Cloud Interconnect 通过高可用性、低延迟的连接将您的外部网络扩展到 Google 网络。您可以使用专用互连直接连接到 Google,也可以使用合作伙伴互连通过受支持的服务提供商连接到 Google。您可以使用 Cross-Cloud Interconnect 连接到由其他云服务提供商托管的网络。了解详情


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Google Cloud's Application awareness on Cloud Interconnect helps to prioritize important data traffic, share bandwidth across different workloads to safeguard business-critical traffic on dedicated and cross-cloud interconnect for consistent

Are you observing any connectivity issues between your Google cloud and on-prem through Cloud Interconnect? Would you like to learn how to troubleshoot and resolve such issues? Then check out this video, where we give a quick overview of Cloud

In this demo, discover a quick recap of Cross-Cloud Interconnect, and how to set up Cross-Cloud Interconnect from a Google Cloud VPC to another cloud provider. Speakers: Ammett Williams and Nick De Cristofaro Chapters: 0:00 - Intro 0:22 -