Datastore 模式 Firestore 是一个 NoSQL 文档数据库,以可自动扩缩、性能出色和易于进行应用开发为设计目标。

虽然 Datastore 模式的界面具有许多与传统数据库相同的功能,但作为 NoSQL 数据库,它与传统数据库在描述数据对象间关系的方式方面有所不同。




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Organizations have been searching for optimal ways to store and analyze vast amounts of structured, unstructured, and semistructured data to handle the increasing volume, latency, resilience, and data-access requirements demanded by cross-functional

Serverless Migration Station is a Serverless Expeditions miniseries focused on helping developers modernize their applications running on a Google Cloud serverless compute platform. Module 21 is the second video focused on migrating from the App

Serverless Migration Station is a Serverless Expeditions mini-series focused on helping developers modernize their applications running on a Google Cloud serverless compute platform. In Module 19, the second video focused on App Engine pull tasks,