Audit log example

This page shows an example of a Data Access audit log entry that is generated when you send a write request to Bigtable. For more details about audit log entries, see Understanding audit logs. For a list of Bigtable fields that are logged, see Audit log fields.

For brevity, some parts of the log entry are omitted, and some fields are highlighted for emphasis.

See more code actions.
      protoPayload: {
        @type: "",
        status: {},
        authenticationInfo: {
          principalEmail: "",
          serviceAccountDelegationInfo: [
              firstPartyPrincipal: {
                principalEmail: ""
          principalSubject": ""
        requestMetadata: {
          callerIp: "12.586.9.1",
          callerSuppliedUserAgent: "bigtable-1.4.0,jdk-1.8,hbase-1.4.7 grpc-java-netty/1.10.1,gzip(gfe)",
          requestAttributes: {
            time: "2020-12-10T03:22:59.373508362Z",
            auth: {}
          destinationAttributes: {}
        serviceName: "",
        methodName: "google.bigtable.v2.Bigtable.MutateRow",
        authorizationInfo: [
            resource: "projects/test-project/instances/test-instance/tables/test-table",
            permission: "bigtable.tables.mutateRows",
            granted: true,
            resourceAttributes: {}
        resourceName: "projects/test-project/instances/test-instance/tables/test-table",
        request: {
          mutations: [
              setCell: {
                familyName: "cf1",
          tableName: "projects/test-project/instances/test-instance/tables/test-table",
          @type: "",
          rowKey: "cm93LWtleQ=="
      insertId: "1wt6rdna0",
      resource: {
        type: "audited_resource",
        labels: {
          service: "",
          project_id: "test-project",
          method: "google.bigtable.v2.Bigtable.MutateRow"
      timestamp: "2019-05-27T16:24:56.135Z",
      severity: "NOTICE",
      logName: "projects/test-project/logs/",
      receiveTimestamp: "2020-05-27T04:56:47.427539594Z"