Troubleshoot VMs with multiple network interfaces
This page provides troubleshooting steps for common issues that you might encounter when creating and using VMs with multiple network interfaces.
I can't create a VM with multiple interfaces
You may see one of the following error messages:
Invalid value for field 'resource': ''. Too many network interfaces. The maximum number of network interfaces allowed for this machine type is.
If you get this error message, you are trying to create more interfaces than the maximum interfaces supported by your instance machine type. See the maximum number of interfaces table.
Networks must be distinct for NICs attached to a VM.
If you get this message, you are trying to create more than one interface in the same network. Each network interface must be attached to a different VPC network.
Subnetwork CIDR ranges must be non-overlapping for NICs attached to a VM.
If you get this message, the CIDR ranges associated with your VM's interfaces are overlapping. These CIDR ranges include all primary ranges of subnets associated with VM interfaces as well as secondary ranges used for alias IP ranges. Each interface is attached to a subnet, each in a different VPC network, that must not overlap with subnets of other interfaces. For example, if you are trying to create your instance in region
, you can check subnet primary CIDR ranges using the following command or the Google Cloud console.gcloud compute networks subnets list --regions
REGION_A NAME REGION NETWORK RANGE defaultREGION_A default overlapping-subnetREGION_A test-network check secondary subnet CIDR ranges, use the following command or the Google Cloud console.
gcloud compute networks subnets describe overlapping-subnet --region
REGION_A ... ipCidrRange: ... secondaryIpRanges: - ipCidrRange: rangeName: conflicting-range
Multiple network interfaces are not supported on legacy networks.
If you get this message, you are trying to create your instance in a legacy network. Instances with multiple interfaces are not supported with legacy networks. You can check if a network is a legacy network by using one of the following methods:
- In the Google Cloud console, go to the VPC Networks page and check the Mode column.
- Run the
gcloud compute networks list
command and check theSUBNET_MODE
Required 'compute.instances.create' permission for 'projects/PROJECT_ID/zones/ZONE/instances/test-inst'
If you get this message, the account you are logged in with doesn't have the IAM permissions that are necessary for creating an instance. For more information about the roles required for creating instances, see Permissions, IAM, and instances with multiple network interfaces. You can check if the IAM policy associated with your project grants you any of the following roles:
. For creating instances in Shared VPC you would additionally need thecompute.networkUser
role. In the following example, the
doesn't have sufficient IAM permissions to create an instance. For more detailed instructions see the Granting, Changing, and Revoking Access to Resources IAM guide.gcloud projects get-iam-policy PROJECT_ID bindings: - members: - role: roles/owner - members: - - role: roles/editor - members: - role: roles/viewer etag: BwUjMhXbSPU= version: 1
You can ask your project owner or editor to either grant you a role of
, orcompute.instanceAdmin.v1
. You would needcompute.networkUser
role as well if you are associating any interface with a subnet belonging to Shared VPC.gcloud projects set-iam_policy --member --role roles/editor
I can't connect to a secondary interface's internal IP address
Check firewall rules to see that they allow connectivity to the VM secondary interface. You can check by looking at the firewall rules for the network that is attached to the secondary interface by either visiting Google Cloud console and clicking the appropriate VPC network or by using the following
command.gcloud compute firewall-rules list --filter='network:
NETWORK_NAME 'Check if you are trying to connect to a secondary interface from an Internet address or from outside of the secondary interface's network. You can only connect to an interface's internal IP from within its network. If you need to reach that interface from outside the network, you can assign an external IP address to your secondary interface.
Check if you are trying to connect to the secondary interface's internal IP from outside the subnet the secondary interface is attached to, either from another subnet of the same network or from a peered network. Multiple Network Interfaces per instance explains the interplay between VPC Peering and VM instances with multiple interfaces. In order to reach secondary interfaces from outside the interface's subnet, you might have to configure routes on the VM. See DHCP behavior with multiple network interfaces for details on how DHCP programs default routes in the VM.
If you're trying to access an IPv6 address, also see I can't connect to a secondary interface's IPv6 address.
I can't connect to a secondary interface using an external IP address
The DHCP server programs a default route only on the primary network interface of the VM. If you want to connect to the secondary interface using an external IP, there are two options. If you only need to connect outside the network on the secondary network interface, you can set a default route on that network interface. Otherwise, you can use the approach described in the tutorial, Configure routing for an additional interface, to configure a separate routing table using source-based policy routing in your VM.
If you're trying to access an IPv6 address, also see I can't connect to a secondary interface's IPv6 address.
I can't connect to a secondary interface's IPv6 address
If you're trying to access an IPv6 address, check that the VM has
or later installed. For more information about managing google-guest-agent
versions, see Guest environment.
If you have an earlier version of the google-guest-agent
, the secondary
interfaces do not receive an IPv6 subnet route. We recommend that you update
the guest agent so that the routes are configured correctly.
However, as a workaround, you can instead create a startup script to make the following configuration change for each secondary interface.
sudo sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.INTERFACE_NAME .accept_ra_rt_info_max_plen=128
with the name of the
interface—for example, eth1
or ens5
I am having connectivity issues when using a netmask that is not /32
By default, the instance metadata server only responds to ARP requests for the default gateway.
To configure interfaces with a netmask other than /32
, you should create an
image using the flag --guest-os-features MULTI_IP_SUBNET
and use it to create
your instance. For example, if you are using a debian-9
based image, you can
create an image using following command:
gcloud compute images create debian-9-multi-ip-subnet \ --source-disk debian-9-disk \ --source-disk-zoneZONE_A \ --guest-os-features MULTI_IP_SUBNET
To view the guest features configured on the image, run the gcloud compute
images describe
command on the guest image.
gcloud compute images describe debian-9-multi-ip-subnet
For more information about creating custom images, see Create, delete, and deprecate custom images.
I can't resolve the internal hostname of a VM with multiple network interfaces
When a DNS query is executed with an internal hostname, it resolves to the
primary network interface (nic0
) of the instance.
If nic0
is attached to a VPC network that is different from the
VPC network of the instance issuing the DNS query, then the DNS
query fails.
Internal DNS is resolved only within a given VPC network. For
more information, see
DNS resolution with multiple network interfaces.
Troubleshooting using the serial console
It is often a good idea to enable the serial console on a VM to debug configuration-related issues. You can enable the serial console for interactive debugging by following the steps in Troubleshooting using the serial console.