Shielded VM memberikan integritas yang dapat diverifikasi untuk instance VM Compute Engine, sehingga Anda bisa yakin bahwa instance Anda tidak disusupi oleh malware atau rootkit level booting atau level kernel. Pelajari lebih lanjut.

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  • Dapatkan akses ke Flash Thinking Gemini 2.0
  • Penggunaan bulanan gratis untuk produk populer, termasuk AI API dan BigQuery
  • Tidak ada tagihan otomatis, tanpa komitmen

Referensi dokumentasi

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Video terkait

How do you secure sensitive data and workloads in the cloud, while still keeping it private? In this video, we address just that, and show you how to create a shielded VM in Google Cloud Console, and how to ensure encryption in-use for workloads with

In just a few clicks, you can enable Shielded VMs to help protect against threats such as malicious project insiders, malicious guest firmware, and kernel- or user-mode vulnerabilities. Shielded VMs are virtual machines (VMs) on Google Cloud Platform