Node.js 中的 Spanner 使用入门


本教程将介绍如何使用适用于 Node.js 的 Spanner 客户端库完成以下步骤:

  • 创建 Spanner 实例和数据库。
  • 写入、读取数据库中的数据和对数据执行 SQL 查询。
  • 更新数据库架构。
  • 使用读写事务更新数据。
  • 向数据库添加二级索引。
  • 使用索引来读取数据和对数据执行 SQL 查询。
  • 使用只读事务检索数据。


本教程使用 Spanner,它是Google Cloud的可计费组件。如需了解 Spanner 的使用费用,请参阅价格


完成设置中介绍的步骤,包括创建和设置默认 Google Cloud 项目、启用结算功能、启用 Cloud Spanner API 以及设置 OAuth 2.0 来获取身份验证凭据以使用 Cloud Spanner API。

尤其要确保运行 gcloud auth application-default login,以便使用身份验证凭据设置本地开发环境。

准备本地 Node.js 环境

  1. 按照步骤设置 Node.js 开发环境

  2. 将示例应用代码库克隆到本地机器上:

    git clone

    或者,也可以下载该示例的 zip 文件并将其解压缩。

  3. 切换到包含 Spanner 示例代码的目录:

    cd samples/
  4. 使用 npm 安装依赖项:

    npm install


首次使用 Spanner 时,您必须创建一个实例,实例是 Spanner 数据库使用的资源分配单位。创建实例时,请选择一个实例配置(决定数据的存储位置),同时选择要使用的节点数(决定实例中服务资源和存储资源的数量)。

执行以下命令,在区域 us-central1 中创建具有 1 个节点的 Spanner 实例:

gcloud spanner instances create test-instance --config=regional-us-central1 \
    --description="Test Instance" --nodes=1


  • 实例 ID 为 test-instance
  • 显示名为 Test Instance
  • 实例配置为 regional-us-central1(单区域配置将数据存储在单个区域中,而多区域配置则将数据分布在多个区域中。如需了解详情,请参阅实例简介。)
  • 节点数为 1(node_count 对应于实例中数据库可用的服务资源和存储资源的数量。如需了解详情,请参阅节点和处理单元。)


Creating instance...done.


示例代码库包含一个示例,展示了如何在 Node.js 中使用 Spanner。

请浏览 samples/schema.js 文件,其中说明了如何创建数据库和修改数据库架构。数据使用架构和数据模型页面中显示的示例架构。



node schema.js createDatabase test-instance example-db MY_PROJECT_ID


node schema.js createPgDatabase test-instance example-db MY_PROJECT_ID


Created database example-db on instance test-instance.


 * TODO(developer): Uncomment the following lines before running the sample.
// const projectId = 'my-project-id';
// const instanceId = 'my-instance';
// const databaseId = 'my-database';

// Imports the Google Cloud client library
const {Spanner} = require('@google-cloud/spanner');

// creates a client
const spanner = new Spanner({
  projectId: projectID,

const databaseAdminClient = spanner.getDatabaseAdminClient();

const createSingersTableStatement = `
  SingerId    INT64 NOT NULL,
  FirstName   STRING(1024),
  LastName    STRING(1024),
  SingerInfo  BYTES(MAX),
  FullName    STRING(2048) AS (ARRAY_TO_STRING([FirstName, LastName], " ")) STORED,
) PRIMARY KEY (SingerId)`;
const createAlbumsTableStatement = `
  SingerId    INT64 NOT NULL,
  AlbumId     INT64 NOT NULL,
  AlbumTitle  STRING(MAX)
) PRIMARY KEY (SingerId, AlbumId),

// Creates a new database
try {
  const [operation] = await databaseAdminClient.createDatabase({
    createStatement: 'CREATE DATABASE `' + databaseID + '`',
    extraStatements: [
    parent: databaseAdminClient.instancePath(projectID, instanceID),

  console.log(`Waiting for creation of ${databaseID} to complete...`);
  await operation.promise();

  console.log(`Created database ${databaseID} on instance ${instanceID}.`);
} catch (err) {
  console.error('ERROR:', err);


 * TODO(developer): Uncomment these variables before running the sample.
// const instanceId = 'my-instance';
// const databaseId = 'my-database';
// const projectId = 'my-project-id';

// Imports the Google Cloud client library
const {Spanner, protos} = require('@google-cloud/spanner');

// creates a client
const spanner = new Spanner({
  projectId: projectId,

const databaseAdminClient = spanner.getDatabaseAdminClient();

async function createPgDatabase() {
  // Creates a PostgreSQL database. PostgreSQL create requests may not contain any additional
  // DDL statements. We need to execute these separately after the database has been created.
  const [operationCreate] = await databaseAdminClient.createDatabase({
    createStatement: 'CREATE DATABASE "' + databaseId + '"',
    parent: databaseAdminClient.instancePath(projectId, instanceId),

  console.log(`Waiting for operation on ${databaseId} to complete...`);
  await operationCreate.promise();
  const [metadata] = await databaseAdminClient.getDatabase({
    name: databaseAdminClient.databasePath(projectId, instanceId, databaseId),
    `Created database ${databaseId} on instance ${instanceId} with dialect ${metadata.databaseDialect}.`

  // Create a couple of tables using a separate request. We must use PostgreSQL style DDL as the
  // database has been created with the PostgreSQL dialect.
  const statements = [
    `CREATE TABLE Singers 
      (SingerId   bigint NOT NULL,
      FirstName   varchar(1024),
      LastName    varchar(1024),
      SingerInfo  bytea,
      FullName    character varying(2048) GENERATED ALWAYS AS (FirstName || ' ' || LastName) STORED,
      PRIMARY KEY (SingerId)
      CREATE TABLE Albums 
      (AlbumId    bigint NOT NULL,
      SingerId    bigint NOT NULL REFERENCES Singers (SingerId),
      AlbumTitle  text,
      PRIMARY KEY (AlbumId)
  const [operationUpdateDDL] = await databaseAdminClient.updateDatabaseDdl({
    database: databaseAdminClient.databasePath(
    statements: [statements],
  await operationUpdateDDL.promise();
  console.log('Updated schema');



您必须先创建一个 Database,然后才能执行读写操作:

// Imports the Google Cloud client library
const {Spanner} = require('@google-cloud/spanner');

// Creates a client
const spanner = new Spanner({projectId});

// Gets a reference to a Cloud Spanner instance and database
const instance = spanner.instance(instanceId);
const database = instance.database(databaseId);

// The query to execute
const query = {
  sql: 'SELECT 1',

// Execute a simple SQL statement
const [rows] = await;
console.log(`Query: ${rows.length} found.`);
rows.forEach(row => console.log(row));

您可以将 Database 视为数据库连接:您与 Spanner 的所有交互都必须通过 Database 进行。通常,您可以在应用启动时创建 Database,然后重复使用该 Database 来读取、写入和执行事务。每个客户端均使用 Spanner 中的资源。

如果您在同一应用中创建多个客户端,则应调用 Database.close() 来清理客户端的资源,包括网络连接(一旦不再需要这些资源就立即清理)。

如需了解详情,请参阅 Database 参考文档。

使用 DML 写入数据

您可以在读写事务中使用数据操纵语言 (DML) 插入数据。

使用 runUpdate() 方法来执行 DML 语句。

// Imports the Google Cloud client library
const {Spanner} = require('@google-cloud/spanner');

 * TODO(developer): Uncomment the following lines before running the sample.
// const projectId = 'my-project-id';
// const instanceId = 'my-instance';
// const databaseId = 'my-database';

// Creates a client
const spanner = new Spanner({
  projectId: projectId,

// Gets a reference to a Cloud Spanner instance and database
const instance = spanner.instance(instanceId);
const database = instance.database(databaseId);

database.runTransaction(async (err, transaction) => {
  if (err) {
  try {
    const [rowCount] = await transaction.runUpdate({
      sql: `INSERT Singers (SingerId, FirstName, LastName) VALUES
      (12, 'Melissa', 'Garcia'),
      (13, 'Russell', 'Morales'),
      (14, 'Jacqueline', 'Long'),
      (15, 'Dylan', 'Shaw')`,
    console.log(`${rowCount} records inserted.`);
    await transaction.commit();
  } catch (err) {
    console.error('ERROR:', err);
  } finally {
    // Close the database when finished.

使用 writeUsingDml 参数运行示例。

node dml.js writeUsingDml test-instance example-db MY_PROJECT_ID


4 records inserted.



您可以使用 Table 对象来写入数据。Table.insert() 方法将向表中添加新行。单个批处理中的所有插入均以原子方式应用。


// Imports the Google Cloud client library
const {Spanner} = require('@google-cloud/spanner');

 * TODO(developer): Uncomment the following lines before running the sample.
// const projectId = 'my-project-id';
// const instanceId = 'my-instance';
// const databaseId = 'my-database';

// Creates a client
const spanner = new Spanner({
  projectId: projectId,

// Gets a reference to a Cloud Spanner instance and database
const instance = spanner.instance(instanceId);
const database = instance.database(databaseId);

// Instantiate Spanner table objects
const singersTable = database.table('Singers');
const albumsTable = database.table('Albums');

// Inserts rows into the Singers table
// Note: Cloud Spanner interprets Node.js numbers as FLOAT64s, so
// they must be converted to strings before being inserted as INT64s
try {
  await singersTable.insert([
    {SingerId: '1', FirstName: 'Marc', LastName: 'Richards'},
    {SingerId: '2', FirstName: 'Catalina', LastName: 'Smith'},
    {SingerId: '3', FirstName: 'Alice', LastName: 'Trentor'},
    {SingerId: '4', FirstName: 'Lea', LastName: 'Martin'},
    {SingerId: '5', FirstName: 'David', LastName: 'Lomond'},

  await albumsTable.insert([
    {SingerId: '1', AlbumId: '1', AlbumTitle: 'Total Junk'},
    {SingerId: '1', AlbumId: '2', AlbumTitle: 'Go, Go, Go'},
    {SingerId: '2', AlbumId: '1', AlbumTitle: 'Green'},
    {SingerId: '2', AlbumId: '2', AlbumTitle: 'Forever Hold your Peace'},
    {SingerId: '2', AlbumId: '3', AlbumTitle: 'Terrified'},

  console.log('Inserted data.');
} catch (err) {
  console.error('ERROR:', err);
} finally {
  await database.close();

使用 insert 参数运行示例。

node crud.js insert test-instance example-db MY_PROJECT_ID


Inserted data.

使用 SQL 查询数据

Spanner 支持使用 SQL 接口读取数据,您可以使用 Google Cloud CLI 在命令行中使用该接口,也可以通过适用于 Node.js 的 Spanner 客户端库以编程方式使用该接口。


执行以下 SQL 语句,读取 Albums 表中所有列的值:

gcloud spanner databases execute-sql example-db --instance=test-instance \
    --sql='SELECT SingerId, AlbumId, AlbumTitle FROM Albums'


SingerId AlbumId AlbumTitle
1        1       Total Junk
1        2       Go, Go, Go
2        1       Green
2        2       Forever Hold Your Peace
2        3       Terrified

使用适用于 Node.js 的 Spanner 客户端库

除了在命令行上执行 SQL 语句外,还可以使用适用于 Node.js 的 Spanner 客户端库以编程方式发出相同的 SQL 语句。

使用 运行 SQL 查询。

// Imports the Google Cloud client library
const {Spanner} = require('@google-cloud/spanner');

 * TODO(developer): Uncomment the following lines before running the sample.
// const projectId = 'my-project-id';
// const instanceId = 'my-instance';
// const databaseId = 'my-database';

// Creates a client
const spanner = new Spanner({
  projectId: projectId,

// Gets a reference to a Cloud Spanner instance and database
const instance = spanner.instance(instanceId);
const database = instance.database(databaseId);

const query = {
  sql: 'SELECT SingerId, AlbumId, AlbumTitle FROM Albums',

// Queries rows from the Albums table
try {
  const [rows] = await;

  rows.forEach(row => {
    const json = row.toJSON();
      `SingerId: ${json.SingerId}, AlbumId: ${json.AlbumId}, AlbumTitle: ${json.AlbumTitle}`
} catch (err) {
  console.error('ERROR:', err);
} finally {
  // Close the database when finished.
  await database.close();


node crud.js query test-instance example-db MY_PROJECT_ID


SingerId: 1, AlbumId: 1, AlbumTitle: Total Junk
SingerId: 1, AlbumId: 2, AlbumTitle: Go, Go, Go
SingerId: 2, AlbumId: 1, AlbumTitle: Green
SingerId: 2, AlbumId: 2, AlbumTitle: Forever Hold your Peace
SingerId: 2, AlbumId: 3, AlbumTitle: Terrified

使用 SQL 参数进行查询


以下示例演示了如何在 WHERE 子句中使用参数来查询包含特定 LastName 值的记录。

// Imports the Google Cloud client library
const {Spanner} = require('@google-cloud/spanner');

 * TODO(developer): Uncomment the following lines before running the sample.
// const projectId = 'my-project-id';
// const instanceId = 'my-instance';
// const databaseId = 'my-database';

// Creates a client
const spanner = new Spanner({
  projectId: projectId,

// Gets a reference to a Cloud Spanner instance and database
const instance = spanner.instance(instanceId);
const database = instance.database(databaseId);

const query = {
  sql: `SELECT SingerId, FirstName, LastName
        FROM Singers WHERE LastName = @lastName`,
  params: {
    lastName: 'Garcia',

// Queries rows from the Albums table
try {
  const [rows] = await;

  rows.forEach(row => {
    const json = row.toJSON();
      `SingerId: ${json.SingerId}, FirstName: ${json.FirstName}, LastName: ${json.LastName}`
} catch (err) {
  console.error('ERROR:', err);
} finally {
  // Close the database when finished.


node dml.js queryWithParameter test-instance example-db MY_PROJECT_ID


SingerId: 12, FirstName: Melissa, LastName: Garcia

使用读取 API 读取数据

除 Spanner 的 SQL 接口外,Spanner 还支持读取接口。

使用 从数据库中读取行。使用 KeySet 对象定义要读取的键和键范围的集合。


// Imports the Google Cloud client library
const {Spanner} = require('@google-cloud/spanner');

 * TODO(developer): Uncomment the following lines before running the sample.
// const projectId = 'my-project-id';
// const instanceId = 'my-instance';
// const databaseId = 'my-database';

// Creates a client
const spanner = new Spanner({
  projectId: projectId,

// Gets a reference to a Cloud Spanner instance and database
const instance = spanner.instance(instanceId);
const database = instance.database(databaseId);

// Reads rows from the Albums table
const albumsTable = database.table('Albums');

const query = {
  columns: ['SingerId', 'AlbumId', 'AlbumTitle'],
  keySet: {
    all: true,

try {
  const [rows] = await;

  rows.forEach(row => {
    const json = row.toJSON();
      `SingerId: ${json.SingerId}, AlbumId: ${json.AlbumId}, AlbumTitle: ${json.AlbumTitle}`
} catch (err) {
  console.error('ERROR:', err);
} finally {
  // Close the database when finished.
  await database.close();

使用 read 参数运行示例。

node crud.js read test-instance example-db MY_PROJECT_ID


SingerId: 1, AlbumId: 1, AlbumTitle: Total Junk
SingerId: 1, AlbumId: 2, AlbumTitle: Go, Go, Go
SingerId: 2, AlbumId: 1, AlbumTitle: Green
SingerId: 2, AlbumId: 2, AlbumTitle: Forever Hold your Peace
SingerId: 2, AlbumId: 3, AlbumTitle: Terrified


假设您需要将名为 MarketingBudget 的新列添加到 Albums 表。向现有表添加新列需要更新数据库架构。Spanner 支持在数据库继续处理流量的同时,对数据库进行架构更新。架构更新不需要使数据库离线,并且不会锁定整个表或列;在架构更新期间,您可以继续将数据写入数据库。如需详细了解支持的架构更新和架构更改性能,请参阅进行架构更新


您可以使用 Google Cloud CLI 在命令行中添加列,也可以使用适用于 Node.js 的 Spanner 客户端库以编程方式添加列。


使用以下 ALTER TABLE 命令向表添加新列:


gcloud spanner databases ddl update example-db --instance=test-instance \
    --ddl='ALTER TABLE Albums ADD COLUMN MarketingBudget INT64'


gcloud spanner databases ddl update example-db --instance=test-instance \
    --ddl='ALTER TABLE Albums ADD COLUMN MarketingBudget BIGINT'


Schema updating...done.

使用适用于 Node.js 的 Spanner 客户端库

使用 Database.updateSchema 修改架构:

 * TODO(developer): Uncomment the following lines before running the sample.
// const projectId = 'my-project-id';
// const instanceId = 'my-instance';
// const databaseId = 'my-database';

// Imports the Google Cloud client library
const {Spanner} = require('@google-cloud/spanner');

// creates a client
const spanner = new Spanner({
  projectId: projectId,

const databaseAdminClient = spanner.getDatabaseAdminClient();

// Creates a new index in the database
try {
  const [operation] = await databaseAdminClient.updateDatabaseDdl({
    database: databaseAdminClient.databasePath(
    statements: ['ALTER TABLE Albums ADD COLUMN MarketingBudget INT64'],

  console.log('Waiting for operation to complete...');
  await operation.promise();

  console.log('Added the MarketingBudget column.');
} catch (err) {
  console.error('ERROR:', err);
} finally {
  // Close the spanner client when finished.
  // The databaseAdminClient does not require explicit closure. The closure of the Spanner client will automatically close the databaseAdminClient.

使用 addColumn 参数运行示例。

node schema.js addColumn test-instance example-db MY_PROJECT_ID


Added the MarketingBudget column.


以下代码可将数据写入新列。对于 Albums(1, 1) 键控的行,该代码会将 MarketingBudget 设置为 100000;而对于 Albums(2, 2) 键控的行,该代码会将其设置为 500000

// Imports the Google Cloud client library
const {Spanner} = require('@google-cloud/spanner');

 * TODO(developer): Uncomment the following lines before running the sample.
// const projectId = 'my-project-id';
// const instanceId = 'my-instance';
// const databaseId = 'my-database';

// Creates a client
const spanner = new Spanner({
  projectId: projectId,

// Gets a reference to a Cloud Spanner instance and database
const instance = spanner.instance(instanceId);
const database = instance.database(databaseId);

// Update a row in the Albums table
// Note: Cloud Spanner interprets Node.js numbers as FLOAT64s, so they
// must be converted to strings before being inserted as INT64s
const albumsTable = database.table('Albums');

try {
  await albumsTable.update([
    {SingerId: '1', AlbumId: '1', MarketingBudget: '100000'},
    {SingerId: '2', AlbumId: '2', MarketingBudget: '500000'},
  console.log('Updated data.');
} catch (err) {
  console.error('ERROR:', err);
} finally {
  // Close the database when finished.

使用 update 参数运行示例。

node crud.js update test-instance example-db MY_PROJECT_ID


Updated data.

您还可以执行 SQL 查询或读取调用来获取刚才写入的值。


// This sample uses the `MarketingBudget` column. You can add the column
// by running the `add_column` sample or by running this DDL statement against
// your database:
//    ALTER TABLE Albums ADD COLUMN MarketingBudget INT64

// Imports the Google Cloud client library
const {Spanner} = require('@google-cloud/spanner');

 * TODO(developer): Uncomment the following lines before running the sample.
// const projectId = 'my-project-id';
// const instanceId = 'my-instance';
// const databaseId = 'my-database';

// Creates a client
const spanner = new Spanner({
  projectId: projectId,

// Gets a reference to a Cloud Spanner instance and database
const instance = spanner.instance(instanceId);
const database = instance.database(databaseId);

const query = {
  sql: 'SELECT SingerId, AlbumId, MarketingBudget FROM Albums',

// Queries rows from the Albums table
try {
  const [rows] = await;

  rows.forEach(async row => {
    const json = row.toJSON();

      `SingerId: ${json.SingerId}, AlbumId: ${
      }, MarketingBudget: ${
        json.MarketingBudget ? json.MarketingBudget : null
} catch (err) {
  console.error('ERROR:', err);
} finally {
  // Close the database when finished.

如需执行此查询,请使用 queryNewColumn 参数运行示例。

node schema.js queryNewColumn test-instance example-db MY_PROJECT_ID


SingerId: 1, AlbumId: 1, MarketingBudget: 100000
SingerId: 1, AlbumId: 2, MarketingBudget: null
SingerId: 2, AlbumId: 1, MarketingBudget: null
SingerId: 2, AlbumId: 2, MarketingBudget: 500000
SingerId: 2, AlbumId: 3, MarketingBudget: null


您可以在读写事务中使用 DML 来更新数据。

使用 runUpdate() 方法来执行 DML 语句。

// This sample transfers 200,000 from the MarketingBudget field
// of the second Album to the first Album, as long as the second
// Album has enough money in its budget. Make sure to run the
// addColumn and updateData samples first (in that order).

// Imports the Google Cloud client library
const {Spanner} = require('@google-cloud/spanner');

 * TODO(developer): Uncomment the following lines before running the sample.
// const projectId = 'my-project-id';
// const instanceId = 'my-instance';
// const databaseId = 'my-database';

// Creates a client
const spanner = new Spanner({
  projectId: projectId,

// Gets a reference to a Cloud Spanner instance and database
const instance = spanner.instance(instanceId);
const database = instance.database(databaseId);

const transferAmount = 200000;

database.runTransaction((err, transaction) => {
  if (err) {
  let firstBudget, secondBudget;
  const queryOne = `SELECT MarketingBudget FROM Albums
    WHERE SingerId = 2 AND AlbumId = 2`;

  const queryTwo = `SELECT MarketingBudget FROM Albums
  WHERE SingerId = 1 AND AlbumId = 1`;

    // Reads the second album's budget => {
      // Gets second album's budget
      const rows = results[0].map(row => row.toJSON());
      secondBudget = rows[0].MarketingBudget;
      console.log(`The second album's marketing budget: ${secondBudget}`);

      // Makes sure the second album's budget is large enough
      if (secondBudget < transferAmount) {
        throw new Error(
          `The second album's budget (${secondBudget}) is less than the transfer amount (${transferAmount}).`

    // Reads the first album's budget => {
      // Gets first album's budget
      const rows = results[0].map(row => row.toJSON());
      firstBudget = rows[0].MarketingBudget;
      console.log(`The first album's marketing budget: ${firstBudget}`);
    .then(() => {
      // Transfers the budgets between the albums
      console.log(firstBudget, secondBudget);
      firstBudget += transferAmount;
      secondBudget -= transferAmount;

      console.log(firstBudget, secondBudget);

      // Updates the database
      // Note: Cloud Spanner interprets Node.js numbers as FLOAT64s, so they
      // must be converted (back) to strings before being inserted as INT64s.

      return transaction
          sql: `UPDATE Albums SET MarketingBudget = @Budget
              WHERE SingerId = 1 and AlbumId = 1`,
          params: {
            Budget: firstBudget,
        .then(() =>
            sql: `UPDATE Albums SET MarketingBudget = @Budget
                  WHERE SingerId = 2 and AlbumId = 2`,
            params: {
              Budget: secondBudget,
    .then(() => {
      // Commits the transaction and send the changes to the database
      return transaction.commit();
    .then(() => {
        `Successfully executed read-write transaction using DML to transfer ${transferAmount} from Album 2 to Album 1.`
    .then(() => {
      // Closes the database when finished

使用 writeWithTransactionUsingDml 参数运行示例。

node dml.js writeWithTransactionUsingDml test-instance example-db MY_PROJECT_ID


Successfully executed read-write transaction using DML to transfer $200000 from Album 2 to Album 1.


假设您想要提取 Albums 表中 AlbumTitle 值在特定范围内的所有行。您可以使用 SQL 语句或读取调用读取 AlbumTitle 列中的所有值,然后舍弃不符合条件的行。不过,执行全表扫描费用高昂,特别是对内含大量行的表来说更是如此。相反,如果对表创建二级索引,按非主键列进行搜索,则可以提高行检索速度。

向现有表添加二级索引需要更新架构。与其他架构更新一样,Spanner 支持在数据库继续处理流量的同时添加索引。Spanner 会使用您的现有数据自动回填索引。回填可能需要几分钟时间才能完成,但在此过程中,您无需使数据库离线,也无需避免写入已编入索引的表。如需了解详情,请参阅添加二级索引

添加二级索引后,Spanner 会自动使用该索引进行 SQL 查询,使用该索引后,查询运行速度可能会提高。如果使用读取接口,则必须指定要使用的索引。


您可以使用 gcloud CLI 在命令行中添加索引,也可以使用适用于 Node.js 的 Spanner 客户端库以编程方式添加索引。


使用以下 CREATE INDEX 命令向数据库添加索引:

gcloud spanner databases ddl update example-db --instance=test-instance \
    --ddl='CREATE INDEX AlbumsByAlbumTitle ON Albums(AlbumTitle)'


Schema updating...done.

使用适用于 Node.js 的 Spanner 客户端库

使用 Database.updateSchema() 添加索引:

// Imports the Google Cloud client library
const {Spanner} = require('@google-cloud/spanner');

 * TODO(developer): Uncomment the following lines before running the sample.
// const projectId = 'my-project-id';
// const instanceId = 'my-instance';
// const databaseId = 'my-database';

// Creates a client
const spanner = new Spanner({
  projectId: projectId,

const databaseAdminClient = spanner.getDatabaseAdminClient();

const request = ['CREATE INDEX AlbumsByAlbumTitle ON Albums(AlbumTitle)'];

// Creates a new index in the database
try {
  const [operation] = await databaseAdminClient.updateDatabaseDdl({
    database: databaseAdminClient.databasePath(
    statements: request,

  console.log('Waiting for operation to complete...');
  await operation.promise();

  console.log('Added the AlbumsByAlbumTitle index.');
} catch (err) {
  console.error('ERROR:', err);
} finally {
  // Close the spanner client when finished.
  // The databaseAdminClient does not require explicit closure. The closure of the Spanner client will automatically close the databaseAdminClient.

使用 createIndex 参数运行示例。

node indexing.js createIndex test-instance example-db MY_PROJECT_ID


Added the AlbumsByAlbumTitle index.


对于 SQL 查询,Spanner 会自动使用适当的索引。在读取接口中,您必须在请求中指定索引。

要在读取接口中使用索引,请使用 方法。

// Imports the Google Cloud client library
const {Spanner} = require('@google-cloud/spanner');

 * TODO(developer): Uncomment the following lines before running the sample.
// const projectId = 'my-project-id';
// const instanceId = 'my-instance';
// const databaseId = 'my-database';

// Creates a client
const spanner = new Spanner({
  projectId: projectId,

// Gets a reference to a Cloud Spanner instance and database
const instance = spanner.instance(instanceId);
const database = instance.database(databaseId);

const albumsTable = database.table('Albums');

const query = {
  columns: ['AlbumId', 'AlbumTitle'],
  keySet: {
    all: true,
  index: 'AlbumsByAlbumTitle',

// Reads the Albums table using an index
try {
  const [rows] = await;

  rows.forEach(row => {
    const json = row.toJSON();
    console.log(`AlbumId: ${json.AlbumId}, AlbumTitle: ${json.AlbumTitle}`);
} catch (err) {
  console.error('ERROR:', err);
} finally {
  // Close the database when finished.

使用 readIndex 参数运行示例。

node indexing.js readIndex test-instance example-db MY_PROJECT_ID


AlbumId: 2, AlbumTitle: Forever Hold your Peace
AlbumId: 2, AlbumTitle: Go, Go, Go
AlbumId: 1, AlbumTitle: Green
AlbumId: 3, AlbumTitle: Terrified
AlbumId: 1, AlbumTitle: Total Junk


您可能已经注意到,上一个读取示例不包括读取 MarketingBudget 列。这是因为,Spanner 的读取接口不支持将索引与数据表联接起来查找未存储在索引中的值。

请创建 AlbumsByAlbumTitle 的备用定义,用于将 MarketingBudget 的副本存储到索引中。



gcloud spanner databases ddl update example-db --instance=test-instance \
    --ddl='CREATE INDEX AlbumsByAlbumTitle2 ON Albums(AlbumTitle) STORING (MarketingBudget)


gcloud spanner databases ddl update example-db --instance=test-instance \
    --ddl='CREATE INDEX AlbumsByAlbumTitle2 ON Albums(AlbumTitle) INCLUDE (MarketingBudget)


Schema updating...done.

使用适用于 Node.js 的 Spanner 客户端库

使用 Database.updateSchema() 添加带 STORING 子句的索引:

// "Storing" indexes store copies of the columns they index
// This speeds up queries, but takes more space compared to normal indexes
// See the link below for more information:

// Imports the Google Cloud client library
const {Spanner} = require('@google-cloud/spanner');

 * TODO(developer): Uncomment the following lines before running the sample.
// const projectId = 'my-project-id';
// const instanceId = 'my-instance';
// const databaseId = 'my-database';

// Creates a client
const spanner = new Spanner({
  projectId: projectId,

const databaseAdminClient = spanner.getDatabaseAdminClient();

const request = [
  'CREATE INDEX AlbumsByAlbumTitle2 ON Albums(AlbumTitle) STORING (MarketingBudget)',

// Creates a new index in the database
try {
  const [operation] = await databaseAdminClient.updateDatabaseDdl({
    database: databaseAdminClient.databasePath(
    statements: request,

  console.log('Waiting for operation to complete...');
  await operation.promise();

  console.log('Added the AlbumsByAlbumTitle2 index.');
} catch (err) {
  console.error('ERROR:', err);
} finally {
  // Close the spanner client when finished.
  // The databaseAdminClient does not require explicit closure. The closure of the Spanner client will automatically close the databaseAdminClient.

使用 createStoringIndex 参数运行示例。

node indexing.js createStoringIndex test-instance example-db MY_PROJECT_ID


Added the AlbumsByAlbumTitle2 index.

现在,当您执行读取操作时便可从 AlbumsByAlbumTitle2 索引中提取所有 AlbumIdAlbumTitleMarketingBudget 列:

// "Storing" indexes store copies of the columns they index
// This speeds up queries, but takes more space compared to normal indexes
// See the link below for more information:

// Imports the Google Cloud client library
const {Spanner} = require('@google-cloud/spanner');

 * TODO(developer): Uncomment the following lines before running the sample.
// const projectId = 'my-project-id';
// const instanceId = 'my-instance';
// const databaseId = 'my-database';

// Creates a client
const spanner = new Spanner({
  projectId: projectId,

// Gets a reference to a Cloud Spanner instance and database
const instance = spanner.instance(instanceId);
const database = instance.database(databaseId);

const albumsTable = database.table('Albums');

const query = {
  columns: ['AlbumId', 'AlbumTitle', 'MarketingBudget'],
  keySet: {
    all: true,
  index: 'AlbumsByAlbumTitle2',

// Reads the Albums table using a storing index
try {
  const [rows] = await;

  rows.forEach(row => {
    const json = row.toJSON();
    let rowString = `AlbumId: ${json.AlbumId}`;
    rowString += `, AlbumTitle: ${json.AlbumTitle}`;
    if (json.MarketingBudget) {
      rowString += `, MarketingBudget: ${json.MarketingBudget}`;
} catch (err) {
  console.error('ERROR:', err);
} finally {
  // Close the database when finished.

使用 readStoringIndex 参数运行示例。

node indexing.js readStoringIndex test-instance example-db MY_PROJECT_ID


AlbumId: 2, AlbumTitle: Forever Hold your Peace, MarketingBudget: 300000
AlbumId: 2, AlbumTitle: Go, Go, Go, MarketingBudget: null
AlbumId: 1, AlbumTitle: Green, MarketingBudget: null
AlbumId: 3, AlbumTitle: Terrified, MarketingBudget: null
AlbumId: 1, AlbumTitle: Total Junk, MarketingBudget: 300000


假设您要在同一时间戳执行多个读取操作。只读事务会遵从一致的事务提交历史记录前缀,因此您的应用始终可获得一致的数据。 使用 Database.runTransaction() 执行只读事务。


// Imports the Google Cloud client library
const {Spanner} = require('@google-cloud/spanner');

 * TODO(developer): Uncomment the following lines before running the sample.
// const projectId = 'my-project-id';
// const instanceId = 'my-instance';
// const databaseId = 'my-database';

// Creates a client
const spanner = new Spanner({
  projectId: projectId,

// Gets a reference to a Cloud Spanner instance and database
const instance = spanner.instance(instanceId);
const database = instance.database(databaseId);

// Gets a transaction object that captures the database state
// at a specific point in time
database.getSnapshot(async (err, transaction) => {
  if (err) {
  const queryOne = 'SELECT SingerId, AlbumId, AlbumTitle FROM Albums';

  try {
    // Read #1, using SQL
    const [qOneRows] = await;

    qOneRows.forEach(row => {
      const json = row.toJSON();
        `SingerId: ${json.SingerId}, AlbumId: ${json.AlbumId}, AlbumTitle: ${json.AlbumTitle}`

    const queryTwo = {
      columns: ['SingerId', 'AlbumId', 'AlbumTitle'],

    // Read #2, using the `read` method. Even if changes occur
    // in-between the reads, the transaction ensures that both
    // return the same data.
    const [qTwoRows] = await'Albums', queryTwo);

    qTwoRows.forEach(row => {
      const json = row.toJSON();
        `SingerId: ${json.SingerId}, AlbumId: ${json.AlbumId}, AlbumTitle: ${json.AlbumTitle}`

    console.log('Successfully executed read-only transaction.');
  } catch (err) {
    console.error('ERROR:', err);
  } finally {
    // Close the database when finished.
    await database.close();

使用 readOnly 参数运行示例。

node transaction.js readOnly test-instance example-db MY_PROJECT_ID


SingerId: 2, AlbumId: 2, AlbumTitle: Forever Hold your Peace
SingerId: 1, AlbumId: 2, AlbumTitle: Go, Go, Go
SingerId: 2, AlbumId: 1, AlbumTitle: Green
SingerId: 2, AlbumId: 3, AlbumTitle: Terrified
SingerId: 1, AlbumId: 1, AlbumTitle: Total Junk
SingerId: 1, AlbumId: 2, AlbumTitle: Go, Go, Go
SingerId: 1, AlbumId: 1, AlbumTitle: Total Junk
SingerId: 2, AlbumId: 1, AlbumTitle: Green
SingerId: 2, AlbumId: 2, AlbumTitle: Forever Hold your Peace
SingerId: 2, AlbumId: 3, AlbumTitle: Terrified
Successfully executed read-only transaction.


为避免因本教程中使用的资源导致您的 Google Cloud 账号产生额外费用,请删除数据库和您创建的实例。


如果您删除一个实例,则该实例中的所有数据库都会自动删除。 本步骤演示了如何在不删除实例的情况下删除数据库(您仍需为该实例付费)。


gcloud spanner databases delete example-db --instance=test-instance

使用 Google Cloud 控制台

  1. 前往 Google Cloud 控制台中的 Spanner 实例页面。


  2. 点击实例。

  3. 点击您想删除的数据库。

  4. 数据库详细信息页面中,点击删除

  5. 确认您要删除数据库并点击删除




gcloud spanner instances delete test-instance

使用 Google Cloud 控制台

  1. 前往 Google Cloud 控制台中的 Spanner 实例页面。


  2. 点击您的实例。

  3. 点击删除

  4. 确认您要删除实例并点击删除
