buffer.from(pubsubEvent.data, 'base64').toString()
  if (pubsubData.costAmount <= pubsubData.budgetAmount) {
    return `No action necessary. (Current cost: ${pubsubData.costAmount})`;

  if (!PROJECT_ID) {
    return 'No project specified';

  const billingEnabled = await _isBillingEnabled(PROJECT_NAME);
  if (billingEnabled) {
    return _disableBillingForProject(PROJECT_NAME);
  } else {
    return 'Billing already disabled';

 * Determine whether billing is enabled for a project
 * @param {string} projectName Name of project to check if billing is enabled
 * @return {bool} Whether project has billing enabled or not
const _isBillingEnabled = async projectName => {
  try {
    const [res] = await billing.getProjectBillingInfo({name: projectName});
    return res.billingEnabled;
  } catch (e) {
      'Unable to determine if billing is enabled on specified project, assuming billing is enabled'
    return true;

 * Disable billing for a project by removing its billing account
 * @param {string} projectName Name of project disable billing on
 * @return {string} Text containing response from disabling billing
const _disableBillingForProject = async projectName => {
  const [res] = await billing.updateProjectBillingInfo({
    name: projectName,
    resource: {billingAccountName: ''}, // Disable billing
  return `Billing disabled: ${JSON.stringify(res)}`;


import base64
import json
import os

from googleapiclient import discovery

def stop_billing(data, context):
    pubsub_data = base64.b64decode(data["data"]).decode("utf-8")
    pubsub_json = json.loads(pubsub_data)
    cost_amount = pubsub_json["costAmount"]
    budget_amount = pubsub_json["budgetAmount"]
    if cost_amount <= budget_amount:
        print(f"No action necessary. (Current cost: {cost_amount})")

    if PROJECT_ID is None:
        print("No project specified with environment variable")

    billing = discovery.build(

    projects = billing.projects()

    billing_enabled = __is_billing_enabled(PROJECT_NAME, projects)

    if billing_enabled:
        __disable_billing_for_project(PROJECT_NAME, projects)
        print("Billing already disabled")

def __is_billing_enabled(project_name, projects):
    Determine whether billing is enabled for a project
    @param {string} project_name Name of project to check if billing is enabled
    @return {bool} Whether project has billing enabled or not
        res = projects.getBillingInfo(name=project_name).execute()
        return res["billingEnabled"]
    except KeyError:
        # If billingEnabled isn't part of the return, billing is not enabled
        return False
    except Exception:
            "Unable to determine if billing is enabled on specified project, assuming billing is enabled"
        return True

def __disable_billing_for_project(project_name, projects):
    Disable billing for a project by removing its billing account
    @param {string} project_name Name of project disable billing on
    body = {"billingAccountName": ""}  # Disable billing
        res = projects.updateBillingInfo(name=project_name, body=body).execute()
        print(f"Billing disabled: {json.dumps(res)}")
    except Exception:
        print("Failed to disable billing, possibly check permissions")

Configure service account permissions

Your Cloud Run function is run as an automatically created service account. So that the service account can disable billing, you need to grant it the correct permissions, such as Billing Admin.

To identify the correct service account, view your Cloud Run function details. The service account is listed at the bottom of the page.

Shows where the service account information can be found in the
         Cloud Run function section of the Google Cloud console.

You can manage Billing Admin permissions on the Billing page in the Google Cloud console.

To grant Billing Account Administrator privileges to the service account, select the service account name.

Shows where to select the service account name and Billing Account
         Administrator role in the Permissions section of the
         Google Cloud console.

Validate that Cloud Billing is disabled

When the budget sends out a notification, the specified project will no longer have a Cloud Billing account. If you want to test the function, publish a sample message with the preceding test message. The project will no longer be visible under the Cloud Billing account and resources in the project are disabled, including the Cloud Run function if it's in the same project.

Shows that the example project is no longer visible in the list of
         projects linked to the Cloud Billing account. This validates
         that Cloud Billing is disabled for the project.

You can manually re-enable Cloud Billing for your project in the Google Cloud console.

Selectively control usage

Capping (disabling) Cloud Billing as described in the previous example is binary and terminal. Your project is either enabled or disabled. When the project is disabled, all services are stopped and all resources are eventually deleted.

If you require a more nuanced response, you can selectively control resources. For example, if you want to stop some Compute Engine resources but leave Cloud Storage intact, then you can selectively control usage. This reduces your cost per hour without completely disabling your environment.

You can write as nuanced a policy as you like. However, for our example, our project is running research with a number of Compute Engine virtual machines, and is storing results in Cloud Storage. This Cloud Run function example shuts down all Compute Engine instances, but won't impact our stored results after the budget is exceeded.

Write a Cloud Run function

  1. Create a new function following the steps in Create a Cloud Run function. Ensure that the trigger is set to the same Pub/Sub topic that your budget is set to use.

  2. Make sure that you've added the dependencies described in Cap (disable) billing to stop usage.

  3. Copy the following code into the Cloud Run function.

  4. Set the function to execute to limitUse (Node) or limit_use (Python).

  5. Depending on your runtime, the GCP_PROJECT environment variable might be set automatically. Review the list of environment variables set automatically and determine if you need to manually set the GCP_PROJECT variable to the project running the virtual machines.

  6. Set the ZONE parameter. This is the zone where instances will be stopped for this sample.


const {CloudBillingClient} = require('@google-cloud/billing');
const {InstancesClient} = require('@google-cloud/compute');

const PROJECT_NAME = `projects/${PROJECT_ID}`;
const instancesClient = new InstancesClient();
const ZONE = 'us-central1-a';

exports.limitUse = async pubsubEvent => {
  const pubsubData = JSON.parse(
    Buffer.from(pubsubEvent.data, 'base64').toString()
  if (pubsubData.costAmount <= pubsubData.budgetAmount) {
    return `No action necessary. (Current cost: ${pubsubData.costAmount})`;

  const instanceNames = await _listRunningInstances(PROJECT_ID, ZONE);
  if (!instanceNames.length) {
    return 'No running instances were found.';

  await _stopInstances(PROJECT_ID, ZONE, instanceNames);
  return `${instanceNames.length} instance(s) stopped successfully.`;

 * @return {Promise} Array of names of running instances
const _listRunningInstances = async (projectId, zone) => {
  const [instances] = await instancesClient.list({
    project: projectId,
    zone: zone,
  return instances
    .filter(item => item.status === 'RUNNING')
    .map(item => item.name);

 * @param {Array} instanceNames Names of instance to stop
 * @return {Promise} Response from stopping instances
const _stopInstances = async (projectId, zone, instanceNames) => {
  await Promise.all(
    instanceNames.map(instanceName => {
      return instancesClient
          project: projectId,
          zone: zone,
          instance: instanceName,
        .then(() => {
          console.log(`Instance stopped successfully: ${instanceName}`);


import base64
import json
import os

from googleapiclient import discovery

ZONE = "us-west1-b"

def limit_use(data, context):
    pubsub_data = base64.b64decode(data["data"]).decode("utf-8")
    pubsub_json = json.loads(pubsub_data)
    cost_amount = pubsub_json["costAmount"]
    budget_amount = pubsub_json["budgetAmount"]
    if cost_amount <= budget_amount:
        print(f"No action necessary. (Current cost: {cost_amount})")

    compute = discovery.build(
    instances = compute.instances()

    instance_names = __list_running_instances(PROJECT_ID, ZONE, instances)
    __stop_instances(PROJECT_ID, ZONE, instance_names, instances)

def __list_running_instances(project_id, zone, instances):
    @param {string} project_id ID of project that contains instances to stop
    @param {string} zone Zone that contains instances to stop
    @return {Promise} Array of names of running instances
    res = instances.list(project=project_id, zone=zone).execute()

    if "items" not in res:
        return []

    items = res["items"]
    running_names = [i["name"] for i in items if i["status"] == "RUNNING"]
    return running_names

def __stop_instances(project_id, zone, instance_names, instances):
    @param {string} project_id ID of project that contains instances to stop
    @param {string} zone Zone that contains instances to stop
    @param {Array} instance_names Names of instance to stop
    @return {Promise} Response from stopping instances
    if not len(instance_names):
        print("No running instances were found.")

    for name in instance_names:
        instances.stop(project=project_id, zone=zone, instance=name).execute()
        print(f"Instance stopped successfully: {name}")

Configure service account permissions

  1. Your Cloud Run function is run as an automatically created service account. To control usage, you need to grant the service account permissions to any services on the project that it needs to make changes.
  2. To identify the correct service account, view the details of your Cloud Run function. The service account is listed at the bottom of the page.
  3. In the Google Cloud console, go to the IAM page to set the appropriate permissions.
    Go to the IAM page
    Shows the IAM screen in the Google Cloud console,
         where you can set the appropriate permissions for the service account
         running the Cloud Run function.

Validate that instances are stopped

When the budget sends out a notification, the Compute Engine virtual machines are stopped.

To test the function, publish a sample message with the testing message from earlier. To validate that the function ran successfully, check your Compute Engine virtual machines in the Google Cloud console.