机密虚拟机是一种 Compute Engine 虚拟机 (VM),可让您实现增强的性能和安全性。机密虚拟机为内存中敏感数据的安全处理提供了内嵌内存加密功能。通过将静态加密和传输加密结合使用,内嵌内存加密功能可让您确保数据和应用始终保持加密。详细了解机密虚拟机和 Compute Engine


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How do you secure sensitive data and workloads in the cloud, while still keeping it private? In this video, we address just that, and show you how to create a shielded VM in Google Cloud Console, and how to ensure encryption in-use for workloads with

In just a few clicks, you can enable Shielded VMs to help protect against threats such as malicious project insiders, malicious guest firmware, and kernel- or user-mode vulnerabilities. Shielded VMs are virtual machines (VMs) on Google Cloud Platform