The INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SCHEMATA_REPLICAS_BY_FAILOVER_RESERVATION view contains information about schemata replicas associated with a failover reservation. The INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SCHEMATA_REPLICAS_BY_FAILOVER_RESERVATION view is scoped to the project of the failover reservation, as opposed to the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SCHEMATA_REPLICAS view that is scoped to the project that contains the dataset.

Required role

To get the permissions that you need to query the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SCHEMATA_REPLICAS_BY_FAILOVER_RESERVATION view, ask your administrator to grant you the BigQuery Resource Viewer (roles/bigquery.resourceViewer) IAM role on the project. For more information about granting roles, see Manage access to projects, folders, and organizations.

You might also be able to get the required permissions through custom roles or other predefined roles.


The INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SCHEMATA_REPLICAS view contains information about dataset replicas. The INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SCHEMATA_REPLICAS view has the following schema:
Column Type Description
failover_reservation_project_id STRING The project ID of the failover reservation admin project if it's associated with the replica.
failover_reservation_name STRING The name of the failover reservation if it's associated with the replica.
catalog_name STRING The project ID of the project that contains the dataset.
schema_name STRING The dataset ID of the dataset.
replica_name STRING The name of the replica.
location STRING The region or multi-region the replica was created in.
replica_primary_assigned BOOL If the value is TRUE, the replica has the primary assignment.
replica_primary_assignment_complete BOOL If the value is TRUE, the primary assignment is complete. If the value is FALSE, the replica is not (yet) the primary replica, even if replica_primary_assigned equals TRUE.
creation_time TIMESTAMP The replica's creation time. When the replica is first created, it is not fully synced with the primary replica until creation_complete equals TRUE. The value of creation_time is set before creation_complete equals TRUE.
creation_complete BOOL If the value is TRUE, the initial full sync of the primary replica to the secondary replica is complete.
replication_time TIMESTAMP

The value for replication_time indicates the staleness of the dataset.

Some tables in the replica might be ahead of this timestamp. This value is only visible in the secondary region.

If the dataset contains a table with streaming data, the value of replication_time will not be accurate.

sync_status JSON The status of the sync between the primary and secondary replica. Returns NULL if the replica is a primary replica.

Scope and syntax

Queries against this view must include a region qualifier. The following table explains the region scope for this view:

View name Resource scope Region scope
Replace the following:

  • Optional: RESERVATION_PROJECT_ID: the ID of the administration project of the reservation. If not specified, the default project is used.

  • REGION: any dataset region name. For example, `region-us`.



Example: List all replicated datasets in a region

The following example lists all the replicated datasets in the US region:

WHERE failover_reservation_name = "failover_reservation";

The result is similar to the following:

| catalog_name | schema_name  | replica_name | location | replica_primary_assigned | replica_primary_assignment_complete |    creation_time    | creation_complete |  replication_time   | failover_reservation_project_id | failover_reservation_name |                                  sync_status                                  |
| project2     | test_dataset | us-east4     | us-east4 |                     true |                                true | 2024-05-09 20:34:06 |              true |                NULL | project1                        | failover_reservation      |                                                                          NULL |
| project2     | test_dataset | us           | US       |                    false |                               false | 2024-05-09 20:34:05 |              true | 2024-05-10 18:31:06 | project1                        | failover_reservation      | {"last_completion_time":"2024-06-06 18:31:06","error_time":null,"error":null} |