Mount other types of databases

This page describes how to make standard and virtual database—application aware mount of the other types of databases.

You can access databases in several ways as well:

Making a standard mount for other database types

This is the procedure for a standard mount. To make a virtual database—application aware mount—see the procedure in Mount a virtual database from a volume-level backup image.

Use these instructions to mount the database image as a standard mount:

  1. From the App Manager Applications list, right-click the protected database and select Access.

  2. Select a snapshot image and choose Mount.

  3. On the Mount page, from Target, choose the target database server from the drop-down.

  4. In Label, optionally enter a unique name associated with the mount.

  5. Under Application Options, disable Create New Virtual Application.

  6. Under Mapping Options, do the following:

    • If required, change the default Storage pool to be used for the mount from the drop-down list. This only applies to mounts where there is no existing staging disk, such as direct to OnVault and imported OnVault images, otherwise the pool where the source image disks are located can always be used regardless of what is set here.
    • Enter the Mount Location.
  7. In the Pre-Script and Post-Script fields, enter the path and relative file names. Enter the timeout values to prevent hanging. 300 seconds is a good default timeout value.

  8. Click Submit. You can go to the Job Monitor to view the progress and details of the job. The mounted image is available in the Active Mounts.

Mount a virtual database from a volume-level backup image

Only volume-based snapshots can be mounted as virtual databases. Snapshots taken using Full+Incremental are file based; these cannot be mounted as virtual databases.

To mount the database image as a virtual application—an application aware mount—to a new target:

  1. From the App Manager Applications list, right-click the protected database and select Access. You can use the Managed Backup Plan status filter to show only protected databases.
  2. Select a backup image and choose Mount.
  3. Keep Host or VM selected; containers are not supported for databases.
  4. On the Mount page, from Target, choose the target database server from the drop-down.

  5. In Label, optionally enter a unique name associated with the mount.

  6. Under Application Options, enable Create New Virtual Application.

  7. At Included Databases, Select Items, choose one or more databases to virtualize, and click Database Options for each selected database to specify a target database name for the new virtual copy.

    • A single database are managed as standalone virtual copy.
    • Multiple databases are managed as a consistency group.
  8. If the source application is protected by a backup policy that has enabled database log backups, and logs are available with the image, you can use them to roll forward to a specific point in time by changing these options in the Roll Forward Time section:

    • The date field contains all possible dates that the database can be rolled forward to (through the application of database transaction logs). Select which date you want the database to be rolled forward to.
    • The time field contains a slider showing all possible times on the selected date that the database can be rolled forward to. If you select the latest possible date and then move the slider to the right most position, the job will apply to all available logs. If you select the earliest possible date and move the slider to the left most position, the job will apply no logs.
    • You can specify to roll forward using either User Time or Host Time. User Time is relative to the local time of the current user. Host time is relative to the system that hosts the data to be mounted.
  9. NAME OF CONSISTENCY GROUP. This option will appear if more than one database is selected. Provide a unique name to manage the selected databases as a virtual copy.

  10. Each database type has application settings:

    IBM Db2

    • TARGET INSTANCE NAME. From the drop-down, select a target Db2 instance to attach the selected database as a virtual copy.


    • MARIADB TARGET SERVER PORT. Enter the port number on the target server where a new MariaDB Instance will get created for the new child databases.
    • MARIADB TARGET OS USER NAME. Enter the name of the operating system user on the target server where a new MariaDB instance will get created.
    • MARIADB TARGET SERVER BASE DIRECTORY. Enter the path to the base directory where the configuration files for the MariaDB instance on the target server are stored.


    • MySQL TARGET SERVER PORT. Enter the port number on the target server where a new MySQL instance will get created for the new child databases.
    • MySQL TARGET OS USER NAME. Enter the name of the operating system user on the target server where a new MySQL instance will get created.
    • MySQL TARGET SERVER BASE DIRECTORY. Enter the path to the base directory where the configuration files for MySQL instance on the target server are stored.


    • PostgreSQL Target Server Port. Enter an unused port number on the target server where the new PostgreSQL instance will be created for the new child databases.
    • PostgreSQL Target OS User Name. Enter the name of the operating system user on the target server where the new PostgreSQL instance will be created.
    • PostgreSQL Target Server Home Directory. Enter the path to the base directory where the configuration files for PostgreSQL instance on the target server are stored.


    • TARGET SAP ASE INSTANCE NAME. From the drop-down, select a target SAP ASE instance to attach the selected database as a virtual copy.

    SAP IQ

    • TARGET DATABASE NAME. The name of the target SAP IQ database
    • SAP IQ TARGET OS USER NAME. OS user for target SAP IQ database
    • SAP IQ TARGET DB USER NAME. dbm user for target SAP IQ
    • SAP IQ TARGET DB PASSWORD. dbm user password for target SAP IQ
    • SAP IQ HOME DIRECTORY. Specify the directory path of SAP IQ binaries

    SAP MaxDB

    • TARGET DATABASE NAME. The name of the target MaxDB database
    • MAXDB TARGET OS USER NAME. OS user for target MaxDB instance
    • MAXDB TARGET DB USER NAME. dbm user for target MaxDB
    • MAXDB TARGET DB PASSWORD. dbm user password for target MaxDB
  11. If you want to apply a backup plan to the new virtual database, then enable Manage New Application and select a template and a profile.

  12. In Advanced Options, you can enter the Home Directory of the database, and for Overwrite Existing Database,

    These database instances have additional advanced options:

    IBM Db2

    • OVERWRITE EXISTING DATABASE. indicate when to overwrite a database on the target server that has the same name as the new database(s) being mounted: Yes, No, or Only if it's Stale.


    • MARIADB TARGET DB USER NAME and MARIADB TARGET DB PASSWORD. (Optional) Enter login credentials (username and password) for the target instance that will be created. If you don't specify anything, empty database credentials will be used. For the directory path, enter the path to the messages directory for the instance on the target server.


    • MYSQL TARGET DB USER NAME and MYSQL TARGET DB PASSWORD. (Optional) Enter login credentials (username and password) for the target instance that will be created. If you don't specify anything, empty database credentials will be used. For the directory path, enter the path to the messages directory for the instance on the target server.


    • POSTGRESQL TARGET DB USER NAME and POSTGRESQL TARGET DB PASSWORD. (Optional) Enter new credentials for the target PostgreSQL instance that will be created. If you don't specify anything, empty database credentials will be used. By default, a password is not required to sign in from the local system. For the Directory Path, enter the path to the messages directory for the PostgreSQL instance on the target server.


    • OVERWRITE EXISTING DATABASE. indicate when to overwrite a database on the target server that has the same name as the new database(s) being mounted: Yes, No, or Only if it's Stale.

    SAP IQ

    • OVERWRITE EXISTING DATABASE. indicate when to overwrite a database on the target server that has the same name as the new database(s) being mounted: Yes, No, or Only if it's Stale.

    SAP MaxDB

    • OVERWRITE EXISTING DATABASE. indicate when to overwrite a database on the target server that has the same name as the new database(s) being mounted: Yes, No, or Only if it's Stale.
  13. Complete the following under Mapping Options:

    • If required, change the default Storage pool to be used for the mount from the drop-down list. This only applies to mounts where there is no existing staging disk, such as Direct to OnVault and imported OnVault images, otherwise the pool where the source image disks are located will always be used regardless of what is set here.
    • Mount Location. specify a target mount point to mount the new virtual database to.
  14. In the Pre-Script and Post-Script fields, enter the path and relative filenames. Enter the timeout values to prevent hanging. 300 seconds is a good default timeout value.

  15. Click Submit. You can go to the Monitor to view the progress and details of the job. The mounted image is available in the Active Mounts.

Management of the active mounts

Once you have created a mount, you can track the image from the App Manager > Active Mounts. Ideally, don't leave any image mounted indefinitely because the backup image that the mount was created from cannot expire until all its mounts have been deleted. When you have finished using the mounted image then either:

  • Unmount the image. You can remount it if needed. You can then delete the image later when you are certain it is no longer needed.
  • Unmount and delete the image. This deletes the mounted image, not the backup that the mount is based on.