액세스 투명성 문서
액세스 투명성은 투명성과 사용자 신뢰를 위한 Google의 장기적인 약속의 일부에 속합니다. 액세스 투명성은 Google Cloud에 저장된 고객 콘텐츠에 액세스할 때 Google 직원이 취하는 조치를 기록합니다. 자세히 알아보기
Google Cloud 는 Google 직원이 사용자의 명시적인 동의 없이 고객 콘텐츠에 액세스할 수 없도록 설계된 여러 관리 액세스 제어를 제공합니다. 액세스 승인을 사용하면 Google 직원이 콘텐츠에 액세스하지 못하도록 승인하거나 거부할 수 있습니다. 자세한 내용은 액세스 승인 문서를 참고하세요.
키 액세스 근거는 해당 요청의 근거를 포함하여 외부 관리 암호화 키에 대한 요청의 가시성을 제공하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 자세한 내용은 키 액세스 근거 개요를 참조하세요.
Assured Workloads를 사용하면 Google Cloud에서 워크로드를 보호하고 규정 준수 워크로드를 단시간 내에 실행할 수 있습니다. 자세한 내용은 Assured Workloads 문서를 참고하세요.
무료 크레딧 $300로 다음 프로젝트 시작
무료 체험판 크레딧과 20개가 넘는 제품을 무료로 한 달간 사용하여 개념 증명을 빌드하고 테스트합니다.
문서 리소스
관련 동영상
Securing your AI model development pipeline
Vertex AI Pipelines → https://goo.gle/41IIBSZ Binary Authorization → https://goo.gle/3VOTAGL Vertex AI Pipeline demo → https://goo.gle/4ghaHJE Are you concerned about AI models going rogue? Secure your AI development pipeline using Google Cloud and
Assured Workloads for EU Data Sovereignty
Assured Workloads → https://goo.gle/3WSM3VY When it comes to your data, you should decide who has access. In this episode of our series on Assured Workloads, Developer Advocate Carter Morgan shares a few ways Google Cloud’s Data Sovereignty protects
Cloud Storage Data Security and Sovereignty
Learn more → https://goo.gle/3H4mKZI Join us today and learn about a number of new Google Cloud storage capabilities which empower our customers with Data security and Data Sovereignty. In this session we'll discuss how we think about Data Security
Security in the Cloud
In this episode of Eyes on Enterprise Stephanie Wong invites Collin Frierson - Security and Compliance Specialist - to discuss security in the cloud. They’ll cover how an enterprise can protect themselves from phishing, offer an in-depth approach on
Security and Trust on Google Cloud (Cloud Next ‘19 UK)
Running your business in the cloud requires a high degree of confidence and trust in your provider. In this session, customers and security product leaders from across Google Cloud will describe how our infrastructure, apps, and services, including
Bringing You More Control: New Services for Data Security and Transparency (Cloud Next ‘19 UK)
When you run workloads with sensitive and regulated data in the cloud, you need options to protect and control that enterprise data. From Key Management to Access Transparency to HSMs, Google Cloud offers numerous ways to keep in control of your
Minimizing Insider Risk From Cloud Provider Administrators (Cloud Next '19)
The cloud gives you tremendous flexibility and power by allowing someone else to worry about managing your infrastructure. But with this external management comes new risks - how do you know whether you can trust what your cloud provider is doing
Shared Responsibility: What This Means for You as a CISO (Cloud Next '19)
As companies move to public cloud, they move to a new paradigm where they are no longer the sole actors that affect their security. The division of shared security responsibility between customers and providers varies depending on the type of
Learn about Google Cloud’s trust and security services — Next '19
Learn how Google Cloud provides security and trust both in and for the cloud in this ‘Next 19 session. Customers and security product leaders detail how Google Cloud’s infrastructure, apps and services work to deliver a secure and trusted cloud. They
Getting Real-Time access Logs with Access Transparency (Cloud Next '18)
When do you access my data, and how will I know?' is a question that troubles every cloud customer who cares about their data, and one that few cloud providers have an answer for. This talk reviews Google's robust data protection infrastructure, and
Security and Trust for Google Cloud (Cloud Next '18)
Running your business in the cloud requires a high degree of confidence and trust in your provider. In this session, customers and security product leaders from across Google Cloud will describe how our infrastructure, apps, and services, including