Versions and environments

You can create multiple versions of your agent flows, playbooks and tools and deploy them to separate serving environments.

When you edit a flow, playbook or tool, you are editing the draft. At any point, you can save the draft as a version. A version is an immutable snapshot of your flow, playbook or tool data and associated agent data. For flows, this includes intents, entities, webhooks, pages, route groups. For playbooks, this includes only examples.

When you save a draft, it is deployed to the default environment. When you create specific versions, you can deploy them to custom environments. You can create a variety of custom environments such as:

  • testing
  • development
  • production

In addition, you can create environment-specific webhooks, so that you can isolate your production environment from development and testing environments.

Production traffic best practices

Always use versions for production traffic

A draft is updated every time a developer on your team makes a change. It is possible to break a draft unintentionally, especially if multiple people have write access to the agent. In addition, a recently edited draft may be inconsistent with the trained model, because training may have a delay or require manual execution.

You should always use versions for your production traffic. Draft resources should be tested before promoting them to production versions, and you can rollback to a previous version if any problems are discovered.

Always use environment-specific webhooks

When making updates to your agent, you often have interdependent updates to your webhook code. During development and testing of these changes, you want the following:

  • To test the agent updates against the webhook code updates.
  • To avoid deploying your webhook code to production until you have completed testing.

Using environment-specific webhooks achieves both of these goals.

Consider possible agent errors while changing versions

If you change a version in your production environment while sessions are active, it may cause agent errors for some active sessions. These errors may happen if the previous and new versions are inconsistent with each other in a way that disrupts session state. Due to this, you should plan to change versions during down-time or off-peak hours.

Load a version to draft

At any time, you can load a version to draft, so it is editable and used by the default environment.

Loading a flow version to draft can update multiple resources in an agent, including agent-level resources like intents and entities. When loading a version to draft with either the console or API, you can choose whether agent-level resources will be overwritten.

Similarly, restoring a playbook version to draft will overwrite the existing playbook in draft and its examples. And restoring a tool will overwrite the existing tool in draft.

Manage versions

To manage your versions:


To list the current versions for a flow:

  1. Open the Dialogflow CX console.
  2. Choose your Google Cloud project.
  3. Select your agent.
  4. Click the Shared Resources tab.
  5. Click Versions.
  6. The agent flows are listed. Select one.
  7. The versions are listed for the selected flow.

To list the current versions for a playbook:

  1. Open the Dialogflow CX console.
  2. Choose your Google Cloud project.
  3. Select your agent.
  4. Select the playbook
  5. Click Version History.
  6. Click View version history.
  7. The versions are listed for the selected playbook.

To list the current versions for a tool:

  1. Open the Dialogflow CX console.
  2. Choose your Google Cloud project.
  3. Select your agent.
  4. Select the tool
  5. Click Version History.
  6. Click View version history.
  7. The versions are listed for the selected tool.

The following information is displayed for each resource:

  • Display name: The version display name.
  • Version ID: The ID for the version.
  • NLU Type: The NLU type for the flow version.
  • Creation timestamp: The date and time that the version was created.
  • Status: The training status. A flow version is not ready to use until the status is marked as Ready.

To create a new version, click the Create button and provide the Display name and Description for the version.

To load a specific flow version as the draft flow:

  1. Hold the pointer over a version row.
  2. Click the option button.
  3. Click the Load to draft option.
  4. An option is provided to overwrite agent-level data when loading.

To delete a specific flow version:

  1. Hold the pointer over a version row.
  2. Click the option button.
  3. Click the Delete version option.


See the methods for the Version type.

Select a protocol and version for the Version reference:

Protocol V3 V3beta1
REST Version resource Version resource
RPC Version interface Version interface
C++ VersionsClient Not available
C# VersionsClient Not available
Go VersionsClient Not available
Java VersionsClient VersionsClient
Node.js VersionsClient VersionsClient
PHP Not available Not available
Python VersionsClient VersionsClient
Ruby Not available Not available

Compare flow versions

Once you have created flow versions, you can use the compare versions tool to see a side-by-side comparison between flow versions or the draft version. This features is not available for playbooks. To compare versions:


  1. Hold the pointer over a version row.
  2. Click the option button.
  3. Click the Compare versions option.
  4. Select another flow version or draft flow for comparison.
  5. A side-by-side comparison is shown.


See the compareVersions method for the Version type.

Select a protocol and version for the Version reference:

Protocol V3 V3beta1
REST Version resource Version resource
RPC Version interface Version interface
C++ VersionsClient Not available
C# VersionsClient Not available
Go VersionsClient Not available
Java VersionsClient VersionsClient
Node.js VersionsClient VersionsClient
PHP Not available Not available
Python VersionsClient VersionsClient
Ruby Not available Not available

Manage environments

To manage your agent environments:


To list the current environments for an agent:

  1. Open the Dialogflow CX console.
  2. Choose your Google Cloud project.
  3. Select your agent.
  4. Click the Shared Resources tab.
  5. Click Environments.
  6. The agent environments are listed.

To create a new environment, click the Create button and provide information.

To select flow, playbook and tool versions and configure an environment, click an environment and provide information.

To view editing history of an environment, click the history button near the right side of an environment in the list.

To copy an environment resource name that includes the environment ID, click the copy button near the right side of an environment in the list.

To delete an environment, click the delete button near the right side of an environment in the list.


See the methods for the Environment type.

Select a protocol and version for the Environment reference:

Protocol V3 V3beta1
REST Environment resource Environment resource
RPC Environment interface Environment interface
C++ EnvironmentsClient Not available
C# EnvironmentsClient Not available
Go EnvironmentsClient Not available
Java EnvironmentsClient EnvironmentsClient
Node.js EnvironmentsClient EnvironmentsClient
PHP Not available Not available
Python EnvironmentsClient EnvironmentsClient
Ruby Not available Not available

Specify environment for session calls

Using either the console simulator or the API, you can specify an environment when making runtime session calls. If an environment is not specified, the default environment is used.


When using the console simulator, select the Test agent in environment option, then select an environment.


To specify an environment for detectIntent, streamingDetectIntent, matchIntent, and session entity REST calls; alter the URL by inserting environments/environment-id between the agent and sessions path parameters.

For example, the following URL uses the 6db409d7-57ac-41d7-83bd-89b8768e2745 environment ID:

Specify flow versions for session calls

Using either the console simulator or the API, you can specify a set of flow versions when making runtime session calls. The selected flow versions don't necessarily need to be referenced in any environment.


When using the console simulator, select the Test agent with specific flow versions option, then select flow versions.


To specify flow versions for detectIntent, streamingDetectIntent, matchIntent, and session entity REST calls; provide the chosen flow versions in the query_parameters.flow_versions field of the request.