Conversion functions

GoogleSQL for BigQuery supports conversion functions. These data type conversions are explicit, but some conversions can happen implicitly. You can learn more about implicit and explicit conversion here.

Function list

Name Summary
ARRAY_TO_STRING Produces a concatenation of the elements in an array as a STRING value.
For more information, see Array functions.
BOOL Converts a JSON boolean to a SQL BOOL value.
For more information, see JSON functions.
CAST Convert the results of an expression to the given type.
CHR Converts a Unicode code point to a character.
For more information, see String functions.
CODE_POINTS_TO_BYTES Converts an array of extended ASCII code points to a BYTES value.
For more information, see String aggregate functions.
CODE_POINTS_TO_STRING Converts an array of extended ASCII code points to a STRING value.
For more information, see String aggregate functions.
DATE_FROM_UNIX_DATE Interprets an INT64 expression as the number of days since 1970-01-01.
For more information, see Date functions.
FROM_BASE32 Converts a base32-encoded STRING value into a BYTES value.
For more information, see String functions.
FROM_BASE64 Converts a base64-encoded STRING value into a BYTES value.
For more information, see String functions.
FROM_HEX Converts a hexadecimal-encoded STRING value into a BYTES value.
For more information, see String functions.
INT64 Converts a JSON number to a SQL INT64 value.
For more information, see JSON functions.
LAX_BOOL Attempts to convert a JSON value to a SQL BOOL value.
For more information, see JSON functions.
LAX_FLOAT64 Attempts to convert a JSON value to a SQL FLOAT64 value.
For more information, see JSON functions.
LAX_INT64 Attempts to convert a JSON value to a SQL INT64 value.
For more information, see JSON functions.
LAX_STRING Attempts to convert a JSON value to a SQL STRING value.
For more information, see JSON functions.
PARSE_DATE Converts a STRING value to a DATE value.
For more information, see Date functions.
PARSE_DATETIME Converts a STRING value to a DATETIME value.
For more information, see Datetime functions.
PARSE_JSON Converts a JSON-formatted STRING value to a JSON value.
For more information, see JSON functions.
PARSE_NUMERIC Converts a STRING value to a NUMERIC value.
PARSE_TIME Converts a STRING value to a TIME value.
For more information, see Time functions.
PARSE_TIMESTAMP Converts a STRING value to a TIMESTAMP value.
For more information, see Timestamp functions.
SAFE_CAST Similar to the CAST function, but returns NULL when a runtime error is produced.
SAFE_CONVERT_BYTES_TO_STRING Converts a BYTES value to a STRING value and replace any invalid UTF-8 characters with the Unicode replacement character, U+FFFD.
For more information, see String functions.
STRING (JSON) Converts a JSON string to a SQL STRING value.
For more information, see JSON functions.
STRING (Timestamp) Converts a TIMESTAMP value to a STRING value.
For more information, see Timestamp functions.
TIMESTAMP_MICROS Converts the number of microseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC to a TIMESTAMP.
For more information, see Timestamp functions.
TIMESTAMP_MILLIS Converts the number of milliseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC to a TIMESTAMP.
For more information, see Timestamp functions.
TIMESTAMP_SECONDS Converts the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC to a TIMESTAMP.
For more information, see Timestamp functions.
TO_BASE32 Converts a BYTES value to a base32-encoded STRING value.
For more information, see String functions.
TO_BASE64 Converts a BYTES value to a base64-encoded STRING value.
For more information, see String functions.
TO_CODE_POINTS Converts a STRING or BYTES value into an array of extended ASCII code points.
For more information, see String functions.
TO_HEX Converts a BYTES value to a hexadecimal STRING value.
For more information, see String functions.
TO_JSON Converts a SQL value to a JSON value.
For more information, see JSON functions.
TO_JSON_STRING Converts a SQL value to a JSON-formatted STRING value.
For more information, see JSON functions.
UNIX_DATE Converts a DATE value to the number of days since 1970-01-01.
For more information, see Date functions.
UNIX_MICROS Converts a TIMESTAMP value to the number of microseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.
For more information, see Timestamp functions.
UNIX_MILLIS Converts a TIMESTAMP value to the number of milliseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.
For more information, see Timestamp functions.
UNIX_SECONDS Converts a TIMESTAMP value to the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.
For more information, see Timestamp functions.


CAST(expression AS typename [format_clause])


Cast syntax is used in a query to indicate that the result type of an expression should be converted to some other type.

When using CAST, a query can fail if GoogleSQL is unable to perform the cast. If you want to protect your queries from these types of errors, you can use SAFE_CAST.

Casts between supported types that do not successfully map from the original value to the target domain produce runtime errors. For example, casting BYTES to STRING where the byte sequence is not valid UTF-8 results in a runtime error.

Some casts can include a format clause, which provides instructions for how to conduct the cast. For example, you could instruct a cast to convert a sequence of bytes to a BASE64-encoded string instead of a UTF-8-encoded string.

The structure of the format clause is unique to each type of cast and more information is available in the section for that cast.


The following query results in "true" if x is 1, "false" for any other non-NULL value, and NULL if x is NULL.



CAST(expression AS ARRAY<element_type>)


GoogleSQL supports casting to ARRAY. The expression parameter can represent an expression for these data types:


Conversion rules

From To Rule(s) when casting x
ARRAY ARRAY Must be the exact same array type.




GoogleSQL supports casting to BIGNUMERIC. The expression parameter can represent an expression for these data types:

  • INT64
  • FLOAT64

Conversion rules

From To Rule(s) when casting x
FLOAT64 BIGNUMERIC The floating point number will round half away from zero. Casting a NaN, +inf or -inf will return an error. Casting a value outside the range of BIGNUMERIC returns an overflow error.
STRING BIGNUMERIC The numeric literal contained in the string must not exceed the maximum precision or range of the BIGNUMERIC type, or an error will occur. If the number of digits after the decimal point exceeds 38, then the resulting BIGNUMERIC value will round half away from zero to have 38 digits after the decimal point.


CAST(expression AS BOOL)


GoogleSQL supports casting to BOOL. The expression parameter can represent an expression for these data types:

  • INT64
  • BOOL

Conversion rules

From To Rule(s) when casting x
INT64 BOOL Returns FALSE if x is 0, TRUE otherwise.
STRING BOOL Returns TRUE if x is "true" and FALSE if x is "false"
All other values of x are invalid and throw an error instead of casting to a boolean.
A string is case-insensitive when converting to a boolean.


CAST(expression AS BYTES [format_clause])


GoogleSQL supports casting to BYTES. The expression parameter can represent an expression for these data types:


Format clause

When an expression of one type is cast to another type, you can use the format clause to provide instructions for how to conduct the cast. You can use the format clause in this section if expression is a STRING.

Conversion rules

From To Rule(s) when casting x
STRING BYTES Strings are cast to bytes using UTF-8 encoding. For example, the string "©", when cast to bytes, would become a 2-byte sequence with the hex values C2 and A9.


CAST(expression AS DATE [format_clause])


GoogleSQL supports casting to DATE. The expression parameter can represent an expression for these data types:


Format clause

When an expression of one type is cast to another type, you can use the format clause to provide instructions for how to conduct the cast. You can use the format clause in this section if expression is a STRING.

Conversion rules

From To Rule(s) when casting x
STRING DATE When casting from string to date, the string must conform to the supported date literal format, and is independent of time zone. If the string expression is invalid or represents a date that is outside of the supported min/max range, then an error is produced.
TIMESTAMP DATE Casting from a timestamp to date effectively truncates the timestamp as of the default time zone.


CAST(expression AS DATETIME [format_clause])


GoogleSQL supports casting to DATETIME. The expression parameter can represent an expression for these data types:


Format clause

When an expression of one type is cast to another type, you can use the format clause to provide instructions for how to conduct the cast. You can use the format clause in this section if expression is a STRING.

Conversion rules

From To Rule(s) when casting x
STRING DATETIME When casting from string to datetime, the string must conform to the supported datetime literal format, and is independent of time zone. If the string expression is invalid or represents a datetime that is outside of the supported min/max range, then an error is produced.
TIMESTAMP DATETIME Casting from a timestamp to datetime effectively truncates the timestamp as of the default time zone.


CAST(expression AS FLOAT64)


GoogleSQL supports casting to floating point types. The expression parameter can represent an expression for these data types:

  • INT64
  • FLOAT64

Conversion rules

From To Rule(s) when casting x
INT64 FLOAT64 Returns a close but potentially not exact floating point value.
NUMERIC FLOAT64 NUMERIC will convert to the closest floating point number with a possible loss of precision.
BIGNUMERIC FLOAT64 BIGNUMERIC will convert to the closest floating point number with a possible loss of precision.
STRING FLOAT64 Returns x as a floating point value, interpreting it as having the same form as a valid floating point literal. Also supports casts from "[+,-]inf" to [,-]Infinity, "[+,-]infinity" to [,-]Infinity, and "[+,-]nan" to NaN. Conversions are case-insensitive.


CAST(expression AS INT64)


GoogleSQL supports casting to integer types. The expression parameter can represent an expression for these data types:

  • INT64
  • FLOAT64
  • BOOL

Conversion rules

From To Rule(s) when casting x
FLOAT64 INT64 Returns the closest integer value.
Halfway cases such as 1.5 or -0.5 round away from zero.
BOOL INT64 Returns 1 if x is TRUE, 0 otherwise.
STRING INT64 A hex string can be cast to an integer. For example, 0x123 to 291 or -0x123 to -291.


If you are working with hex strings (0x123), you can cast those strings as integers:

SELECT '0x123' as hex_value, CAST('0x123' as INT64) as hex_to_int;

 | hex_value | hex_to_int |
 | 0x123     | 291        |
SELECT '-0x123' as hex_value, CAST('-0x123' as INT64) as hex_to_int;

 | hex_value | hex_to_int |
 | -0x123    | -291       |


CAST(expression AS INTERVAL)


GoogleSQL supports casting to INTERVAL. The expression parameter can represent an expression for these data types:


Conversion rules

From To Rule(s) when casting x
STRING INTERVAL When casting from string to interval, the string must conform to either ISO 8601 Duration standard or to interval literal format 'Y-M D H:M:S.F'. Partial interval literal formats are also accepted when they are not ambiguous, for example 'H:M:S'. If the string expression is invalid or represents an interval that is outside of the supported min/max range, then an error is produced.


SELECT input, CAST(input AS INTERVAL) AS output
  '1-2 3 10:20:30.456',
]) input

 | input              | output             |
 | 1-2 3 10:20:30.456 | 1-2 3 10:20:30.456 |
 | 1-2                | 1-2 0 0:0:0        |
 | 10:20:30           | 0-0 0 10:20:30     |
 | P1Y2M3D            | 1-2 3 0:0:0        |
 | PT10H20M30,456S    | 0-0 0 10:20:30.456 |


CAST(expression AS NUMERIC)


GoogleSQL supports casting to NUMERIC. The expression parameter can represent an expression for these data types:

  • INT64
  • FLOAT64

Conversion rules

From To Rule(s) when casting x
FLOAT64 NUMERIC The floating point number will round half away from zero. Casting a NaN, +inf or -inf will return an error. Casting a value outside the range of NUMERIC returns an overflow error.
STRING NUMERIC The numeric literal contained in the string must not exceed the maximum precision or range of the NUMERIC type, or an error will occur. If the number of digits after the decimal point exceeds nine, then the resulting NUMERIC value will round half away from zero. to have nine digits after the decimal point.


CAST(expression AS RANGE)


GoogleSQL supports casting to RANGE. The expression parameter can represent an expression for these data types:


Conversion rules

From To Rule(s) when casting x
STRING RANGE When casting from string to range, the string must conform to the supported range literal format. If the string expression is invalid or represents a range that is outside of the supported subtype min/max range, then an error is produced.


  '[2020-01-01, 2020-01-02)'
  AS RANGE<DATE>) AS string_to_range

 | string_to_range                        |
 | [DATE '2020-01-01', DATE '2020-01-02') |
  '[2014-09-27 12:30:00.45, 2016-10-17 11:15:00.33)'
  AS RANGE<DATETIME>) AS string_to_range

 | string_to_range                                                        |
 | [DATETIME '2014-09-27 12:30:00.45', DATETIME '2016-10-17 11:15:00.33') |
  '[2014-09-27 12:30:00+08, 2016-10-17 11:15:00+08)'
  AS RANGE<TIMESTAMP>) AS string_to_range

-- Results depend upon where this query was executed.
 | string_to_range                                                           |
 | [TIMESTAMP '2014-09-27 12:30:00+08', TIMESTAMP '2016-10-17 11:15:00 UTC') |
  '[UNBOUNDED, 2020-01-02)'
  AS RANGE<DATE>) AS string_to_range

 | string_to_range                |
 | [UNBOUNDED, DATE '2020-01-02') |
  '[2020-01-01, NULL)'
  AS RANGE<DATE>) AS string_to_range

 | string_to_range                |
 | [DATE '2020-01-01', UNBOUNDED) |


CAST(expression AS STRING [format_clause [AT TIME ZONE timezone_expr]])


GoogleSQL supports casting to STRING. The expression parameter can represent an expression for these data types:

  • INT64
  • FLOAT64
  • BOOL
  • TIME
  • DATE

Format clause

When an expression of one type is cast to another type, you can use the format clause to provide instructions for how to conduct the cast. You can use the format clause in this section if expression is one of these data types:

  • INT64
  • FLOAT64
  • TIME
  • DATE

The format clause for STRING has an additional optional clause called AT TIME ZONE timezone_expr, which you can use to specify a specific time zone to use during formatting of a TIMESTAMP. If this optional clause is not included when formatting a TIMESTAMP, your current time zone is used.

For more information, see the following topics:

Conversion rules

From To Rule(s) when casting x
FLOAT64 STRING Returns an approximate string representation. A returned NaN or 0 will not be signed.
BOOL STRING Returns "true" if x is TRUE, "false" otherwise.
BYTES STRING Returns x interpreted as a UTF-8 string.
For example, the bytes literal b'\xc2\xa9', when cast to a string, is interpreted as UTF-8 and becomes the unicode character "©".
An error occurs if x is not valid UTF-8.
TIME STRING Casting from a time type to a string is independent of time zone and is of the form HH:MM:SS.
DATE STRING Casting from a date type to a string is independent of time zone and is of the form YYYY-MM-DD.
DATETIME STRING Casting from a datetime type to a string is independent of time zone and is of the form YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
TIMESTAMP STRING When casting from timestamp types to string, the timestamp is interpreted using the default time zone, UTC. The number of subsecond digits produced depends on the number of trailing zeroes in the subsecond part: the CAST function will truncate zero, three, or six digits.
INTERVAL STRING Casting from an interval to a string is of the form Y-M D H:M:S.



 | current_date  |
 | 2021-03-09    |

 | current_day |
 | MONDAY      |
  TIMESTAMP '2008-12-25 00:00:00+00:00'
  AS STRING FORMAT 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS TZH:TZM') AS date_time_to_string

-- Results depend upon where this query was executed.
 | date_time_to_string          |
 | 2008-12-24 16:00:00 -08:00   |
  TIMESTAMP '2008-12-25 00:00:00+00:00'
  AT TIME ZONE 'Asia/Kolkata') AS date_time_to_string

-- Because the time zone is specified, the result is always the same.
 | date_time_to_string          |
 | 2008-12-25 05:30:00 +05:30   |

 | interval_to_string |
 | 0-0 3 0:0:0        |
  INTERVAL "1-2 3 4:5:6.789" YEAR TO SECOND
  AS STRING) AS interval_to_string

 | interval_to_string |
 | 1-2 3 4:5:6.789    |


CAST(expression AS STRUCT)


GoogleSQL supports casting to STRUCT. The expression parameter can represent an expression for these data types:


Conversion rules

From To Rule(s) when casting x
STRUCT STRUCT Allowed if the following conditions are met:
  1. The two structs have the same number of fields.
  2. The original struct field types can be explicitly cast to the corresponding target struct field types (as defined by field order, not field name).


CAST(expression AS TIME [format_clause])


GoogleSQL supports casting to TIME. The expression parameter can represent an expression for these data types:

  • TIME

Format clause

When an expression of one type is cast to another type, you can use the format clause to provide instructions for how to conduct the cast. You can use the format clause in this section if expression is a STRING.

Conversion rules

From To Rule(s) when casting x
STRING TIME When casting from string to time, the string must conform to the supported time literal format, and is independent of time zone. If the string expression is invalid or represents a time that is outside of the supported min/max range, then an error is produced.


CAST(expression AS TIMESTAMP [format_clause [AT TIME ZONE timezone_expr]])


GoogleSQL supports casting to TIMESTAMP. The expression parameter can represent an expression for these data types:


Format clause

When an expression of one type is cast to another type, you can use the format clause to provide instructions for how to conduct the cast. You can use the format clause in this section if expression is a STRING.

The format clause for TIMESTAMP has an additional optional clause called AT TIME ZONE timezone_expr, which you can use to specify a specific time zone to use during formatting. If this optional clause is not included, your current time zone is used.

Conversion rules

From To Rule(s) when casting x
STRING TIMESTAMP When casting from string to a timestamp, string_expression must conform to the supported timestamp literal formats, or else a runtime error occurs. The string_expression may itself contain a time zone.

If there is a time zone in the string_expression, that time zone is used for conversion, otherwise the default time zone, UTC, is used. If the string has fewer than six digits, then it is implicitly widened.

An error is produced if the string_expression is invalid, has more than six subsecond digits (i.e., precision greater than microseconds), or represents a time outside of the supported timestamp range.
DATE TIMESTAMP Casting from a date to a timestamp interprets date_expression as of midnight (start of the day) in the default time zone, UTC.
DATETIME TIMESTAMP Casting from a datetime to a timestamp interprets datetime_expression in the default time zone, UTC.

Most valid datetime values have exactly one corresponding timestamp in each time zone. However, there are certain combinations of valid datetime values and time zones that have zero or two corresponding timestamp values. This happens in a time zone when clocks are set forward or set back, such as for Daylight Savings Time. When there are two valid timestamps, the earlier one is used. When there is no valid timestamp, the length of the gap in time (typically one hour) is added to the datetime.


The following example casts a string-formatted timestamp as a timestamp:

SELECT CAST("2020-06-02 17:00:53.110+00:00" AS TIMESTAMP) AS as_timestamp

-- Results depend upon where this query was executed.
 | as_timestamp                |
 | 2020-06-03 00:00:53.110 UTC |

The following examples cast a string-formatted date and time as a timestamp. These examples return the same output as the previous example.

SELECT CAST('06/02/2020 17:00:53.110' AS TIMESTAMP FORMAT 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS.FF3' AT TIME ZONE 'UTC') AS as_timestamp
SELECT CAST('06/02/2020 17:00:53.110' AS TIMESTAMP FORMAT 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS.FF3' AT TIME ZONE '+00') AS as_timestamp
SELECT CAST('06/02/2020 17:00:53.110 +00' AS TIMESTAMP FORMAT 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS.FF3 TZH') AS as_timestamp




Converts a STRING to a BIGNUMERIC value.

The numeric literal contained in the string must not exceed the maximum precision or range of the BIGNUMERIC type, or an error occurs. If the number of digits after the decimal point exceeds 38, then the resulting BIGNUMERIC value rounds half away from zero to have 38 digits after the decimal point.

-- This example shows how a string with a decimal point is parsed.

 | parsed |
 | 123.45 |

-- This example shows how a string with an exponent is parsed.
SELECT PARSE_BIGNUMERIC("123.456E37") AS parsed;

 | parsed                                  |
 | 123400000000000000000000000000000000000 |

-- This example shows the rounding when digits after the decimal point exceeds 38.
SELECT PARSE_BIGNUMERIC("1.123456789012345678901234567890123456789") as parsed;

 | parsed                                   |
 | 1.12345678901234567890123456789012345679 |

This function is similar to using the CAST AS BIGNUMERIC function except that the PARSE_BIGNUMERIC function only accepts string inputs and allows the following in the string:

  • Spaces between the sign (+/-) and the number
  • Signs (+/-) after the number

Rules for valid input strings:

Rule Example Input Output
The string can only contain digits, commas, decimal points and signs. "- 12,34567,89.0" -123456789
Whitespaces are allowed anywhere except between digits. " - 12.345 " -12.345
Only digits and commas are allowed before the decimal point. " 12,345,678" 12345678
Only digits are allowed after the decimal point. "1.234 " 1.234
Use E or e for exponents. After the e, digits and a leading sign indicator are allowed. " 123.45e-1" 12.345
If the integer part is not empty, then it must contain at least one digit. " 0,.12 -" -0.12
If the string contains a decimal point, then it must contain at least one digit. " .1" 0.1
The string cannot contain more than one sign. " 0.5 +" 0.5

Return Data Type



This example shows an input with spaces before, after, and between the sign and the number:

SELECT PARSE_BIGNUMERIC("  -  12.34 ") as parsed;

 | parsed |
 | -12.34 |

This example shows an input with an exponent as well as the sign after the number:

SELECT PARSE_BIGNUMERIC("12.34e-1-") as parsed;

 | parsed |
 | -1.234 |

This example shows an input with multiple commas in the integer part of the number:

SELECT PARSE_BIGNUMERIC("  1,2,,3,.45 + ") as parsed;

 | parsed |
 | 123.45 |

This example shows an input with a decimal point and no digits in the whole number part:

SELECT PARSE_BIGNUMERIC(".1234  ") as parsed;

 | parsed |
 | 0.1234 |

Examples of invalid inputs

This example is invalid because the whole number part contains no digits:

SELECT PARSE_BIGNUMERIC(",,,.1234  ") as parsed;

This example is invalid because there are whitespaces between digits:

SELECT PARSE_BIGNUMERIC("1  23.4 5  ") as parsed;

This example is invalid because the number is empty except for an exponent:

SELECT PARSE_BIGNUMERIC("  e1 ") as parsed;

This example is invalid because the string contains multiple signs:

SELECT PARSE_BIGNUMERIC("  - 12.3 - ") as parsed;

This example is invalid because the value of the number falls outside the range of BIGNUMERIC:

SELECT PARSE_BIGNUMERIC("12.34E100 ") as parsed;

This example is invalid because the string contains invalid characters:

SELECT PARSE_BIGNUMERIC("$12.34") as parsed;




Converts a STRING to a NUMERIC value.

The numeric literal contained in the string must not exceed the maximum precision or range of the NUMERIC type, or an error occurs. If the number of digits after the decimal point exceeds nine, then the resulting NUMERIC value rounds half away from zero to have nine digits after the decimal point.

-- This example shows how a string with a decimal point is parsed.
SELECT PARSE_NUMERIC("123.45") AS parsed;

 | parsed |
 | 123.45 |

-- This example shows how a string with an exponent is parsed.
SELECT PARSE_NUMERIC("12.34E27") as parsed;

 | parsed                        |
 | 12340000000000000000000000000 |

-- This example shows the rounding when digits after the decimal point exceeds 9.
SELECT PARSE_NUMERIC("1.0123456789") as parsed;

 | parsed      |
 | 1.012345679 |

This function is similar to using the CAST AS NUMERIC function except that the PARSE_NUMERIC function only accepts string inputs and allows the following in the string:

  • Spaces between the sign (+/-) and the number
  • Signs (+/-) after the number

Rules for valid input strings:

Rule Example Input Output
The string can only contain digits, commas, decimal points and signs. "- 12,34567,89.0" -123456789
Whitespaces are allowed anywhere except between digits. " - 12.345 " -12.345
Only digits and commas are allowed before the decimal point. " 12,345,678" 12345678
Only digits are allowed after the decimal point. "1.234 " 1.234
Use E or e for exponents. After the e, digits and a leading sign indicator are allowed. " 123.45e-1" 12.345
If the integer part is not empty, then it must contain at least one digit. " 0,.12 -" -0.12
If the string contains a decimal point, then it must contain at least one digit. " .1" 0.1
The string cannot contain more than one sign. " 0.5 +" 0.5

Return Data Type



This example shows an input with spaces before, after, and between the sign and the number:

SELECT PARSE_NUMERIC("  -  12.34 ") as parsed;

 | parsed |
 | -12.34 |

This example shows an input with an exponent as well as the sign after the number:

SELECT PARSE_NUMERIC("12.34e-1-") as parsed;

 | parsed |
 | -1.234 |

This example shows an input with multiple commas in the integer part of the number:

SELECT PARSE_NUMERIC("  1,2,,3,.45 + ") as parsed;

 | parsed |
 | 123.45 |

This example shows an input with a decimal point and no digits in the whole number part:

SELECT PARSE_NUMERIC(".1234  ") as parsed;

 | parsed |
 | 0.1234 |

Examples of invalid inputs

This example is invalid because the whole number part contains no digits:

SELECT PARSE_NUMERIC(",,,.1234  ") as parsed;

This example is invalid because there are whitespaces between digits:

SELECT PARSE_NUMERIC("1  23.4 5  ") as parsed;

This example is invalid because the number is empty except for an exponent:

SELECT PARSE_NUMERIC("  e1 ") as parsed;

This example is invalid because the string contains multiple signs:

SELECT PARSE_NUMERIC("  - 12.3 - ") as parsed;

This example is invalid because the value of the number falls outside the range of BIGNUMERIC:

SELECT PARSE_NUMERIC("12.34E100 ") as parsed;

This example is invalid because the string contains invalid characters:

SELECT PARSE_NUMERIC("$12.34") as parsed;


SAFE_CAST(expression AS typename [format_clause])


When using CAST, a query can fail if GoogleSQL is unable to perform the cast. For example, the following query generates an error:

SELECT CAST("apple" AS INT64) AS not_a_number;

If you want to protect your queries from these types of errors, you can use SAFE_CAST. SAFE_CAST replaces runtime errors with NULLs. However, during static analysis, impossible casts between two non-castable types still produce an error because the query is invalid.

SELECT SAFE_CAST("apple" AS INT64) AS not_a_number;

 | not_a_number |
 | NULL         |

Some casts can include a format clause, which provides instructions for how to conduct the cast. For example, you could instruct a cast to convert a sequence of bytes to a BASE64-encoded string instead of a UTF-8-encoded string.

The structure of the format clause is unique to each type of cast and more information is available in the section for that cast.

If you are casting from bytes to strings, you can also use the function, SAFE_CONVERT_BYTES_TO_STRING. Any invalid UTF-8 characters are replaced with the unicode replacement character, U+FFFD.