Kf 문서
Kf는 개발자들에게 Cloud Foundry 경험을 제공하며, 운영자가 선언적 Kubernetes 방식을 채택할 수 있게 해줍니다. Kubernetes로의 Cloud Foundry 워크로드 마이그레이션을 직관적으로 만들고, 특히 개발자 워크플로를 크게 변경할 필요가 없습니다. 또한 상용 Cloud Foundry 라이선스 비용을 없애고 GKE Enterprise for governance의 구성 및 정책 기능을 활용할 수 있습니다. 자세히 알아보기
무료 크레딧 $300로 다음 프로젝트 시작
무료 체험판 크레딧과 20개 이상의 제품을 무료로 한 달간 사용하여 개념 증명을 빌드하고 테스트합니다.
관련 동영상
Migrating from Cloud Foundry to Kubernetes with Kf
Learn more → https://goo.gle/3NczvUL Join Google cloud experts David Mehi and Greg Kuelgen to learn how you can use tools like Kf to easily migrate your Cloud Foundry workloads to a modern Kubernetes platform while maintaining the same developer and
Migrating from Cloud Foundry to Kubernetes with Kf
Questions for the Kf team? Reach out to: cf-to-kf-solution-team@google.com From its outdated pricing model to lack of scalability, Cloud Foundry is a legacy platform that no longer meets the needs of modern applications and services. Transitioning
How CoreLogic is replatforming 10,000+ Cloud Foundry app-instances with Kf
This session will explore how CoreLogic is re-platforming their 10,000+ Cloud Foundry app instances across on-prem and public cloud foundations using Kf on Anthos/GKE. Learn how they minimized developer disruption by retaining the Cloud Foundry
What is Kf?
Kf offers developers the Cloud Foundry experience while empowering platform admins and operators to adopt declarative Kubernetes practice. It makes migrating Cloud Foundry workloads to Kubernetes straightforward, and most importantly, avoids major
Accelerating application development with Anthos
In order to get products and features into the hands of consumers quickly, it is important to empower developers to work faster by reducing friction and their dependence on the underlying platform. In this session we talk about how to achieve just