Cloud Billing 문서
Cloud Billing은Google Cloud 지출을 추적 및 파악하고, 비용을 지불하고, 비용을 최적화할 수 있는 도구 모음입니다.
Cloud Billing 계정은 특정 Google Cloud 리소스 집합의 비용을 지불하는 사용자를 정의합니다. Google Cloud서비스를 사용하려면 유효한 Cloud Billing 계정이 있어야 하며 이 계정을 Google Cloud 프로젝트에 연결해야 합니다. 프로젝트의 Google Cloud 사용량에 대한 요금은 연결된 Cloud Billing 계정에 청구됩니다.
무료 체험 기간이거나 Google Cloud 무료 등급이 적용되는 Google Cloud 리소스만 사용하는 경우에도 유효한 Cloud Billing 계정이 있어야 합니다.
또한 Google Maps Platform API 사용 비용을 지불하는 데도 Cloud Billing 계정이 필요합니다.
무료 크레딧 $300로 다음 프로젝트 시작
무료 체험판 크레딧과 20개 이상의 제품을 무료로 한 달간 사용하여 개념 증명을 빌드하고 테스트합니다.
문서 리소스
관련 리소스
관련 동영상
Migrating App Engine pull tasks to Cloud Pub/Sub (Module 19)
Serverless Migration Station is a Serverless Expeditions mini-series focused on helping developers modernize their applications running on a Google Cloud serverless compute platform. In Module 19, the second video focused on App Engine pull tasks,
How to use App Engine Task Queue pull tasks (Module 18)
Serverless Migration Station is a Serverless Expeditions mini-series focused on helping developers modernize their applications running on a Google Cloud serverless compute platform. In Module 18, Google engineers Martin & Wesley show viewers how
Refactoring a Python 2 Cloud NDB app to Python 3 & Cloud Firestore (Module 9)
Module 9 resources: Codelab → Python 2 START ("mod8") code → Python 3 FINISH ("mod9") code → Serverless Migration Station is a Serverless Expeditions mini-series, designed to
Migrating App Engine push queues to Cloud Tasks (Module 8)
Module 8 references: Codelab → Python 2 START ("mod7") code → Python 2 FINISH ("mod8") code → Serverless Migration Station is a Serverless Expeditions mini-series, designed to
How to use App Engine push queues in Flask apps
Codelab → Python 2 START ("mod1") code → Python 2 FINISH ("mod7") code → Serverless Migration Station is a Serverless Expeditions mini-series focused on helping developers
Pub/Sub tips and tricks
Dead-letter queues → Message ordering → Replaying past messages → Pub/Sub is an asynchronous messaging service that can help you easily run serverless applications. However, there
Task Queues, Stackdriver, & more!
Here to bring you the latest news in the cloud is Google Cloud Developer Advocate Mark Mirchandani. Learn more about these announcements → • Queued Up → • Big Data, Big Updates → •
Messaging on the Cloud: GCPPodcast 7
Original post: In the seventh episode of this podcast, your hosts Francesc and Mark discuss the different ways messaging can be done on Google Cloud Platform, covering Pub/Sub and Task
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