通过 Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP),您可以管理 App Engine 标准环境、App Engine 柔性环境、Compute Engine 和 GKE 中运行的应用的访问权限。借助 IAP,您可以为通过 HTTPS 访问的应用建立一个中央授权层,从而可以采用一种应用级访问权限控制模型,而无需网络级防火墙。启用 IAP 时,您还必须使用签名标头来保护应用的安全。



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Enabling IAP for Cloud Run → https://goo.gle/43O59zz GitHub → https://goo.gle/3Ch8gUK In this video, Martin demonstrates how to host an application on Cloud Run using Google's Identity-Aware Proxy and ensure only a list of approved users can access

This is the 100th episode of Serverless Expeditions! To celebrate, Martin and Wes discuss 3 top obstacles for serverless developers and how to overcome them. Watch along to learn how an old circuit board and imaginary maps can help you think

Identity Aware Proxy → https://goo.gle/3DqLybV App Engine → https://goo.gle/3co26FC Cloud SQL → https://goo.gle/3codnWw It’s time to design another serverless app! Let’s say you need a process for your employees and vendors to submit expenses so the