Access images for recovery, restore, and other operations

Use the information on this page to access images for recovery, restore, and other operations.

Access list view of an image

Use these instructions to view captured application data in a table view:

  1. Click App Manager and select Applications from the drop-down menu.

    The Applications page opens.

  2. Right-click the application you want to access and select Access from the drop-down menu.

    The Access page opens listing each available image for the application in the timeline ramp view.

  3. Click Table on the Access page to open the list view for the managed application.

  4. To modify the display of the properties in this view, you can do the following:

    • Search by keyword: To display a specific subset of data in the list table, use the Type to search field. Enter a word in the field to complete a search across the management console's database for that specific word and display the results in the table.

    • Select table fields: To modify which fields appear in the table, click the three vertical lines in the top-right corner of the table and select the checkboxes for any fields you want displayed.

    • Sort content: To sort the content listed in a table column by alphanumeric order, select a column header and then click the up or down arrows to change the order.

    • Adjust column width: You can adjust the width of a table column to show more content in the table by dragging the column divider in a column header to the left or right. Column dividers are marked by a pair of thin gray lines.

    • Filter by: To filter the list of hosts, click Show filters. Click the arrow to the right of each option to select what filters you want to use.

    • Adjust rows. You can adjust how many rows display in the table by clicking the dropdown to the right of the three vertical lines and selecting 10, 25, 50, 100, or 500.

    • Export the list: You can export the list to PDF by clicking the download button.

You can return to the timeline ramp view by clicking Timeline. For more information, see Access the timeline ramp view of an image.

Select an image from the timeline ramp view

The timeline ramp view is a time-based, graphical representation of an application's captured images, where you can see the following:

  • The ramp's y-axis shows seven days of captured images.
  • The ramp's x-axis is divided into lanes for each image type.

Each image is represented by a circle icon on the timeline ramp. Each image icon is color coded to match its corresponding backup plan template policy.

The number of active images—or mounts—associated with an image are displayed at the top of the image icon. When you click an image icon, the image details are listed in the upper right-hand corner of the page. Below the image details is a drop-down menu that allows you to access the image using different access methods. Sensitive images have a lock icon next to their name. A green icon in the remote snapshot lane indicates there is a StreamSnap image available.

Access the timeline ramp view

Use these instructions to see an application's timeline ramp view:

  1. Click App Manager and select Applications from the drop-down menu.

    The Applications page opens.

  2. Right-click the application you want to access and select Access from the drop-down menu options.

    The Access page opens listing each available image for the application in the timeline ramp view.

  3. Click the specific image and then select how you want to access the image from the drop-down menu.

  4. Click the application icon to open to refine your search results. You can open the application panel by clicking Applications > Consistency Groups > Logical Groups.

  5. To quickly navigate through weeks of captured images you can use the following:

    • The navigation bar to select images from a much wider timeline. Images available for a specific date are represented as color coded dots on the bar:
    • The calendar widget to jump to a specific date.
    • The mouse scroll wheel or the up and down arrows.

Application logs

An application's logs are captured separate from the application. If an application is being captured along with its logs, the background in the Snapshot lane will match the color of the Snapshot image—gold—or the OnVault image—blue.

Access container YAML code from Active Mounts page

For active images that are listed on the Active Mounts page, you can access the YAML code snippet in the container's YAML configuration file. You can also unmount and delete the active image as needed.

Use these instructions to access the container YAML file:

  1. Click App Manager and select Active Mounts from the drop-down list.

    The Active Mounts page opens.

  2. Select the active images with the YAML file that you want to view.

  3. Select Container YAML from the drop-down list. You can also right-click on the item in the list and select Container YAML from the menu.

    This lists the YAML code snippet in to the container's YAML configuration file.

  4. View the code and click Okay to close the dialog. You can also view the YAML file in the job details page of the monitor.

YAML code details

After a successful mount job, you can obtain the YAML code either from the Active Mounts page or from the Job Details page, see Monitor mount jobs to containers.

These are the properties in the YAML code in detail.

  • volumeMounts: This specifies the path inside the container at which the volumes from appliance will be mounted:

    • name: This is a unique user friendly name for your volume configuration.
    • mountPath: This specifies the mountPath where the application data can be accessed from within the container.
    • NFS: This tells the container engine that the container uses a volume that is mounted over NFS that can be accessed using the following information:
      • Server: Appliance IP address that is hosting the application data volume as an NFS share.
      • Path: NFS share path on the appliance where the application data is shared. This is the path that was specified in the NFS Export Path column for every volume when performing the mount operation.