Les instances de notebooks gérés sont des environnements gérés par Google avec des intégrations et des fonctionnalités qui vous aident à configurer et à utiliser un environnement de production de bout en bout basé sur des notebooks Jupyter. En savoir plus

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View the full YouTube video: https://youtu.be/dNVBu-mtcqg Learn more about Google's network infrastructure today! Fundamentals → https://goo.gle/419NEdf Routing and Addressing → https://goo.gle/4b8E8eS Network Architecture →

Description: View the full YouTube video: https://youtu.be/dNVBu-mtcqg Learn more about Google's network infrastructure today! Fundamentals → https://goo.gle/419NEdf Routing and Addressing → https://goo.gle/4b8E8eS Network Architecture →

Ever wondered what makes Google so fast? It's their massive global network, and you can learn how to use it! These six Google Cloud courses will teach you various topics about Google's network infrastructure. Enroll today! Links to each courses

*Featured in this video:* Gill Rutherford, Head of Cyber and Information Security for Dunelm *Summary:* As the UK’s leading home furnishing retailer, Dunelm’s customers trust it to craft shopping experiences that are as delightful as they are secure,

NNX makes building and training machine learning models a breeze with its intuitive, Pythonic approach. Join Paige Bailey on our channel as she shows you how to leverage its powerful transformations for effortless neural network development.

Tutorial (NNX Basics) → https://goo.gle/3BMV6St Tutorial (MNIST) → https://goo.gle/4f472ON Tutorial (NNX vs JAX Transformations) → https://goo.gle/4h81iEZ Discover NNX, a powerful neural network framework within Flax that streamlines building and