Cloud CDN(内容分发网络)借助 Google 分布在全球各地的边缘入网点,在靠近用户的位置缓存经过外部 HTTP(S) 负载平衡处理的内容。通过在 Google 的网络边缘缓存内容,您可以在降低传送费用的同时,更快地为用户分发内容。了解详情


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Cloud CDN → Cloud CDN (Content Delivery Network) uses Google's globally distributed edge points of presence to cache external HTTP(S) load balanced content close to your users. In this video, we demo Cloud CDN, showing you how

Cloud CDN (Content Delivery Network) is a tool that uses Google's globally distributed edge points of presence to cache external HTTP(S) load balanced content close to your users. In this video, we give you a brief overview of how this tool works and

Google Cloud CDN is delivered on Google’s high performance global network and edge infrastructure. Cloud CDN uses Google's globally distributed points of presence to secure and accelerate video and web content delivery for applications served out of