Alerting overview

This document describes how you can get notified when your application fails or when the performance of an application doesn't meet defined criteria.

How alerting works

The Cloud Monitoring alerting process contains three parts:

  • An alerting policy, which describes the circumstances under which you want to be alerted and how you want to be notified about an incident. The alerting policy can monitor time-series data stored by Monitoring or logs stored by Cloud Logging. When that data meets the alerting policy condition, Monitoring creates an incident and sends the notifications.

  • Each incident is a record of the type of data that was monitored and when the conditions were met. This information can help you troubleshoot the issues that caused the incident.

  • A notification channel defines how you receive notifications when Monitoring creates an incident. For example, you can configure an notification channel to email and to post a Slack message to the channel #my-support-team. An alerting policy can contain one or more notification channels.

Alerting policies can evaluate two types of data:

  • Time-series data, also called metric data, which is stored by Monitoring. These types of policies are called metric-based alerting policies.

    To learn how to set up a metric-based alerting policy, try the Quickstart for Compute Engine.

  • Log data stored by Cloud Logging. These types of policies are called log-based alerting policies. Log-based alerting policies notify you when a particular message appears in your logs.

    This document focuses on metric-based alerting policies, with general information about log-based alerting policies when relevant. For detailed information about log-based alerting policies, see Monitor your logs.

The alerting process helps you respond to issues when the performance of an application fails to meet acceptable values. For example, you deploy a web application onto a Compute Engine virtual machine (VM) instance. While you expect the HTTP response latency to fluctuate, you want your support team to respond when the application has high latency for a significant time period. You could create a metric-based alerting policy that monitors the application's HTTP response latency metric. If the response latency is higher than two seconds for at least five minutes, then Monitoring creates an incident and sends email notifications to your support team.

How to create an alerting policy

There are multiple ways to create an alerting policy. For example, you can use pre-configured alerting policies by enabling recommended alerts from integrations or certain pages in the Google Cloud console. You can also configure a new alerting policy by using the Google Cloud console, the Cloud Monitoring API, the Google Cloud CLI and Terraform.

Use integrations and recommended alerting policies

Monitoring provides pre-built packages to let you create alerting policies for your Google Cloud services and third-party integrations. The packages include recommended alerting policies, sample dashboards, and key metrics for the service. These packages are available for Google Cloud services such as Google Kubernetes Engine, Compute Engine, and cloud SQL, and common third-party integrations such as MongoDB, Kafka, and Elasticsearch.

When you install a package, you can enable the package's recommended alerting policies. When you enable a recommended alerting policy, you configure its notification channel and optionally modify other values. After configuration, the alerting policy begins monitoring its target immediately, with no further user input required.

Recommended alerting policies are helpful when you've deployed a new service and want to alert on important metrics. For example, the Cloud SQL integration package comes with recommended alerting policies for failed instances and slow transactions:

Two of the recommended alerting policies for the Cloud SQL integration package.

For more information on alerting integrations, see Monitoring third-party applications.

Use Cloud Monitoring

If you want to create an alerting policy and choose its condition type along with other components such as metric type and time series, then use Monitoring. The following table lists the different types of conditions that you can use when you create an alerting policy.

Condition Type Description Example
Metric-threshold condition

Metric-threshold conditions are met when the values of a metric are more than, or less than, a threshold for a specific retest window.

For more information, see Create metric-threshold alerting policies and Create alerting policies by using the API.

You want an alerting policy that sends a notification when response latency is 500ms or higher for five consecutive uptime checks over 10 minutes.
Metric-absence condition

Metric-absence conditions are met when a monitored time series has no data for a specific retest window. The maximum retest window is 23.5 hours.

For more information, see Create metric-absence alerting policies and Create alerting policies by using the API.

You want an alerting policy that opens an incident with your support team when a resource doesn't respond to any HTTP requests over the course of five minutes.
Forecasted metric-value condition

Forecasted metric-value conditions are met when the alerting policy predicts that the threshold will be violated within the upcoming forecast window. The forecast window can range from 1 hour to 7 days.

For more information, see Create forecasted metric-value alerting policies and Create alerting policies by using the API.

You want an alerting policy that opens an incident with your support team when a resource is likely to reach 80% disk space usage within the next 24 hours.
Log-based condition

A condition on a log-based alerting policy is met when the alerting policy detects that a log-based metric matches the alerting policy criteria. Log-based metrics derive metric data from the content of log entries. For example, you can use a log-based metric to count the number of log entries that contain a particular message or to extract latency information recorded in log entries.

For more information, see Configure log-based alerting policies and Create a log-based alerting policy by using the Cloud Monitoring API.

You want an alerting policy that opens an incident with your support team when your project has at least 50 log entries with a message that contains product_ids=['tier_1_support', 'tier_2_support']

Alerting policy components

Each alerting policy has the following components:

  • A condition that describes when a resource, or a group of resources, is in a state that requires you to respond. The condition includes the data source, a static or dynamic threshold, and data aggregation methods such as filters and groupby. Your conditions can monitor a single metric, multiple metrics, or a ratio of metrics. You can also use the [Prometheus Query Language (PromQL)][promql-ref] to include complex expressions such as dynamic thresholds and conditional logic.

    If you use an integration to enable a recommended alerting policy, then the alerting policy condition is pre-populated.

  • A list of notification channels that describe who to notify when action is required. For more information, see Create and manage notification channels.

  • Documentation that appears in notifications and incident pages. You can configure the subject line of a notification, and you can add helpful information to the body of the notification. For example, you might configure the notification to display links to internal playbooks or to Google Cloud pages such as custom dashboards. For more information about documentation, including examples, see Annotate incidents with user-defined documentation.

Query languages

Use query languages and filters in your alerting policies to take greater control over your metric evaluation. Monitoring supports the following query types:

  • The Prometheus Query Language (PromQL) is a functional query language used to evaluate time series data in real time. You can configure alerting policy conditions to include a PromQL query in their conditions. Your PromQL queries can use any valid expression, such as metric combinations, ratios, and scaling thresholds. By configuring alerting policies with a PromQL-based condition in Google Cloud, you can reduce dependencies on external alerting infrastructure. For more information, see PromQL in Cloud Monitoring and Alerting policies with PromQL.

  • Monitoring filters let you configure alerting policies to use filter-based metric ratios. Filter-based alerting policies can't be viewed or modified in the Google Cloud console. For an example of a policy that uses Monitoring filters, see Metric ratio.

  • Monitoring Query Language (MQL) is an expressive, text-based interface that lets you retrieve, filter, and manipulate time-series data. You can create alerting policies with conditions that include a Monitoring Query Language alerting operation. For more information, see Monitoring Query Language overview and Alerting policies with MQL.

Manage alerting policies and incidents

After an alerting policy is enabled, Monitoring continuously monitors the conditions of that policy. You can't configure the alerting policy to monitor conditions only for certain time periods. If you want to disable the alerting policy for a certain time period, then create a snooze.

If an incident is open and Monitoring determines that the conditions of the metric-based policy are no longer met, then Monitoring automatically closes the incident and sends a notification about the closure.


In general, Cloud Monitoring system metrics are free, and metrics from external systems, agents, or applications are not. Billable metrics are billed by either the number of bytes or the number of samples ingested.

For more information about Cloud Monitoring pricing, see the following documents:

For information about how to monitor the number of trace spans or logs that are ingested, or how to be notified when specific content is included in a log entry, see the following documents:

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