Active partitioned DMLs statistics

Active partitioned Data Manipulation Language (DML) provides real time progress for the partitioned DMLs that are active in your database.

Spanner provides a built-in table, SPANNER_SYS.ACTIVE_PARTITIONED_DMLS, that lists running partitioned DMLs and the progress made on them.

This page describes the table in detail, show some example queries that use this table and, finally, demonstrate how to use these queries to help mitigate issues caused by active partitioned DMLs. The information on this page is applicable to GoogleSQL-dialect databases and PostgreSQL-dialect databases.


SPANNER_SYS data is available only through SQL interfaces; for example:

Other single read methods that Spanner provides don't support SPANNER_SYS.


SPANNER_SYS.ACTIVE_PARTITIONED_DMLS returns a list of active partitioned DMLs sorted by their start time.

Table schema

The following shows the table schema for SPANNER_SYS.ACTIVE_PARTITIONED_DMLS.

Column name Type Description
TEXT STRING The partitioned DML query statement text.
TEXT_FINGERPRINT INT64 Fingerprint is a hash of the partitioned DML text.
SESSION_ID STRING The ID of the session that's executing the partitioned DML. Deleting the session ID will cancel the query.
NUM_PARTITIONS_TOTAL INT64 The total number of partitions in the partitioned DML.
NUM_PARTITIONS_COMPLETE INT64 The number of partitions that the partitioned DML has completed.
NUM_TRIVIAL_PARTITIONS_COMPLETE INT64 The number of complete partitions where no rows were processed.
PROGRESS DOUBLE The progress of a partitioned DML is calculated as the number of completed non-trivial partitions divided by the total number of non-trivial partitions.
ROWS_PROCESSED INT64 The number of rows processed so far, updated after each partition completes.
START_TIMESTAMP. TIMESTAMP An upper bound on the start time of a partitioned DML.
LAST_UPDATE_TIMESTAMP TIMESTAMP Last timestamp when the partitioned DML made progress. Updated after a partition completes.

Example queries

You can run the following example SQL statements using the client libraries, the Google Cloud CLI, or the Google Cloud console.

Listing oldest running queries

The following query returns a list of running partitioned DMLs sorted by the start time of the query.

SELECT text,
FROM spanner_sys.active_partitioned_dmls
ORDER BY start_timestamp ASC;
text session_id num_partitions_total num_partitions_complete num_trivial_partitions_complete progress rows_processed start_timestamp last_update_timestamp
UPDATE Concerts SET VenueId = \'amazing venue\' WHERE SingerId < 900000 5bd37a99-200c-5d2e-9021-15d0dbbd97e6 27 15 3 50.00% 2398654 2024-01-21 15:56:30.498744-08:00 2024-01-22 15:56:39.049799-08:00
UPDATE Singers SET LastName = NULL WHERE LastName = '' 0028284f-0190-52f9-b396-aa588e034806 8 4 4 00.00% 0 2024-01-22 15:55:18.498744-08:00 2024-01-22 15:56:28.049799-08:00
DELETE from Singers WHERE SingerId > 1000000 0071a85e-7e5c-576b-8a17-f9bc3d157eea 8 4 3 20.00% 238654 2024-01-22 15:56:30.498744-08:00 2024-01-22 15:56:19.049799-08:00
UPDATE Singers SET MarketingBudget = 1000 WHERE true 036097a9-91d4-566a-a399-20c754eabdc2 8 5 0 62.50% 238654 2024-01-22 15:57:47.498744-08:00 2024-01-22 15:57:39.049799-08:00


Using the SPANNER_SYS.ACTIVE_PARTITIONED_DMLS table has the following limitations:

  • PROGRESS, ROWS_PROCESSED, and LAST_UPDATE_TIMESTAMP results are incremented at completed partition boundaries so the partitioned DML might keep updating rows while the values in these three fields stay the same.

  • If there are millions of partitions in a partitioned DML, the value in the PROGRESS column might not capture all incremental progress. Use NUM_PARTITIONS_COMPLETE and NUM_TRIVIAL_PARTITIONS_COMPLETE to refer finer granularity progress.

  • If you cancel a partitioned DML using an RPC request, the cancelled partitioned DML might still appear in the table. If you cancel a partitioned DML using session deletion, it's removed from the table immediately. For more information, see Deleting the session ID.

Use active partitioned DML queries data to troubleshoot high CPU utilization

Query statistics and transaction statistics provide useful information when troubleshooting latency in a Spanner database. These tools provide information about the queries that have already completed. However, sometimes it's necessary to know what is running in the system. For example, consider the scenario when CPU utilization is high and you want to answer the following questions.

  • How many partitioned DMLs are running at the moment?
  • What are these partitioned DMLs?
  • How many of those partitioned DMLs are running for a long time?
  • Which session is running the query?

If you have answers for the preceding questions, you can decide to take the following action.

  • Delete the session executing the query for an immediate resolution.
  • Reduce the frequency of a partitioned DML.

In the following walkthrough, we examine active partitioned DMLs and determine what action, if any, to take.

Retrieve a summary of active partitioned DMLs

In our example scenario, we notice higher than normal CPU usage, so we decide to run the following query to return the count of active partitioned DMLs.

SELECT count(*) as active_count
FROM spanner_sys.active_partitioned_dmls;

The query yields the following result.


Listing the top 2 oldest running partitioned DMLs

We can then run a query to find more information about the top 2 oldest running partitioned DMLs sorted by the start time of the partitioned DML.

SELECT text,
FROM spanner_sys.active_partitioned_dmls
ORDER BY start_timestamp ASC LIMIT 2;
text session_id num_partitions_total num_partitions_complete num_trivial_partitions_complete progress rows_processed start_timestamp last_update_timestamp
UPDATE Concerts SET VenueId = \'amazing venue\' WHERE SingerId < 900000 5bd37a99-200c-5d2e-9021-15d0dbbd97e6 27 15 3 50.00% 2398654 2024-01-21 15:56:30.498744-08:00 2024-01-22 15:56:39.049799-08:00
UPDATE Singers SET LastName = NULL WHERE LastName = '' 0028284f-0190-52f9-b396-aa588e034806 8 4 4 00.00% 0 2024-01-22 15:55:18.498744-08:00 2024-01-22 15:56:28.049799-08:00

Cancel an expensive query

We found a partitioned DML that has been running for days and isn't making progress. We can therefore run the following gcloud spanner databases sessions delete command to delete the session using the session ID which cancels the partitioned DML.

gcloud spanner databases sessions delete\
   5bd37a99-200c-5d2e-9021-15d0dbbd97e6 \
    --database=singer_db --instance=test-instance

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