View the status of a private offer

This article describes steps to view the status of a private offer.

Before you begin

View offer status

To view the status of your private offers, go to Producer Portal's Private Offers page in the Google Cloud console.

You see a table with all of your offers. To understand the state of each offer, view the offer's Status column:

Offer status Description
Account pending approval The account associated with this offer must be approved.
Account rejected The account associated with this offer was rejected.
Activating The new offer will be ready to use in a few minutes, or at its scheduled start time
Active Your customer is using this offer.
Approval failed An error has occurred, please re-approve this offer after the status changes.
Approving This offer's approval is being processed on our end. This should only take a few minutes.
Canceled The created offer is no longer available for the customer to accept, and the URL is no longer active.
Created You can now send this offer URL to your customer for purchase.
Draft This offer has been created but not finalized. You can continue to modify this offer until you finish it.
Needs your approval This offer has been accepted by the customer and is awaiting your confirmation.
Offer expired The customer did not accept this offer.
Order expired The end date for the contract has passed.
Rejected You turned down an offer the customer accepted.
Scheduled You approved the replacement offer and it will become active on the contract start date
Unavailable The offer is a legacy offer that's no longer supported.

View the history of an offer

To view a record of key events for an offer that you've published, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to Producer Portal's Private Offers page in the Google Cloud console.

  2. In the list of offers, click the offer ID of the offer that you want to view history for.

In the Offer details page, you see a Key Events widget that lists a historical record of statuses for that offer.

To download a copy of the offer at a particular step, click Download PDF from that particular step.

What's next

The following articles describe additional ways that you can manage your customers' private offers: