Change streams overview

A change stream watches and streams out a Spanner database's data changes—inserts, updates, and deletes—in near real-time.

This page offers a high-level overview of Spanner change streams: what they do, and how they work. To learn how to create and manage change streams in your database and connect them with other services, follow the links in What's Next.

Purpose of change streams

Change streams provide a flexible, scalable way to stream data changes to other services. Common use cases include:

  • Replicating Spanner data changes to a data warehouse, such as BigQuery, for analytics.

  • Triggering application logic based on data changes sent to a message queue, such as Pub/Sub.

  • Storing data changes in Cloud Storage, for compliance or archival purposes.

Change stream configuration

Spanner treats change streams as schema objects, much like tables and indexes. As such, you create, modify, and delete change streams using DDL statements, and you can view a database's change streams just like other DDL-managed schema objects.

You can configure a change stream to watch data changes across an entire database, or limit its scope to specific tables and columns. A database can have multiple change streams, and a particular table or column can have multiple streams watching it, within limits.

You can also configure a change stream to specify a data retention period, value capture type, filter TTL-based deletes, or table modifications filter.

Issuing the DDL that creates a change stream starts a long-running operation. When it completes, the new change stream immediately begins to watch the tables and columns assigned to it.

Implicitly watching tables and columns

Change streams that watch an entire table implicitly watch all the columns in that table, even when that table definition is updated. For example, when you add new columns to that table, the change stream automatically begins to watch those new columns, without requiring any modification to that change stream's configuration. Similarly, the change stream automatically stops watching any columns that are dropped from that table.

Whole-database change streams work the same way. They implicitly watch every column in every table, automatically watching any tables or columns added after the change stream's creation, and ceasing to watch any tables or columns dropped.

Explicitly watching tables and columns

If you configure a change stream to watch only particular columns in a table, and you later add columns to that table, the change stream will not begin to watch those columns unless you reconfigure that change stream to do so.

The database's schema treats change streams as dependent objects of any columns or tables that they explicitly watch. Before you can drop any such column or table, you must manually remove it from the configuration of any change stream explicitly watching it.

Types of data changes that change streams watch

The data changes that a change stream watches include all inserts, updates, and deletes made to the tables and columns that it watches. These changes can come from:

Change streams can watch data changes only in user-created columns and tables. They do not watch indexes, views, other change streams, or system tables such as the information schema or statistics tables. Change streams do not watch generated columns unless the column is part of the primary key. Primary key columns are always tracked.

Furthermore, change streams do not watch schema changes or any data changes that directly result from schema changes, other than backfills for default values. For example, a change stream watching an entire database doesn't consider and record a table deletion as a data change, even though this action deletes all of that table's data from the database.

How Spanner writes and stores change streams

Every time Spanner detects a data change in a column being watched by a change stream, it writes a data change record to its internal storage. The data change write and the data change record are written within the same transaction. Spanner co-locates both of these writes so they are processed by the same server, minimizing write processing. The transaction is then replicated across the database's replicas, subjecting it to storage and replication costs. For more information, see Spanner pricing.

Content of a data change record

Every data change record written by a change stream includes the following information about the data change:

  • The name of the affected table

  • The names, values, and data types of the primary keys identifying the changed row

  • The names and data types of the changed row's columns that were captured based on the change stream definition.

  • The old values of the row's columns. The availability of the old values and the content they track, which can be either the modified columns only or the entire tracked row, depends on the user-configured value capture type.

  • The new values of the row's columns. The availability of the new values and the content they track depends on the user-configured value capture type.

  • The modification type (insert, update, or delete)

  • The commit timestamp

  • The transaction ID

  • The record sequence number

  • The data change record's value capture type.

For a deeper look at the structure of data change records, see Data change records.

Data retention

A change stream retains its data change records for a period of time between one and seven days. You can use DDL to specify a data-retention limit other than the one-day default when initially creating a change stream, or adjust it at any future time. Note that reducing a change stream's data retention limit will make all historical change data older than the new limit immediately and permanently unavailable to that change stream's readers.

This data retention period presents a trade-off; a longer retention period carries greater storage demands on the stream's database.

Value capture type

A change stream's value capture type configuration option controls the way that it stores a changed row's values. You can use DDL to specify one of the following value capture types for a change stream:

  • OLD_AND_NEW_VALUES: Captures both old and new values of a row's modified columns.

  • NEW_VALUES: Captures only the new values of the non-key columns, but no old values.

  • NEW_ROW: Captures all new values of watched columns, both modified and unmodified, whenever any of those columns change. No old values are captured.

  • NEW_ROW_AND_OLD_VALUES: Captures all new values for both modified and unmodified columns, and old values for modified columns.

Exclude time to live based deletes

In Spanner, Time to live (TTL) lets you set policies to periodically delete data from Spanner tables. By default, change streams include all TTL-based deletes. You can use exclude_ttl_deletes to set your change stream to exclude TTL-based deletes. When you set this filter to exclude TTL-based deletes, only future TTL-based deletes are excluded from your change stream.

The default value for this filter is false. To exclude TTL-based deletes, set the filter to true. You can either add the filter when you create a change stream or modify an existing change stream to include the filter.

Table modification type

By default, change streams include all table modifications, such as inserts, updates, and deletes. You can filter one or more of these table modifications from your change stream's scope using the following available filter options:

  • exclude_insert: exclude all INSERT table modifications
  • exclude_update: exclude all UPDATE table modifications
  • exclude_delete: exclude all DELETE table modifications

The default value for these filters is false. To exclude a specific type of table modification, set the filter to true. You can set one or more filters at the same time.

You can add a filter for a table modification type when you create a change stream or modify the filter for a table modification type for an existing change stream.

Reading change streams

Spanner offers multiple ways to read a change stream's data:

  • Through Dataflow, using the Apache Beam SpannerIO connector. This is our recommended solution for most change stream applications. Google also provides Dataflow templates for common use cases.

  • Directly, using the Spanner API. This trades away the abstraction and capabilities of Dataflow pipelines for maximum speed and flexibility.

  • Through using the Debezium-based Kafka connector for Spanner change streams. This connector streams change records directly into Kafka topics.

You can provide partial isolation for change streams reads by using directed reads. Directed reads can help to minimize impact on transactional workloads in your database. You can use the Spanner API to route change streams reads to a specific replica type or region within a multi-region instance configuration or a custom regional configuration with optional read-only region(s). For more information, see directed reads.

Using Dataflow

Use the Apache Beam SpannerIO connector to build Dataflow pipelines that read from change streams. After you configure the connector with details about a particular change stream, it automatically outputs new data change records into a single, unbounded PCollection data set, ready for further processing by subsequent transforms in the Dataflow pipeline.

Dataflow uses windowing functions to divide unbounded collections into logical components, or windows. As a result, Dataflow provides near real-time streaming when reading from change streams.

Google provides templates that let you rapidly build Dataflow pipelines for common change stream use cases, including sending all of a stream's data changes to a BigQuery dataset, or copying them to a Cloud Storage bucket.

For a more detailed overview of how change streams and Dataflow work together, see Build change streams connections with Dataflow.

Using the API

As an alternative to using Dataflow to build change stream pipelines, you can instead write code that uses the Spanner API to read a change stream's records directly. This allows you to read data change records in the same way that the SpannerIO connector does, trading away the abstraction it provides in exchange for the lowest possible latencies when reading change stream data.

To learn more, see Query change streams. For a more detailed discussion on how to query change streams and interpret the records returned, see Change streams partitions, records, and queries.

Using the Kafka connector

The Kafka connector directly outputs change stream records into a Kafka topic. It abstracts away the details of querying change streams using the Spanner API.

To learn more about how change streams and the Kafka connector work together, see Build change streams connections with the Kafka connector.


There are several limits on change streams, including the maximum number of change streams a database can have, and the maximum number of streams that can watch a single column. For a full list, see Change stream limits.


Change streams uses the following:

  • Creating, updating, or dropping change streams requires spanner.databases.updateDdl.

  • Reading a change stream's data requires

If using the SpannerIO connector, then the owner of the Dataflow job that reads change stream data requires additional IAM permissions, either on your application database or on a separate metadata database; see Create a metadata database.

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