Change streams overview

Bigtable provides change data capture (CDC) with its change streams feature. A change stream captures data changes to a Bigtable table as the changes happen, letting you stream them for processing or analysis.

This document provides an overview of Bigtable change streams. Before you read this document, you should be familiar with the Bigtable overview.

Change streams are valuable for CDC use cases including the following:

  • Triggering downstream application logic when specified changes occur
  • Integrating with a data analytics pipeline
  • Supporting audit and archival requirements

A change stream tracks changes at the table level that are made by a user or application, usually using one of the Cloud Bigtable client libraries. Garbage collection changes are also captured.

All changes applied to a change stream-enabled table are stored as data change records. Data change records include data changes applied by the following:

  • Writes, deletions, and updates that are sent using the Cloud Bigtable API methods MutateRow, MutateRows, CheckAndMutateRow, and ReadModifyWriteRow
  • Deletions that take place due to garbage collection
  • Rows deleted using Admin API's DropRowRange method

For details about the types of changes that you can send to a Bigtable table, see Reads, Writes, Deletes, and Garbage collection overview.

Change streams don't track schema changes, such as adding or modifying a column family, or replication topology, like adding or removing a cluster.

Data change records for each row key and each cluster are in commit timestamp order. However, there is no ordering guarantee on data change records for a different row key or cluster.

You enable change streams on a table and specify a retention period of 1 to 7 days.

What's in a data change record

Each data change record contains all changes for a row that were applied atomically as part of a single RPC call.

If a value is overwritten, the newly written value is recorded in the data change record. The data change record does not contain the old value.

A data change record receives its timestamp, called a commit timestamp, at the same time that the change is applied to the first cluster that receives it. For example, consider an instance with two clusters. If you send a write request to Table 1 on Cluster A, the data change record commit timestamp is assigned when the write is received by Cluster A, and the data change record on Cluster B for this write has the same commit timestamp.

Each data change record contains the following:

  • Entries - changes made to the row, including one or more of the following:
    • Write
      • Column family
      • Column qualifier
      • Timestamp
      • Value
    • Deletion of cells
      • Column family
      • Column qualifier
      • Timestamp range
    • Deletion of a column family
      • Column family
      • Deletion from a row - Deletion from a row is converted to a list of deletions from column families for each column family that the row has data in.
  • Row key - the identifier for the changed row
  • Change type - either user-initiated or garbage collection
  • ID of the cluster that received the change
  • Commit timestamp - server-side time when the change was committed to the table
  • Tie breaker - a value that lets the application that is reading the stream use Bigtable's built-in conflict resolution policy
  • Token - used by the consuming application to resume the stream if it's interrupted
  • Estimated low watermark - the estimated time since the record's partition caught up with replication across all clusters. For details, see Partitions and Watermarks.

For more information about the fields in a data change record, see the API reference for DataChange.

Change stream storage

A table and its change stream share the same cluster-level resources, including nodes and storage. As a result, change stream data storage is part of a table's storage. In an instance that uses replication, a copy of a change stream's data is stored in every cluster of the instance that contains the change stream-enabled table.

The storage used for your change stream data doesn't count toward your total storage utilization (% max). As a result, you don't need to add nodes to handle the increased storage that change stream data consumes (although you might need to add nodes for additional compute power). However, you are charged for the storage that your change stream data consumes. For details, see Cost considerations.

Reading a change stream

To read (stream) a change stream, you must use an application profile configured for single-cluster routing, and if you stream using Dataflow, you must enable single-row transactions.

For more information about routing policies, see Routing options.

For more information about single-row transactions, see Single-row transactions.

Change stream methods are provided by the Cloud Bigtable API (Data API). We recommend that you use one of the following options instead of calling the API without using a client library or connector:

  • Dataflow templates
  • Bigtable Beam connector
  • Java client library

All the options let you avoid the need to track and handle partition changes due to splits and merges.

For more information, see ReadChangeStream.

Dataflow templates

You can use one of the following Dataflow templates provided by Google:

Bigtable Beam connector

You can use the Bigtable Beam connector to build a pipeline:

If you don't want to build your own pipeline, you can use the code samples from the Bigtable tutorial or quickstart as a starting point for your code:

Java client library


To maintain a high read throughput that matches a high write or change rate, Bigtable divides a change stream into multiple partitions that can be used to read the change stream in parallel. Each change stream partition is associated with a tablet. Tablets are subsections of a table that are redistributed as needed to help balance the table's request workload. To learn more, see Load balancing.

The Java client library lets you query each partition for changes and provides the information required to manage changes in partitions due to splits and merges.


A watermark is a timestamp that estimates how recently a partition has caught up with replication across all clusters. The watermark for the partition is continuously updated as replication occurs, advancing forward in time.

Each ChangeStreamMutation (data change record) includes an estimatedLowWatermark field, which is the watermark for the partition that is associated with the data change record. This estimatedLowWatermark is an estimate and doesn't guarantee that there isn't data that has yet to arrive on the stream.

Watermarks for replicated tables

A partition's estimatedLowWatermark (low watermark) doesn't advance if replication isn't fully caught up for the partition. The stream-wide low watermark — the lowest of all partition-level estimated low watermarks — stops advancing if any partition's watermark is not moving forward. A watermark that has stopped advancing is considered to be stalled. When this occurs, if you are streaming your change stream in a pipeline, the pipeline stalls.

Many factors can cause one or more partition-level watermarks to stall for some amount of time, including the following:

  • Overloading a cluster with traffic that causes replication to fall behind for one or more partitions
  • Network delays
  • Cluster unavailability

The Bigtable Beam connector handles this by setting the output timestamp to zero for all data. For more information see Grouping data without event times.


To help you understand how enabling a change stream affects CPU and storage utilization for an instance that contains change stream-enabled tables, we provide two change stream-specific metrics. You can view the metrics on the Bigtable Monitoring page or by using the Cloud Monitoring suite of tools.

For details on these metrics, see Monitoring.

Cost considerations

Enabling a change stream on a table results in increased costs for nodes and storage. In particular, you can expect to incur more storage costs.


You usually need to add nodes to a cluster (or increase the maximum number of nodes if you use autoscaling) to handle the additional traffic of enabling and processing the data change records.

Enabling a change stream can increase CPU usage by around 10%, even before you start processing it. Processing a change stream, such as reading it using a Dataflow pipeline, can increase CPU utilization by around 20 to 30%, depending on the level of change activity and how the stream data is read.


You are charged the standard Bigtable storage rates to store your table's data change records. You are also charged to store the table that is created to track change stream metadata. The retention period that you specify directly affects storage costs.

As a general rule, a day's worth of data change records – reflecting only the mutations that occurred that day – takes up about 1.5 times as much storage as the data that was written that day consumes on disk.

Network data transfer

If you read a change stream across regions, you can incur costs for that traffic. See the Network section on Bigtable pricing for a complete list of network data transfer rates.

Processing costs

Depending on how you read the data change records, additional costs for services other than Bigtable apply. For example, if you use Dataflow, you pay for the bytes that are processed and the worker machines that process the job. For details, see Dataflow pricing.

Dropping row ranges

If possible, avoid dropping a row range from a table that has a change stream enabled. If you must drop a row range, be aware that it might take a long time for Bigtable to complete the operation, and CPU usage increases during the operation.

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