playbook 说明



  • LLM 可以理解的基本指令。
  • 用于将用户路由到其他 playbook 的说明。 使用 ${AGENT: playbook_name} 格式引用 Playbook。
  • 有关如何使用特定手册工具的说明。 使用以下表单引用工具: ${TOOL: tool_name}
  • 用于将用户路由到对话代理 (Dialogflow CX) 流的说明。 使用表单引用流 ${FLOW: flow_name}

每个步骤说明都以 - 开头, 您可以使用缩进定义子指令。


- greet the customer and ask them how you can help.
    - If the customer wants to book flights, route them to ${AGENT: flight_booking}.
    - If the customer wants to book hotels, route them to  ${AGENT: hotel_booking}.
    - If the customer wants to know trending attractions, use the ${TOOL: attraction_tool} to show them the list.
- help the customer to pay for their booking by routing them to ${FLOW: make_payment}.