Managed Service for Microsoft Active Directory è un servizio Google Cloud altamente disponibile e con protezione avanzata che esegue un controller di dominio Microsoft Active Directory effettivo e ti consente di gestire i carichi di lavoro dipendenti da AD basati su cloud, automatizzare la manutenzione e la configurazione della sicurezza dei server AD e collegare il tuo dominio AD on-premise al cloud. Scopri di più

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Get started integrating Managed Microsoft AD with Cloud SQL for SQL Server → Cloud SQL is a fully-managed database service that makes it easy to set up and administer your relational MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server databases

Running your Linux and Windows workloads and apps in the cloud depends on Microsoft Active Directory. Learn how the Google Cloud Managed Service for Microsoft Active Directory can deliver AD as a secure, reliable service, configured as either a fully

This tutorial details how to run Microsoft Active Directory dependent apps and servers on Google Cloud. You may need Active Directory in the cloud if you have VMs that are domain joined, you have something that needs Windows’ integrated