Manage security for Private Service Connect producers

This page describes how service producers can implement security for producer organizations and projects that use Private Service Connect.

Consumer accept lists let service owners specify networks or projects that can connect to individual service attachments. Organization policies also control access to service attachments, but they let network administrators broadly control access to all service attachments in an organization.

Consumer accept lists and organization policies are complementary and can be used together. In this case, a Private Service Connect connection is only created if it is authorized by both of these security mechanisms.


To get the permissions that you need to manage organization policies, ask your administrator to grant you the Organization policy administrator (roles/orgpolicy.policyAdmin) IAM role on the organization. For more information about granting roles, see Manage access to projects, folders, and organizations.

You might also be able to get the required permissions through custom roles or other predefined roles.

Producer organization policies

You can use organization policies with the compute.restrictPrivateServiceConnectConsumer list constraint to control which endpoints and backends can connect to Private Service Connect service attachments. If an endpoint or backend is rejected by a producer organization policy, the creation of the resource succeeds, but the connection enters the rejected state.

For more information, see Producer-side organization policies.

Reject connections from unauthorized endpoints and backends

Resources: endpoints and backends

  1. Create a temporary file called /tmp/policy.yaml to store the new policy. Add the following content to the file:

    name: organizations/PRODUCER_ORG/policies/compute.restrictPrivateServiceConnectConsumer
        - values:
            - under:organizations/CONSUMER_ORG_NUMBER

    Replace the following:

    • PRODUCER_ORG: the organization ID of the producer organization that you want to control consumer Private Service Connect access to.
    • CONSUMER_ORG_NUMBER: the numeric resource ID of the consumer organization that you want to let connect to service attachments in the producer organization.

    To specify additional organizations that can connect to service attachments in your project, include additional entries in the allowedValues section.

    In addition to organizations, you can specify authorized folders and projects in the following form:

    • under:folders/FOLDER_ID

      The FOLDER_ID must be the numeric ID.

    • under:projects/PROJECT_ID

      The PROJECT_ID must be the string ID.

    For example, the following file shows an organization policy configuration that rejects connections from endpoints or backends to service attachments in Producer-org-1 unless they are associated with an allowed value or a descendant of an allowed value. The allowed values are the organization Consumer-org-1, the project Consumer-project-1, and the folder Consumer-folder-1.

    name: organizations/Producer-org-1/policies/compute.restrictPrivateServiceConnectConsumer
      - values:
          - under:organizations/Consumer-org-1
          - under:projects/Consumer-project-1
          - under:folders/Consumer-folder-1
  2. Apply the policy.

    gcloud org-policies set-policy /tmp/policy.yaml
  3. View the policy that is in effect.

    gcloud org-policies describe compute.restrictPrivateServiceConnectConsumer \
        --effective \

Consumer accept and reject lists

Resources: endpoints and backends

Consumer accept and reject lists are associated with service attachments. These lists let you explicitly accept or deny connections from consumer projects or networks.

For more information, see Consumer accept and reject lists.

Interaction between accept lists and organization policies

Both consumer accept lists and organization policies control whether a connection can be established between two Private Service Connect resources. Connections are blocked if either an accept list or an organization policy denies the connection.

For example, a policy with the restrictPrivateServiceConnectConsumer constraint can be configured to block connections from outside of the producer's organization. Even if a service attachment is configured to automatically accept all connections, the organization policy still blocks connections from outside of the producer's organization. We recommend using both accept lists and organization policies together to help provide layered security.

Configure accept and reject lists

For information about how to create a new service attachment that has consumer accept or reject lists, see Publish a service with explicit project approval.

For information about how to update consumer accept or reject lists, see Manage requests for access to a published service.