Installing Anthos Service Mesh on an existing cluster using the GKE Enterprise CLI

This guide explains how to do a clean installation of Anthos Service Mesh version 1.5.10-asm.2 on an existing Google Cloud GKE cluster using the GKE Enterprise command-line interface (CLI). Note the following limitations with this beta version of the GKE Enterprise CLI:

The installation enables the following features:

This guide also explains how to register your cluster in the fleet that is in the same Google Cloud project as the cluster. A fleet lets you organize clusters to make multi-cluster management easier. By registering your clusters in a fleet, you can group services and other infrastructure as needed to apply consistent policies.

Before you begin

Before you start the installation:


  • You must have an GKE Enterprise trial license or subscription. See the GKE Enterprise Pricing guide for details.

  • Your GKE cluster must meet the following requirements:

    • At least four nodes.
    • The minimum machine type is e2-standard-4, which has four vCPUs.
    • Use a release channel rather than a static version of GKE
  • To be included in the service mesh, service ports must be named, and the name must include the port's protocol in the following syntax: name: protocol[-suffix] where the square brackets indicate an optional suffix that must start with a dash. For more information, Naming service ports.

  • If you are installing Anthos Service Mesh on a private cluster, you must add a firewall rule to open port 15017 if you want to use automatic sidecar injection. If you don't add the firewall rule and automatic sidecar injection is enabled, you get an error when you deploy workloads. For details on adding a firewall rule, see Adding firewall rules for specific use cases.

  • If you have created a service perimeter in your organization, you might need to add the Mesh CA service to the perimeter. See Adding Mesh CA to a service perimeter for more information.


Only one installation of Anthos Service Mesh per Google Cloud project is supported. Multiple mesh deployments in a single project aren't supported.

Certificate data

Certificates from Mesh CA include the following data about your application's services:

  • The Google Cloud project ID
  • The GKE namespace
  • The GKE service account name

Setting project and cluster defaults

  1. Get the project ID of the project that the cluster was created in:


    gcloud projects list


    1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Dashboard page:

      Go to the Dashboard page

    2. Click the Select from drop-down list at the top of the page. In the Select from window that appears, select your project. The project ID is displayed on the project Dashboard Project info card.

  2. Create an environment variable for the project ID:

  3. Set the default project ID for the Google Cloud CLI:

    gcloud config set project ${PROJECT_ID}
  4. Create the following environment variables:

    • Set the cluster name:

    • Set the CLUSTER_LOCATION to either your cluster zone or cluster region:

  5. Set the default zone or region for the Google Cloud CLI.

    • If you have a single-zone cluster, set the default zone:

      gcloud config set compute/zone ${CLUSTER_LOCATION}
    • If you have a regional cluster, set the default region:

      gcloud config set compute/region ${CLUSTER_LOCATION}

Preparing resource configuration files

You use the GKE Enterprise CLI and kustomize to export and patch Config Connector resource files that you will use to update an existing cluster with the options required by Anthos Service Mesh. The Config Connector resource is the Kubernetes representation of Google Cloud resources.

Export resource configuration files

You use the gcloud beta anthos export command to output resource configuration files for an existing cluster.

  1. Create a directory for the Anthos Service Mesh resources. For convenience, the following steps refer to the directory you create as ASM_RESOURCES.

  2. Change to the ASM_RESOURCES directory.

  3. Download the asm-patch package to the current working directory:

    kpt pkg get \ .

    The command creates a subdirectory called asm-patch/.

  4. Add a directory name in an environment variable called BASE_DIR. When you run the gcloud beta anthos export command against an existing cluster, the GKE Enterprise CLI creates a directory with the name specified in BASE_DIR and outputs the Config Connector resource files to the directory.


    If you will be setting up more than one cluster, we recommend that you use the cluster name as the directory name. For example, if you are preparing resource configuration files for two clusters, after you run the gcloud beta anthos export command for cluster-1 and cluster-2, your directory structure should be similar to the following:

    sketch of directory structure

    In the diagram, cluster-1 and cluster-2 are directories that contain the Config Connector resource configuration files for the clusters named cluster-1 and cluster-2.

  5. Export the Config Connector resource configuration files:

    gcloud beta anthos export ${CLUSTER_NAME} --output-directory ${BASE_DIR}

    The export command populates the project ID and your cluster zone/region in the resource configuration files for your cluster to match your current gcloud config settings. If you want to export resource configuration files for a cluster that doesn't match your current gcloud config settings, you can specify the following command-line options:

    • -p PROJECT_ID

    Check gcloud beta anthos export --help for more details.

Patch the resource configuration files

You use the GKE Enterprise kpt setters and kustomize to update the resource configuration files.

  1. List the available configuration setters in the asm-patch package:

    kpt cfg list-setters asm-patch/

    The output is similar to the following:

    NAME                           VALUE                  SET BY   DESCRIPTION   COUNT
    base-dir                       base                                           1
    gcloud.compute.location        your_zone_or_region                            1
    gcloud.container.cluster       your_cluster_name                              3
    gcloud.core.project            your_project_id        kpt                    11
    gcloud.project.projectNumber   your_project_number    kpt                     1
  2. Set the relative path between the ${BASE_DIR} and the asm-patch directories:

    kpt cfg set asm-patch/ base-dir ../${BASE_DIR}
  3. Set the cluster name:

    kpt cfg set asm-patch/ gcloud.container.cluster ${CLUSTER_NAME}
  4. If you haven't set the gcloud config defaults, or if you want to change the values, run the following setters:

    kpt cfg set asm-patch/ gcloud.compute.location ${CLUSTER_LOCATION}
    kpt cfg set asm-patch/ gcloud.core.project ${PROJECT_ID}
  5. Apply the Anthos Service Mesh patches to the cluster resource configuration files:

    pushd ${BASE_DIR} && kustomize create --autodetect \
    --namespace ${PROJECT_ID} && popd
    pushd asm-patch && kustomize build -o ../${BASE_DIR}/all.yaml && popd
  6. Validate the final resource configurations:

    kpt fn source ${BASE_DIR} | kpt fn run --image

    If there are any errors, fix them and validate the resource configurations again.

  7. Optionally, you can check in the resource configuration files to your own source control system, such as Cloud Source Repositories, so that you can track changes to the files.

Updating your cluster and installing Anthos Service Mesh

The GKE Enterprise CLI updates your cluster with the following options, which are required by Anthos Service Mesh:

  • Adds a mesh_id label to the cluster in the format proj-PROJECT_NUMBER, where PROJECT_NUMBER is the project number of the project that the cluster was created in. The mesh_id label is required for metrics to get displayed on the Anthos Service Mesh dashboard in the Google Cloud console. If your cluster has existing labels, the GKE Enterprise CLI preserves them.

  • Enables Workload Identity.

  • Enables Kubernetes Engine Monitoring.

  • Enrolls the cluster in a release channel overview.

Run the following command to update the cluster and install Anthos Service Mesh:

gcloud beta anthos apply ${BASE_DIR}

The command updates your cluster with the required options and then deploys Anthos Service Mesh. This process takes about 30 minutes to complete.

Checking the control plane components

Check that the control plane pods in istio-system are up:

kubectl get pod -n istio-system

Expected output is similar to the following:

NAME                                      READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
istio-ingressgateway-74cc894bfd-786rg     1/1     Running     0          7m19s
istiod-78cdbbbdb-d7tps                    1/1     Running     0          7m36s
promsd-576b8db4d6-lqf64                   2/2     Running     1          7m19s

Registering your cluster

You must register your cluster with the project's fleet to gain access to the unified user interface in the Google Cloud console. A fleet provides a unified way to view and manage the clusters and their workloads, including clusters outside Google Cloud.

Create a Google Cloud service account and key file

A JSON file containing service account credentials is required to register a cluster. To follow the principle of least privilege, we recommend that you create a distinct service account for each cluster that you register.

To create a service account and key file:

  1. Select a name for the service account and create an environment variable for it:

  2. Create the service account:

    gcloud iam service-accounts create ${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME}
  3. List all of a project's service accounts to confirm the service account was created:

    gcloud iam service-accounts list
  4. Bind the gkehub.connect IAM role to the service account:

    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT_ID} \
       --member="serviceAccount:${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME}@${PROJECT_ID}" \
  5. Create an environment variable for the local filepath where you want to save the JSON file. We recommend that you name the file using the service account name and your project ID, such as: /tmp/creds/${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME}-${PROJECT_ID}.json

  6. Download the service account's private key JSON file:

    gcloud iam service-accounts keys create ${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY_PATH} \

Register the cluster

In the following command, replace MEMBERSHIP_NAME with a name that uniquely represents the cluster being registered on the Hub.

gcloud container hub memberships register MEMBERSHIP_NAME \
    --gke-cluster=${CLUSTER_LOCATION}/${CLUSTER_NAME} \

The command responds with output similar to the following:

kubeconfig entry generated for CLUSTER_NAME.
Waiting for membership to be created...done.
Created a new membership [projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/global/memberships/MEMBERSHIP_NAME] for the cluster [MEMBERSHIP_NAME]
Generating the Connect Agent manifest...
Deploying the Connect Agent on cluster [MEMBERSHIP_NAME] in namespace [gke-connect]...
Deployed the Connect Agent on cluster [MEMBERSHIP_NAME] in namespace [gke-connect].
Finished registering the cluster [MEMBERSHIP_NAME] with the Hub.

This service account key is stored as a secret named creds-gcp in the gke-connect namespace.

For more information about cluster registration, see Registering a cluster in the Connect documentation.

Injecting sidecar proxies

Anthos Service Mesh uses sidecar proxies to enhance network security, reliability, and observability. With Anthos Service Mesh, these functions are abstracted away from the application's primary container and implemented in a common out-of-process proxy delivered as a separate container in the same Pod.

Any workloads that were running on your cluster before you installed Anthos Service Mesh need to have the sidecar proxy injected or updated so they have the current Anthos Service Mesh version. Before you deploy new workloads, make sure to configure sidecar proxy injection so that Anthos Service Mesh can monitor and secure traffic.

You can enable automatic sidecar injection with one command, for example:

kubectl label namespace NAMESPACE istio-injection=enabled --overwrite

where NAMESPACE is the name of the namespace for your application's services or default if you didn't explicitly create a namespace.

For more information, see Injecting sidecar proxies.

Viewing the Anthos Service Mesh pages

After you have workloads deployed on your cluster with the sidecar proxies injected, you can explore the Anthos Service Mesh pages in the Google Cloud console to see all of the observability features that Anthos Service Mesh offers. Note that it takes about one or two minutes for telemetry data to be displayed in the Google Cloud console after you deploy workloads.

Access to Anthos Service Mesh in the Google Cloud console is controlled by Identity and Access Management (IAM). To access the Anthos Service Mesh pages, a Project Owner must grant users the Project Editor or Viewer role, or the more restrictive roles described in Controlling access to Anthos Service Mesh in the Google Cloud console.

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to Anthos Service Mesh.

    Go to Anthos Service Mesh

  2. Select the Google Cloud project from the drop-down list on the menu bar.

  3. If you have more than one service mesh, select the mesh from the Service Mesh drop-down list.

To learn more, see Exploring Anthos Service Mesh in the Google Cloud console.

In addition to the Anthos Service Mesh pages, metrics related to your services (such as the number of requests received by a particular service) are sent to Cloud Monitoring, where they appear in the Metrics Explorer.

To view metrics:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Monitoring page:

    Go to Monitoring

  2. Select Resources > Metrics Explorer.

For a full list of metrics, see Istio metrics in the Cloud Monitoring documentation.

Installing a sample using kpt

Optionally, you can use kpt to install the Hipster sample into the cluster.

  1. Download the sample:

    kpt pkg get \ \
  2. Enable automatic sidecar injection:

    kubectl label namespace default istio-injection=enabled
  3. Deploy the sample to the cluster:

    kubectl apply -f hipster-demo
  4. Find the external IP address of your application:

    kubectl get service frontend-external
  5. Visit the application on your browser to confirm installation:


    Now that you have a sample running, you can explore the Anthos Service Mesh observability features in the Google Cloud console. Note that it can take up to 10 minutes for the topology graph to display the services in your mesh.

When you're finished exploring, remove the Hipster sample:

kubectl delete -f hipster-demo

What's next