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Cloud Security Assurance Program (CSAP) "Low Level" for Group C

The Cloud Security Assurance Program (CSAP) is a certification program established by the Korean Ministry of Science and ICT to ensure the security of cloud services in South Korea. This program aims to provide a standardized approach to security assessment, authorization, and continuous monitoring for cloud products and services offered in the Korean public sector.

Google Cloud achieved CSAP "Low Level" (Group C) for its IaaS and PaaS offerings. The scope of this certification includes Google Cloud resources located in Seoul Region in South Korea.

Google Cloud services in scope for CSAP "Low Level" (Group C)

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  • Google Cloud プロダクト
  • 100 種類を超えるプロダクトをご用意しています。新規のお客様には、ワークロードの実行、テスト、デプロイができる無料クレジット $300 分を差し上げます。また、すべてのお客様に 25 以上のプロダクトを無料でご利用いただけます(毎月の使用量上限があります)。
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