Daily Schedule Compliance reports

This page provides an overview of prebuilt Daily Schedule Compliance in BigQuery.

The Backup and DR Service provides prebuilt Daily Schedule Compliance reports that are accessible in BigQuery. You can access these reports after executing the prebuilt script in the same dataset where the logs are being routed through the log sink. These reports display the data for the last seven days by default.

The Daily Schedule Compliance report provides information about the compliance status of daily schedule backup policies for your resources.

  • Resource name: The name of the resource associated with the daily schedule backup policy.
  • Resource type: The type of resource, for example, Compute Engine instance, Google Cloud VMware Engine, or a database.
  • Backup rule policy name: The backup policy name that the compliance has reporting for.
  • Backup plan policy template: The name of the template that the daily schedule backup policy is part of.
  • Date: The date that the compliance status is reported on.
  • Backup window start time: The start time of the daily schedule backup policy window.
  • Job type: The daily schedule backup policy job type. It can be snapshot, OnVault, streamsnap, restore, or direct to OnVault.
  • Status: The compliance status of the daily schedule backup policy. The status can be success, failure, unknown, or blank.
  • Comment: A description explaining the compliance status of the daily schedule backup policy.
  • Appliance name: The name of the appliance associated with the daily schedule backup policy.
  • Hostname: The hostname associated with the daily d backup policy.

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