Create and manage authorized views

This document describes how to define, create, and perform other administrative operations on an authorized view using the Google Cloud CLI or the Google Cloud console. Before you read this document, you should be familiar with the Overview of authorized views.

To get the permissions that you need to perform administrative operations on an authorized view , ask your administrator to grant you the Bigtable Admin (roles/bigtable.admin) IAM role on the underlying table . For more information about granting roles, see Manage access to projects, folders, and organizations.

This predefined role contains the permissions required to perform administrative operations on an authorized view . To see the exact permissions that are required, expand the Required permissions section:

The following permissions are required to perform administrative operations on an authorized view :

  • bigtable.authorizedViews.get
  • bigtable.authorizedViews.list
  • bigtable.authorizedViews.create
  • bigtable.authorizedViews.update
  • bigtable.authorizedViews.delete
  • bigtable.authorizedViews.getIamPolicy
  • bigtable.authorizedViews.setIamPolicy
  • bigtable.authorizedViews.readRows
  • bigtable.authorizedViews.sampleRowKeys
  • bigtable.authorizedViews.mutateRows

You might also be able to get these permissions with custom roles or other predefined roles.

To learn how to manage Bigtable IAM roles at the authorized-view level, see authorized view-level IAM management.

Create an authorized view

When you create an authorized view, consider the queries that will be run against it. Read, write, and delete requests that are sent to an authorized view must reference only data that is in the authorized view. This means, for example, that if you attempt to read, write to, or delete a row that has columns in the table that are not in your authorized view, the request fails.

To avoid a situation where data requests to an authorized view fail because columns have been added to the table that aren't in the authorized view, you can specify an empty column qualifier prefix "" for a column family.

You can specify up to 100 definition parameters per authorized view.

  1. Open the list of Bigtable instances in the Google Cloud console.

    Open the instance list

  2. Click the instance that contains the table that you want an authorized view of.

  3. In the navigation pane, click Bigtable Studio.

  4. Click Builder to open the query builder.

  5. Choose the table that you want an authorized view of.

  6. Add clauses to build a query that returns only data that you want the authorized view users to have access to.

    • Acceptable clauses for an authorized view are row key prefix and columns (column qualifiers).
    • To specify a column qualifier prefix, add an asterisk after the prefix. For example, to include all columns that start with "data", enter data* in the Columns field after the column family name.
    • The Limit clause is ignored when the authorized view is saved.
    • For more information on using the query builder, see Build queries in the console.
  7. Click Run.

  8. After you've verified that the results pane shows data that should be included in the authorized view, click Save as view.

  9. Enter a permanent identifier for the authorized view that is not already in use for the table.

  10. Optional: To save without granting access, click Save.

  11. Optional: To save the authorized view and then configure access for it, click Save & grant access. For more information about access control, see Bigtable access control with IAM.

    1. Add at least one principal and select the role to which that principal or group of principals should be assigned.
    2. Optional: To grant access for additional roles, click Add another role and then enter the principal and role for each additional role.
    3. Click Save.

Run the bigtable authorized-views create command. For more information, see the reference documentation at gcloud bigtable authorized-views create.

gcloud bigtable authorized-views create AUTHORIZED_VIEW_ID \
  --instance=INSTANCE_ID \
  --table=TABLE_ID \

Replace the following:

  • AUTHORIZED_VIEW_ID: a permanent identifier for the authorized view that is not already in use for the table
  • INSTANCE_ID: the permanent identifier for the instance that contains the table
  • TABLE_ID: the permanent identifier of that table you are creating an authorized view of
  • DEFINITION_FILE_PATH: the path to a valid JSON formatted representation of an authorized view. For examples of correctly formatted definition files, see Definition file examples.

You can also run the command without supplying the definition file. In this case, the gcloud CLI opens an editor and prompts you for values.

To confirm that the authorized view has been created, get a list of authorized views for the table.

To learn how to install and use the client library for Bigtable, see Bigtable client libraries.

To authenticate to Bigtable, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for client libraries.

try {
  CreateAuthorizedViewRequest request =
      CreateAuthorizedViewRequest.of(tableId, authorizedViewId)
  AuthorizedView authorizedView = adminClient.createAuthorizedView(request);
  System.out.printf("AuthorizedView: %s created successfully%n", authorizedView.getId());
} catch (NotFoundException e) {
      "Failed to create an authorized view from a non-existent table: " + e.getMessage());

Modify an authorized view

  1. Open the list of Bigtable instances in the Google Cloud console.

    Open the instance list

  2. Click the instance that contains the authorized view.

  3. In the navigation pane, click Bigtable Studio.

  4. In the explorer, expand the table and Authorized views.

  5. Next to the authorized view that you want to modify, click the more_vert action menu, and then click Open.

  6. Modify or add clauses to build a query that returns only data that you want the authorized view users to have access to.

    • Acceptable clauses for an authorized view are row key prefix and columns (column qualifiers).
    • To specify a column qualifier prefix, add an asterisk after the prefix. For example, to include all columns that start with "data", enter data* in the Columns field after the column family name.
    • The Limit clause is ignored when the authorized view is saved.
    • For more information on using the query builder, see Build queries in the console.
  7. Click Run.

  8. After you've verified that the results pane shows data that should be included in the authorized view, click Save as view.

  9. In the dialog, enter the ID of the authorized view that you modified.

    The dialog displays a message warning you that you are overwriting the existing authorized view.

  10. Optional: To save without granting access, click Save.

  11. Optional: To save the authorized view and then configure access for it, click Save & grant access. For more information about access control, see Bigtable access control with IAM.

    1. Add at least one principal and select the role to which that principal or group of principals should be assigned.
    2. Optional: To grant access for additional roles, click Add another role and then enter the principal and role for each additional role.
    3. Click Save.

Modify an authorized view using the bigtable authorized-views update command. For more information, see the reference documentation at gcloud bigtable authorized-views update.

gcloud bigtable authorized-views update AUTHORIZED_VIEW_ID \
  --instance=INSTANCE_ID \
  --table=TABLE_ID \

Replace the following:

  • AUTHORIZED_VIEW_ID: the permanent identifier for the authorized view
  • INSTANCE_ID: the permanent identifier for the instance
  • TABLE_ID: the permanent identifier of the source table
  • DEFINITION_FILE_PATH: the path to a valid JSON formatted representation of an authorized view. For examples of correctly formatted definition files, see Definition file examples.

You can also run the command without supplying the definition file. In this case, the gcloud CLI opens an editor and prompts you for values.

Optional: To prevent the gcloud CLI from displaying a confirmation prompt showing the difference between the current authorized view structure and after the update is committed, append the --no-interactive flag to the command.

To learn how to install and use the client library for Bigtable, see Bigtable client libraries.

To authenticate to Bigtable, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for client libraries.

try {
  // Update to an authorized view permitting everything.
  UpdateAuthorizedViewRequest request =
      UpdateAuthorizedViewRequest.of(tableId, authorizedViewId)
                      COLUMN_FAMILY, FamilySubsets.create().addQualifierPrefix("")));
  AuthorizedView authorizedView = adminClient.updateAuthorizedView(request);
  System.out.printf("AuthorizedView: %s updated successfully%n", authorizedView.getId());
} catch (NotFoundException e) {
  System.err.println("Failed to modify a non-existent authorized view: " + e.getMessage());

Enable or disable deletion protection

To enable deletion protection for an authorized view, add --deletion-protection to the update command.

To disable deletion protection, add no-deletion-protection to the update command.

Delete an authorized view

If you delete a table, all authorized views of the table are also deleted.

If you delete an authorized view, you can't undelete it. However, if you delete a table and then undelete the table, all authorized views of the table are restored along with the table. Then you must reconfigure IAM for the authorized views as well as for the tables. For details, see Undelete a table.

  1. Open the list of Bigtable instances in the Google Cloud console.

    Open the instance list

  2. Click the instance that contains the authorized view.

  3. In the navigation pane, click Bigtable Studio.

  4. In the explorer, expand the table and Authorized views.

  5. Next to the authorized view that you want to delete, click the more_vert action menu, and then click Delete.

Delete an authorized view using the bigtable instances tables authorized-views delete command. For more information, see the reference documentation at gcloud bigtable authorized-views delete.

gcloud bigtable authorized-views delete AUTHORIZED_VIEW_ID \
  --instance=INSTANCE_ID \

Replace the following:

  • AUTHORIZED_VIEW_ID: the permanent identifier for the authorized view
  • INSTANCE_ID: the permanent identifier for the instance
  • TABLE_ID: the permanent identifier of the source table

Optional: To prevent the gcloud CLI from displaying a confirmation prompt requiring you to confirm or cancel the deletion, append the --nointeractive flag to the command.

To learn how to install and use the client library for Bigtable, see Bigtable client libraries.

To authenticate to Bigtable, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for client libraries.

try {
  adminClient.deleteAuthorizedView(tableId, authorizedViewId);
  System.out.printf("AuthorizedView: %s deleted successfully%n", authorizedViewId);
} catch (NotFoundException e) {
  System.err.println("Failed to delete a non-existent authorized view: " + e.getMessage());

Get a list of authorized views for a table

  1. Open the list of Bigtable instances in the Google Cloud console.

    Open the instance list

  2. Click the instance that contains the authorized view.

  3. In the navigation pane, click Bigtable Studio.

  4. In the explorer, expand the table and Authorized views.

Run the bigtable authorized-views list command. For more information, see the reference documentation at gcloud bigtable authorized-views list.

gcloud bigtable authorized-views list \
  --instance=INSTANCE_ID \

Replace the following:

  • INSTANCE_ID: the permanent identifier for the instance
  • TABLE_ID: the permanent identifier for the table

To learn how to install and use the client library for Bigtable, see Bigtable client libraries.

To authenticate to Bigtable, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for client libraries.

List<String> authorizedViewIds = new ArrayList<>();
try {
  authorizedViewIds = adminClient.listAuthorizedViews(tableId);
  for (String authorizedViewId : authorizedViewIds) {
} catch (NotFoundException e) {
      "Failed to list authorized views from a non-existent table: " + e.getMessage());

View details about an authorized view

  1. Open the list of Bigtable instances in the Google Cloud console.

    Open the instance list

  2. Click the instance that contains the authorized view.

  3. In the navigation pane, click Bigtable Studio.

  4. In the explorer, expand the table and Authorized views.

  5. Next to the authorized view that you want to view, click the more_vert action menu, and then click Open.

To get details about an authorized view, run the bigtable instances tables authorized-views describe command. For more information, see the reference documentation at gcloud bigtable authorized-views describe.

gcloud bigtable authorized-views describe \
–-instance=INSTANCE_ID \
–-table=TABLE_ID \

Replace the following:

  • INSTANCE_ID: the permanent identifier for the instance
  • TABLE_ID: the permanent identifier for the table
  • AUTHORIZED_VIEW_ID: the permanent identifier for the authorized view

To learn how to install and use the client library for Bigtable, see Bigtable client libraries.

To authenticate to Bigtable, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for client libraries.

AuthorizedView authorizedView = null;
try {
  authorizedView = adminClient.getAuthorizedView(tableId, authorizedViewId);
  SubsetView subsetView = (SubsetView) authorizedView.getAuthorizedViewType();

  for (ByteString rowPrefix : subsetView.getRowPrefixes()) {
    System.out.printf("Row Prefix: %s%n", rowPrefix.toStringUtf8());
  for (Map.Entry<String, FamilySubsets> entry : subsetView.getFamilySubsets().entrySet()) {
    for (ByteString qualifierPrefix : entry.getValue().getQualifierPrefixes()) {
          "Column Family: %s, Qualifier Prefix: %s%n",
          entry.getKey(), qualifierPrefix.toStringUtf8());
    for (ByteString qualifier : entry.getValue().getQualifiers()) {
          "Column Family: %s, Qualifier: %s%n", entry.getKey(), qualifier.toStringUtf8());
} catch (NotFoundException e) {
      "Failed to retrieve metadata from a non-existent authorized view: " + e.getMessage());

Grant access to an authorized view

For more information about access control, see Bigtable access control with IAM.

  1. Open the list of Bigtable instances in the Google Cloud console.

    Open the instance list

  2. Click the instance that contains the authorized view.

  3. In the navigation pane, click Bigtable Studio.

  4. In the explorer pane, expand the table and Authorized views.

  5. Next to the authorized view name, click the more_vert action menu, and then click Grant access.

  6. Add at least one principal and select the role to which that principal or group of principals should be assigned.

  7. Optional: To grant access for additional roles, click Add another role and then enter the principal and role for each additional role.

  8. Click Save.

To grant access to an authorized view, use the bigtable authorized-views add-iam-policy-binding command. For more information, see the reference documentation at gcloud bigtable authorized-views add-iam-policy-binding.

gcloud bigtable authorized-views add-iam-policy-binding AUTH_VIEW_ID \
--instance=INSTANCE_ID --table=TABLE_ID \
--member=PRINCIPAL --role=ROLE

Replace the following:

  • AUTH_VIEW_ID: the ID for the authorized view
  • TABLE_ID: the ID for the table that the authorized view is of
  • INSTANCE_ID: the instance that contains the table
  • PRINCIPAL: the principal (user) to whom you want to grant access, such as
  • ROLE: the role that you are granting, such as roles/bigtable.viewer.

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