Configuring quotas

This page describes how to configure quotas for your API. At a high level, the steps are:

  1. Add the information about the quota to your OpenAPI configuration file.
  2. Deploy your OpenAPI configuration file.
  3. Deploy the Extensible Service Proxy (ESP).

For an overview of the functionality provided by quotas, see About quotas.


As a starting point, this page assumes that you have:

Adding a quota to your OpenAPI document

The following procedure describes adding the required extensions to your OpenAPI document to set up quotas. For simplicity, this page refers to the OpenAPI document as the openapi.yaml file and provides the OpenAPI extensions only in YAML format.

You add the following three sections to the openapi.yaml file:

  • x-google-management.metrics: A named metric that counts requests to your API. You provide a name that describes the counter. The name can be a category, such as read-requests or write-requests. Alternatively, if you are defining a quota for a specific method, you might want to include the method name, for example, echo-api/echo_requests

  • x-google-management.quota.limits: Represents a single enforceable limit on a named metric. This is where you configure the allowed number of requests for a metric that you have defined. Currently, only per-minute, per-project limits are supported.

  • x-google-quota.metricCosts: The metricCosts maps methods to metrics (many-to-many). A request to a method allocates a counter for each of the mapped metrics. When you associate a method with a metric, you always specify a cost for the request. You can configure the cost of each method independently. This allows different methods to consume at different rates from the same named metric. If you don't have a complex quota requirement, you can configure the cost of every metric to 1.

To configure quotas on your API:

  1. Open your project's openapi.yaml file in a text editor.
  2. If you don't already have it, add the x-google-management extension at the root of the file (not indented or nested) before the section that defines the paths.
  3. Add the metrics definition indented under x-google-management.

        - name: "YOUR_METRIC_NAME"
          displayName: "YOUR_METRIC-DISPLAY_NAME"
          valueType: INT64
          metricKind: DELTA
    • Replace YOUR_METRIC_NAME with a name that describes the API requests counter.
    • Replace YOUR_METRIC_DISPLAY_NAME with the text that is displayed on the Endpoints > Services > Quotas page to identify the metric.
    • The valueType field must be INT64.
    • The metricKind field must be DELTA.
  4. Add a quota field at the same level as metrics, and add a limits field nested within the quota section.

        - name: "YOUR_LIMIT_NAME"
          metric: "YOUR_METRIC_NAME"
          unit: "1/min/{project}"
    • Replace YOUR_LIMIT_NAME with a name that describes the limit.
    • Replace YOUR_METRIC_NAME with a previously defined
    • The unit field must be "1/min/{project}". This is the identifier for the per-minute per-project limit.
    • The values field must contain STANDARD.
    • Replace VALUE_FOR_THE_LIMIT with an integer value. This is the number of requests that an application associated with a consumer's Google Cloud project can make in a minute.
  5. Optionally, define additional metrics and limits for each metric.

  6. In the paths section of the openapi.yaml file, add the x-google-quota extension indented under each method that you want to apply a quota to.

    • Replace YOUR_METRIC_NAME with a previously defined
    • Replace YOUR_METRIC_COST with an integer. For each request, the request counter for the metric is incremented by the number you specify for the cost.
  7. Save the openapi.yaml file.

Quota configuration examples

The following three examples show how to configure quotas on your API.

The following example shows how to configure the metric field:

    # Define a metric for read requests.
    - name: "read-requests"
      displayName: "Read requests"
      valueType: INT64
      metricKind: DELTA

The following example shows how to configure the quota and limits fields within the quota section:

    # Define a metric for read requests.
    - name: "read-requests"
      displayName: "Read requests"
      valueType: INT64
      metricKind: DELTA
      # Define the limit or the read-requests metric.
      - name: "read-limit"
        metric: "read-requests"
        unit: "1/min/{project}"
          STANDARD: 1000

The following example shows how to configure the x-google-quota extension in the paths section:

    # Define a metric for read requests.
    - name: "read-requests"
      displayName: "Read requests"
      valueType: INT64
      metricKind: DELTA
      # Define the limit or the read-requests metric.
      - name: "read-limit"
        metric: "read-requests"
        unit: "1/min/{project}"
          STANDARD: 1000
      description: "Echo back a given message."
      operationId: "echo"
      - "application/json"
          description: "Echo"
            $ref: "#/definitions/echoMessage"
      - description: "Message to echo"
        in: body
        name: message
        required: true
          $ref: "#/definitions/echoMessage"
          "read-requests": 1
      - api_key: []

See OpenAPI extensions for more examples and detailed descriptions of the x-google-management and x-google-quota extensions.

Deploying the openapi.yaml file and the ESP

For the quota to take effect, you must:

  1. Deploy the openapi.yaml file to Service Management, which updates the configuration in Endpoints.
  2. Deploy the ESP. The steps for deploying the ESP vary by the backend that your API is deployed on.

For detailed steps, see Deploying the API backend.