O Diretório de serviços é uma plataforma para descobrir, publicar e conectar serviços, independentemente do ambiente. Ele fornece informações em tempo real sobre todos os seus serviços em um único lugar, permitindo que você realize o gerenciamento de inventário de serviços em escala, independentemente de ter poucos ou milhares de endpoints de serviço. Saiba mais

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Service Directory helps reduce the complexity of management and operations by providing a single place to publish, discover, and connect services. It is a managed service that enhances service inventory management at scale so you don’t have to.

Learn more about Service Directory → https://goo.gle/3fEpUak Discover how Network Intelligence Center can help → https://goo.gle/3ywKlx5 Learn how Network Topology can help → https://goo.gle/3jvYjJp Welcome back to What’s New in Networking where we

Here to bring you the latest news in the Cloud is Priyanka Vergadia. Learn more about these announcements → https://goo.gle/2xZx0Ds •Introducing Service Directory: Manage all your services in one place → https://goo.gle/2x2205o • Introducing BigQuery