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K-ISMS (Korea)

The Korea Information Security Management System (“K-ISMS”) is an information security management standard operated by Korea Internet & Security Agency (“KISA”). K-ISMS was prepared to evaluate whether enterprises and organizations operate and manage their information security management system (ISMS) consistently and securely such that they protect key information assets from various threats. The legal background for K-ISMS is provided in Article 47 of the Act on Promotion of Information and Communication Network Utilization and Information Protection (Certification of ISMS).

Google Cloud has successfully achieved the K-ISMS certification, covering our data center located in Seoul, South Korea. The thorough certification audit was performed by KISA, a governmental institution affiliated with the Korean Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT). Google Cloud customers can rely on our certification by more easily proving compliance with your Korean requirements to protect key digital information assets and meet KISA compliance standards. Our Google Cloud K-ISMS certificate may be requested via Compliance reports manager. Potential customers can reach out to sales for more information.

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