Cloud Healthcare API 提供了一种代管式解决方案,用于在 Google Cloud中存储和访问医疗保健数据,从而在 Google Cloud 上托管的现有医疗保健系统和应用之间架起一座关键的桥梁。


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In India, expectant mothers often face lengthy wait times and paper based record keeping for their pregnancy care. Savemom is changing that with the help of Google AI. This innovative app, developed using Vertex AI Studio, Flutter, and Firebase,

*Featured in this video:* Ali Farhadi, CEO of the Allen Institute for AI (Ai2) *Summary:* The Allen Institute for AI (Ai2) is a non-profit research institute dedicated to building breakthroughAI to solve the world’s biggest problems. To achieve this

*Summary:* Kate Wilkinson is a senior product manager at Full Fact, a UK-based organization that has been combating misinformation for over a decade. As a team of independent fact checkers and campaigners, they find, expose, and counter the harm it