Start PGAdapter

This page explains how to start PGAdapter in Spanner. To learn about PGAdapter, see About PGAdapter. To get the PGAdapter binary, see Get PGAdapter.

You can start PGAdapter in the following ways:

  • As a standalone process
  • Within a Docker container
  • On Cloud Run
  • Using PGAdapter as a sidecar proxy (for example, in a Kubernetes cluster)
  • In-process with your Java application

Before you begin

Before starting PGAdapter, ensure that you have authenticated with either a user account or service account on the machine where PGAdapter will be running. If you are using a service account, you must know the location of the JSON key file (the credentials file). You can then either specify the credentials path with the PGAdapter -c option, or by setting the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable.

For more information, see:

Choose a method for running PGAdapter

You can start PGAdapter as a standalone process, within a Docker container, on Cloud Run, or in-process with your Java application. When you start PGAdapter, you specify the project, Spanner instance, and database to connect to. You can also specify the path for a JSON-formatted credentials file (key file).


Download PGAdapter with the following command.

wget \
  && tar -xzvf pgadapter.tar.gz

Start PGAdapter with the following command.

java -jar pgadapter.jar -p PROJECT_NAME -i INSTANCE_NAME -d DATABASE_NAME \

The following options are required:

-p project_name
Name of the project that the Spanner database is running in.
-i instance_name
Spanner instance name.
-d database_name
Name of the database to connect to.

The following options are optional:

-r databaseRole=database_role
Database role to use for the session. For more information, see Authorization with PGAdapter.
-c credentials_file_path
Full path for the keys file containing the service account credentials in JSON format. If this option is not set, credentials are read from the path specified by the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable.

To learn how to create a service account and download a JSON-formatted key file, see Creating a service account.

Ensure that you grant the service account sufficient credentials to access the database.

You can omit this option if you first authenticate with the Google Cloud CLI with the following command:

gcloud auth application-default login

For more information, see Set up authentication and authorization.

-s port
Port that PGAdapter listens on. Defaults to 5432 (the default PostgreSQL port).
-v version_number

Version number of PostgreSQL to expose to the client during connection. Default value is 14.1

Some PostgreSQL applications and drivers enable additional features depending on this version number. Spanner might not support these features. See Drivers and Clients for a full list of supported clients.


Enable connections from hosts other than localhost. Don't use when starting PGAdapter in standalone mode. Use only when starting within a Docker container.

By default, as a security measure, PGAdapter accepts connections only from localhost.

The following simple example starts PGAdapter in standalone mode on port 5432 using the default application credentials.

java -jar pgadapter.jar \
  -p my-project \
  -i my-instance \
  -d my-database \
  -s 5432


Start PGAdapter with the following command.

docker run -d -p HOST-PORT:DOCKER-PORT \
    -v CREDENTIALS_FILE_PATH:/acct_credentials.json \ \
    -c /acct_credentials.json -x OTHER_PGAdapter_OPTIONS

In addition to the PGAdapter options to specify project, instance, database, and credentials, the following options are required:


This Docker option maps the port DOCKER-PORT inside the Docker container to the port HOST-PORT outside the container. DOCKER-PORT must match how PGAdapter is configured inside the container. It defaults to 5432. HOST-PORT is the port that Docker should listen on outside the container for connection requests. It must always be an available port on localhost.

For more information, see Publish or expose port (-p, --expose) in the Docker documentation.

-v CREDENTIALS_FILE_PATH:in_container_mount_point

This Docker option bind mounts a shared volume. It maps the host path outside the container to a volume (mount point) inside the container. The host and container paths are separated by a colon (:).

This option lets PGAdapter access the JSON credentials file that is outside the container. In the preceding example, the -c option references the in-container mount point. This example names the in-container mount point /acct_credentials.json. You can name it whatever you want.

For more information, see VOLUME (shared filesystems) in the Docker documentation.


Enable connections from hosts other than localhost. This is needed because the port insider the container that is mapped to the host port does not appear to PGAdapter as localhost.

The following options are optional:

-r databaseRole=database_role
Database role to use for the session. For more information, see Authorization with PGAdapter.

In the following example, the Docker port and host port are both set to the PostgreSQL database service default port 5432.

docker run -d -p \
    -v /tmp/credentials.json:/acct_credentials.json \ \
    -p my_project -i my_instance -d my_database \
    -c /acct_credentials.json -x

Cloud Run

You can't deploy PGAdapter as a standalone service on Cloud Run, but you can deploy it as a sidecar proxy.

Running PGAdapter in a sidecar pattern is recommended over running it as a separate service for the following reasons:
  • Prevents a single point of failure. Each application's access to your database is independent of the others, making them more resilient.
  • The number of PGAdapter instances automatically scales linearly with the number of application instances.

The PGAdapter GitHub repository contains several working sample applications using Cloud Run and PGAdapter as a sidecar proxy for various programming languages.

The following configuration file shows how to add PGAdapter as a sidecar proxy to Cloud Run:

kind: Service
    # This example uses an in-memory volume for Unix domain sockets.
    # This is a Cloud Run beta feature. BETA
  name: pgadapter-sidecar-example
      annotations: gen1
        # This registers 'pgadapter' as a dependency of 'app' and ensures that pgadapter starts
        # before the app container. '{"app":["pgadapter"]}'
      # Create an in-memory volume that can be used for Unix domain sockets.
        - name: sockets-dir
            # This directory contains the virtual socket files that are used to
            # communicate between your application and PGAdapter.
            sizeLimit: 50Mi
            medium: Memory
        # This is the main application container.
        - name: app
          # Example:
          # The PGADAPTER_HOST variable is set to point to /sockets, which is the shared in-memory
          # volume that is used for Unix domain sockets.
            - name: SPANNER_PROJECT
              value: my-project
            - name: SPANNER_INSTANCE
              value: my-instance
            - name: SPANNER_DATABASE
              value: my-database
            - name: PGADAPTER_HOST
              value: /sockets
            - name: PGADAPTER_PORT
              value: "5432"
            - containerPort: 8080
            - mountPath: /sockets
              name: sockets-dir
        # This is the PGAdapter sidecar container.
        - name: pgadapter
            - mountPath: /sockets
              name: sockets-dir
            - -dir /sockets
            - -x
          # Add a startup probe that checks that PGAdapter is listening on port 5432.
            initialDelaySeconds: 10
            timeoutSeconds: 10
            periodSeconds: 10
            failureThreshold: 3
              port: 5432

Sidecar Proxy

You can use PGAdapter as a sidecar proxy in, for example, a Kubernetes cluster. Kubernetes sidecar containers run in parallel with the main container in the pod.

Running PGAdapter in a sidecar pattern is recommended over running it as a separate service for the following reasons:

  • Prevents a single point of failure. Each application's access to your database is independent of the others, making them more resilient.
  • Because PGAdapter consumes resources in a linear relation to usage, this pattern lets you more accurately scope and request resources to match your applications as they scale.

The following configuration file shows how to add PGAdapter as a sidecar proxy to your Kubernetes cluster:

- name: pgadapter
    - containerPort: 5432
    - "-p my-project"
    - "-i my-instance"
    - "-d my-database"
    - "-x"
      # PGAdapter's memory use scales linearly with the number of active
      # connections. Fewer open connections will use less memory. Adjust
      # this value based on your application's requirements.
      memory: "512Mi"
      # PGAdapter's CPU use scales linearly with the amount of IO between
      # the database and the application. Adjust this value based on your
      # application's requirements.
      cpu: "1"

The PGAdapter GitHub repository contains a step-by-step guide and a sample application. This sample includes instructions for using Workload Identity Federation for GKE with PGAdapter.

Java In-process

Create and start a PGAdapter instance with your Java code. This is the recommended setup for Java applications.

If you are using a service account for authentication, ensure that the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable is set to the path of the credentials file.

  1. Add google-cloud-spanner-pgadapter as a dependency to your project. For details, see Get PGAdapter.
  2. <dependency>
  3. Build a server using the class.
  4. /**
      * Starts PGAdapter in-process and returns a reference to the server. Use this reference to
      * gracefully shut down the server when your application shuts down.
      * @param project the Google Cloud project that PGAdapter should connect to
      * @param instance the Spanner instance that PGAdapter should connect to
      * @param credentialsFile the full path of a credentials file that PGAdapter should use, or 
      *     null if PGAdapter should use the application default credentials
    static Server startPGAdapter(String project, String instance, String credentialsFile) {
      OptionsMetadata.Builder builder =
              // Start PGAdapter on any available port.
      if (credentialsFile != null) {
      ProxyServer server = new ProxyServer(;
      return new PGAdapter(server);

The PGAdapter GitHub repository contains a full sample application.

What's next