Cloud Interconnect 通过高可用性、低延迟的连接将您的外部网络扩展到 Google 网络。您可以使用专用互连直接连接到 Google,也可以使用合作伙伴互连通过受支持的服务提供商连接到 Google。您可以使用 Cross-Cloud Interconnect 连接到由其他云服务提供商托管的网络。了解详情


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探索 Google Cloud Skills Boost 中的自主培训、应用场景、参考架构和代码示例,并了解有关如何使用和连接 Google Cloud 服务的示例。


Now you can connect your on-premises environment to your Google Cloud Virtual Private Cloud network with 99.99% availability – currently one of the highest SLAs on the market. HA VPN lets you easily set up redundant VPNs to isolate failures and

Google Cloud regions → Cloud Interconnect locations → Terminate BGP sessions on Cloud Router → Welcome back to What’s New in Networking where we keep you up-to-date on Google

In this episode of Networking End to End, Stephanie Wong shows you how to leverage Cloud Router to create dynamic routing that helps you automatically handle networking hazards. Join us and see what cute, furry example pops up. Learn more about Cloud