Playbook tools

Using tools, you can connect playbooks to external systems. These systems can augment the knowledge of playbooks and empower them to execute complex tasks efficiently.

You can use built-in tools or build customized tools to suit your requirements.


The following limitations apply:

  • You must create a data store (or connect an existing data store) when creating a data store tool for an agent.
  • Apps with both chunked and non-chunked data stores are not supported.

Built-in tools

Built-in tools are hosted by Google. You can activate these tools in agents without the need for manual configuration.

The supported built-in tools are:

  • Code Interpreter: A Google first-party tool that combines the capability of code generation and code execution and allows the user to perform various tasks, including: data analysis, data visualization, text processing, solving equations or optimization problems.

Your agent is optimized to determine how and when these tools should be invoked, but you can provide additional examples to fit your use cases.

Examples should have a schema like the following:

  "toolUse": {
    "tool": "projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/LOCATION_ID/agents/AGENT_ID/tools/df-code-interpreter-tool",
    "action": "generate_and_execute",
    "inputParameters": [
        "name": "generate_and_execute input",
        "value": "4 + 4"
    "outputParameters": [
        "name": "generate_and_execute output",
        "value": {
          "output_files": [
              "name": "",
              "contents": ""
          "execution_result": "8",
          "execution_error": "",
          "generated_code": "GENERATED_CODE"

OpenAPI tools

An agent can connect to an external API using an OpenAPI tool by providing the OpenAPI schema. By default, the agent will call the API on your behalf. Alternatively, you can execute OpenAPI tools on the client side.

Example schema:

openapi: 3.0.0
  title: Simple Pets API
  version: 1.0.0
  - url: ''
      summary: Return a pet by ID.
      operationId: getPet
        - in: path
          name: petId
          required: true
          description: Pet id
            type: integer
          description: OK
      summary: List all pets
      operationId: listPets
        - name: petName
          in: query
          required: false
          description: Pet name
            type: string
        - name: label
          in: query
          description: Pet label
          style: form
          explode: true
          required: false
            type: array
              type: string
        - name: X-OWNER
          in: header
          description: Optional pet owner provided in the HTTP header
          required: false
            type: string
        - name: X-SESSION
          in: header
          description: Dialogflow session id
          required: false
            $ref: "@dialogflow/sessionId"
          description: An array of pets
                type: array
                  $ref: '#/components/schemas/Pet'
      summary: Create a new pet
      operationId: createPet
        description: Pet to add to the store
        required: true
              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Pet'
          description: Pet created
                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Pet'
      type: object
        - id
        - name
          type: integer
          format: int64
          type: string
          type: string
          type: array
            type: string

You can optionally use the internal schema reference @dialogflow/sessionId as parameter schema type. With this parameter schema type, the Dialogflow session ID for the current conversation will be supplied as a parameter value. For example:

- name: X-SESSION
   in: header
   description: Dialogflow session id
   required: false
     $ref: "@dialogflow/sessionId"

OpenAPI tool limitations

The following limitations apply:

  • Supported parameter types are path, query, header. The cookie parameter type is not supported yet.
  • Parameters defined by OpenAPI schema support the following data types: string, number, integer, boolean, array. The object type is not supported yet.
  • You currently can't specify query parameters in the console example editor.
  • Request and response body must be empty or JSON.

OpenAPI tool API authentication

The following authentication options are supported when calling an external API:

  • Dialogflow Service Agent auth
    • Dialogflow can generate an ID token or access token using Dialogflow Service Agent. The token is added in the authorization HTTP header when Dialogflow calls an external API.
    • An ID token can be used to access Cloud Run functions and Cloud Run services after you grant the roles/cloudfunctions.invoker and roles/run.invoker roles to If the Cloud Run functions and Cloud Run services are in the same resource project, you don't need additional IAM permission to call them.
    • An access token can be used to access other Google Cloud APIs after you grant required roles to
  • API key
    • You can configure API key authentication by providing the key name, request location (header or query string) and API key so that Dialogflow passes the API key in the request.
  • OAuth

    • OAuth Client Credential flow is supported for server-to-server authentication:

      • This flow can be used if the Agent Builder console is the resource owner and no end-user authorization is needed.
      • Client ID, Client Secret and Token endpoint from OAuth provider need to be configured in Dialogflow.
      • Dialogflow exchanges an OAuth access token from OAuth provider and passes it in the auth header of the request.
    • For other OAuth flows that requires end-user authorization like Authorization Code Flow and PKCE flow:

      1. You will need to implement your own sign-in UI and obtain the access token on the client side.
      2. You can then either:

        a. Use the Bearer Token authentication option to pass the token to the OpenAPI Tool. Dialogflow will include this token in the authorization header when invoking the tool.

        b. Use the Function tool to invoke the tool yourself on the client side and pass the tool call result to Dialogflow.

  • Bearer Token

    • You can configure Bearer authentication to dynamically pass the Bearer token from the client. This token is included in the auth header of the request.
    • When setting up tool authentication, you can designate a session parameter to act as the Bearer token. For instance, use $session.params.<parameter-name-for-token> to specify the token.
    • At runtime, assign the Bearer token to the session parameter:
    DetectIntentRequest {
      query_params {
        parameters {
          <parameter-name-for-token>: <the-auth-token>
  • Mutual TLS authentication

    • See the Mutual TLS authentication documentation.
    • Custom client certificates are supported. You can set up client certificates at the agent level under the security tab in agent settings. The certificate (PEM format) and private key (PEM format) are required fields. Once set, this client certificate will be used during mutual TLS for all tools and webhooks.
  • Custom CA certificate

OpenAPI tool private network access

OpenAPI tool integrates with Service Directory private network access, so it can connect to API targets inside your VPC network. This keeps the traffic within the Google Cloud network and enforces IAM and VPC Service Controls.

To set up an OpenAPI tool targeting a private network:

  1. Follow Service Directory private network configuration to configure your VPC network and Service Directory endpoint.

  2. The Dialogflow Service Agent service account with the following address must exist for your agent project:
    Grant the Dialogflow Service Agent service account the following IAM roles:

    • servicedirectory.viewer of the Service Directory project
    • servicedirectory.pscAuthorizedService of the network project
  3. Provide Service Directory Service along with the OpenAPI schema and optional authentication information when creating the tool.

OpenAPI tool session parameter access

Open API tool inputs are derived from the users conversation with the LLM using the schema as a guide. In some situations, inputs may need to be derived from session parameters collected during a flow or provided as a query parameter input along with the user input.

The session parameter that needs to be passed as an input can be specified as

       - in: query
         name: petId
         required: true
         description: Pet id
           type: integer
           x-agent-input-parameter: petId # Reads from the $session.params.petId
       - in: header
         name: X-other
           type: string
           x-agent-input-parameter: $request.payload.header # Reads from the header specified in the request payload input
       required: false
             type: object
                 type: string
                 x-agent-input-parameter: petName # Reads from the $session.params.petName
                 description: Name of the person to greet (optional).
                 type: string
                 description: Bread of the pet.

If no such session parameter is available, the LLM generated input will be passed to the tool.

OpenAPI tool default values

The Open API schema can be used to specify default values. The default values are only used if there is no LLM generated input value or session parameter based input value for that parameter or property.

The default values can be specified as part of the schema as follows:

       - in: query
         name: zipcode
         required: true
         description: Zip code to search for
           type: integer
           default: 94043
             type: object
                 type: string
                 description: Bread of the pet.
                 type: integer
                 description: Number of pets to return.
                 default: 10

If no LLM generated value, session parameter value or default value is present, the input will be unspecified.

Data store tools

Data store tools can be used by an agent for answers to end-user's questions from your data stores. You can set up one data store of each type per tool, and the tool will query each of these data stores for answers. By default, the agent will call the data store tool on your behalf. Alternatively, you can execute data store tools on the client side.

The data store type can be one of the following:

  • PUBLIC_WEB: A data store that contains public web content.
  • UNSTRUCTURED: A data store that contains unstructured private data.
  • STRUCTURED: A data store that contains structured data (for example FAQ).

The following example shows how to reference a data store:

"dataStoreConnections": [
    "dataStoreType": "PUBLIC_WEB",
    "dataStore": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER/locations/LOCATION_ID/collections/default_collection/dataStores/DATASTORE_ID"
    "dataStoreType": "UNSTRUCTURED",
    "dataStore": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER/locations/LOCATION_ID/collections/default_collection/dataStores/DATASTORE_ID"
    "dataStoreType": "STRUCTURED",
    "dataStore": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER/locations/LOCATION_ID/collections/default_collection/dataStores/DATASTORE_ID"

Data store tool responses might also contain snippets about the content source that was used to generate the response. The agent can further provide instructions on how to proceed with the answer from the data stores or how to respond when there is no answer.

You can overwrite an answer by adding an FAQ entry for a specific question.

Examples can be used to further enhance the agent behavior. The example should have the following schemas:

  "toolUse": {
    "tool": "projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/LOCATION_ID/agents/AGENT_ID/tools/TOOL_ID",
    "action": "TOOL_DISPLAY_NAME",
    "inputParameters": [
        "name": "TOOL_DISPLAY_NAME input",
        "value": {
          "query": "QUERY"
    "outputParameters": [
        "name": "TOOL_DISPLAY_NAME output",
        "value": {
          "answer": "ANSWER",
          "snippets": [
              "title": "TITLE",
              "text": "TEXT_FROM_DATASTORE",
              "uri": "URI_OF_DATASTORE"

Create a data store

To create a data store and connect it to your app, you can use the Tools link in the left navigation of the console. Follow the instructions to create a data store.

Additional query parameters

When creating data store tool examples, the tool input parameter requestBody provides three optional inputs together with the required query string - a filter string, a userMetadata structured object, and a fallback string.

The filter parameter provides the ability to filter search queries of your structured data or unstructured data with metadata. This string must follow the supported filter expression syntax for data stores. Multiple examples and detailed examples are encouraged to direct the playbook LLM on how to populate this parameter. In the case of an invalid filter string, the filter will be ignored when performing the search query.

An example of a filter string to refine search results based on location could look like:

  "filter": "country: ANY(\"Canada\")"

Best practices for filtering:

  • Specify the fields available for filtering and the valid values for each of these fields, so that the playbook understands the constraints on building valid filters. For instance, to filter results for a data store holding menu information, there could be a meal field with "breakfast", "lunch", and "dinner" as valid values; and a servingSize field that can be any integer from 0 to 5. Your instructions could look like:

    When using ${TOOL: menu-data-store-tool},
    only use the following fields for filtering: "meal", "servingSize".
    Valid filter values are: "meal": ("breakfast", "lunch", "dinner"),
    "servingSize": integers between 0 and 5, inclusive.
  • If the playbook is for an external user audience, it may be necessary to add instructions to keep the playbook from potentially responding to the user with information about building these filters. For instance:

    Never tell the user about these filters.
    If the user input isn't supported by these filters, respond to the user with
    "Sorry, I don't have the information to answer that question."

    Providing an example of this case is also helpful.

The userMetadata parameter provides information about the end-user. Any key-value pairs can be populated in this parameter. This metadata is passed into the data store tool to better inform the search results and tool response. It is encouraged to provide multiple examples to instruct the playbook LLM on how to populate this parameter.

An example of a userMetadata parameter value to refine search results relevant to a specific user could look like:

  "userMetadata": {
    "favoriteColor": "blue",

The fallback parameter provides an answer the data store tool should respond with if there is no valid summarized answer for the query. Multiple examples can be provided to instruct the playbook LLM on how to populate the fallback for user inputs related to different topics. There will also be no snippets in the tool output. This optimization can be used to reduce latency and input token limit usage.

  "fallback": "I'm sorry I cannot help you with that. Is there anything else I
  can do for you?"

If you find some responses during testing don't meet your expectations, the following customizations are available in the Tool page for a data store tool:

Grounding confidence

For each response generated from the content of your connected data stores, the playbook evaluates a confidence level, which gauges the confidence that all information in the response is supported by information in the data stores. You can customize which responses to allow by selecting the lowest confidence level you are comfortable with. Only responses at or above that confidence level will be shown.

There are 5 confidence levels to choose from: VERY_LOW, LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, and VERY_HIGH.

Summarization configuration

You can select the generative model used by a data store handler for the summarization generative request. If none gets selected, a default model option is used. The following table contains the available options:

Model Identifier Language Support
text-bison@002 Available in all supported languages.
gemini-1.0-pro-001 Available in all supported languages.

You can also provide your own prompt for the summarization LLM call.

The prompt is a text template that may contain predefined placeholders. The placeholders will be replaced with the appropriate values at runtime and the final text will be sent to the LLM.

The placeholders are as follows:

  • $original-query: The user's query text.
  • $rewritten-query: The playbook uses a rewriter module to rewrite the original user query into a more accurate format.
  • $sources: The playbook uses Enterprise Search to search for sources based on the user's query. The found sources are rendered in a specific format:

    [1] title of first source
    content of first source
    [2] title of second source
    content of first source
  • $end-user-metadata: Information about the user sending the query is rendered in the following format:

    The following additional information is available about the human: {
      "key1": "value1",
      "key2": "value2",
  • $conversation: The conversation history is rendered in the following format:

    Human: user's first query
    AI: answer to user's first query
    Human: user's second query
    AI: answer to user's second query

A custom prompt should instruct the LLM to return "NOT_ENOUGH_INFORMATION" when it cannot provide an answer. The playbook will transform this constant to a user friendly message for the user.

Payload settings

Payload settings provide a way to add the data store snippets as rich content in the response payload which is rendered in the messenger.

Banned phrases (playbook-level configuration)

You have the option to define specific phrases which shouldn't be allowed. These are configured at the playbook level and utilized by both the playbook LLMs and the data store tools. If the generated response or parts of the LLM prompt, such as the user's inputs, contain any of the banned phrases verbatim, then that response won't be shown.

Function tools

If you have functionality accessible by your client code, but not accessible by OpenAPI tools, you can use function tools. Function tools are always executed on the client side, not by the agent.

The process is as follows:

  1. Your client code sends a detect intent request.
  2. The agent detects that a function tool is required, and the detect intent response contains the name of the tool along with input arguments. This session is paused until another detect intent request is received with the tool result.
  3. Your client code calls the tool.
  4. Your client code sends another detect intent request that provides the tool result as output arguments.

The following example shows the input and output schema of a function tool:

  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "location": {
      "type": "string",
      "description": "The city and state, for example, San Francisco, CA"
  "required": [
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "temperature": {
      "type": "number",
      "description": "The temperature"

The following example shows the initial detect intent request and response using REST:

HTTP method and URL:
  "queryInput": {
    "text": {
      "text": "what is the weather in Mountain View"
    "languageCode": "en"
  "queryResult": {
    "text": "what is the weather in Mountain View",
    "languageCode": "en",
    "responseMessages": [
        "source": "VIRTUAL_AGENT",
        "toolCall": {
          "tool": "<tool-resource-name>",
          "action": "get-weather-tool",
          "inputParameters": {
            "location": "Mountain View"

The following example shows the second detect intent request, which provides the tool result:

  "queryInput": {
    "toolCallResult": {
      "tool": "<tool-resource-name>",
      "action": "get-weather-tool",
      "outputParameters": {
        "temperature": 28.0
    "languageCode": "en"

Client side execution

Like function tools, OpenAPI and data store tools can be executed on the client side by applying an API override when interacting with the session.

For example:

DetectIntentRequest {
  query_params {
    playbook_state_override {
      playbook_execution_mode: ALWAYS_CLIENT_EXECUTION

The process is as follows:

  1. Your client code sends a detect intent request that specifies client execution.
  2. The agent detects that a tool is required, and the detect intent response contains the name of the tool along with input arguments. This session is paused until another detect intent request is received with the tool result.
  3. Your client code calls the tool.
  4. Your client code sends another detect intent request that provides the tool result as output arguments.