Infrastruktur Layanan adalah platform layanan dasar Google, yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk mengelola layanan yang Anda miliki dan publikasikan. Pelajari lebih lanjut

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*Summary:* Diego Delgado, software senior expert for cloud and platform services at Mercado Libre, shares how Google Cloud helped the online marketplace make a big data move towards AI innovation. Mercado Libre migrated its messaging service to

Google Cloud is committed to a sustainable future for telecommunications. - Matching energy usage with renewables and aiming for a carbon-neutral infrastructure - Optimizing network energy consumption - Delivering data-driven insights, powered by

Ready to supercharge your VMs? → 🚀 Imagine running your virtual machines on the same infrastructure that powers Google Search! With Google Cloud Compute Engine, you can! 💻 This video dives into Google Cloud's Infrastructure as