Chrome 企业进阶版是 Google Cloud的零信任解决方案,可让组织的员工随时随地安全地访问 Web 应用,而无需 VPN,也无需担心恶意软件、钓鱼式攻击和数据丢失的风险。

借助 Chrome Enterprise 进阶版,您可以管理对 Google Cloud、其他云平台和本地环境中的应用的访问权限,根据用户、设备和其他情境因素定义和实施访问权限政策,以及通过 Google 的全球网络提高应用的可访问性和响应能力。 Google Cloud


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  • 使用 Gemini 2.0 Flash Thinking
  • 每月免费使用热门产品(包括 AI API 和 BigQuery)
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探索 Google Cloud Skills Boost 中的自主培训、应用场景、参考架构和代码示例,并了解有关如何使用和连接 Google Cloud 服务的示例。


In this video, we will show you how to migrate from VPC FW Rules to FW Network Policy using the VPC FW Rule Migration Tool. We will show 2 scenarios facing customers. Scenario 1 we will show you on how to create and export a Terraform file for use.

Cloud NAT → Secure your Google Cloud egress traffic with Cloud NAT and NGFWs integrations (first-party or third-party firewalls). Watch along and learn how to control outbound traffic, use fixed public IPs for allowlisting,

Proactively defend your organization's cloud network with Google Cloud's machine learning-powered zero-trust architecture. This demo-packed session reveals the latest Cloud next-generation firewall (NGFW), Secure Web Proxy and Cloud Armor