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*Featured in this interview:* From ROSHN’s leadership team, Pablo Salcedo, executive director of digital products; Jayesh Maganlal, group chief information and digital officer; and Yazeed Alghmadi, director of emerging technologies, *Summary:* Google

*Summary:* Diego Delgado, software senior expert for cloud and platform services at Mercado Libre, shares how Google Cloud helped the online marketplace make a big data move towards AI innovation. Mercado Libre migrated its messaging service to

Learn how Citadel’s fixed income business powers their daily financial activities. First, we’ll explore the challenges of calculating profit and loss across thousands of positions, back-testing models and running trading strategies. Then we’ll

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계정을 만들어 Google 제품의 실제 성능을 평가해 보세요.
신규 고객에게는 워크로드를 실행, 테스트, 배포하는 데 사용할 수 있는 $300의 무료 크레딧이 제공됩니다.

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